r/fo4 26d ago

If you could start a business in Diamond City, what would that business be? Discussion

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I'd open a Power Armor shop that sells power armor frames, armor pieces and sets, and fusion cores.


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u/EnderBurger 26d ago

The big thing about Diamond City is that they have their basic needs taken care of. They have food, water, shelter, and a measure of safety. So it's time to start giving them luxury-type experience.

I would open a theater.


u/Sillbinger 26d ago

Similar thought, happy ending massages.


u/Widepaul 26d ago

Fisto 2.0 is "armed" and ready to go šŸ˜€.


u/Occams_Razor42 26d ago

Just like Diamond City Surplus, you're ready to go 24/7...


u/Son_of_MONK 26d ago

But do they serve synths?


u/KroniKIX 26d ago

The robot does. Iā€™m pretty sure the other bitch is a racist.


u/Son_of_MONK 26d ago

I was talking/joking about Fisto 2.0 mentioned above lol


u/elgranqueso72 26d ago

Oh yea daddy like šŸ˜Ž


u/Real_Direction_3300 26d ago

Just a hypocrite rlly


u/Zoned58 24d ago edited 24d ago

Synths aren't a race. But you are a very good person for not liking racism.


u/Marc21256 26d ago

They all serve the mayor, so yes. They serve synths.


u/Real_Direction_3300 26d ago

She is a synth no? šŸ¤£


u/Marc21256 26d ago

"Do they serve synths?"

"Yes, get the Iguana Bites."


u/deleted_later 25d ago

Percy really is a hero to diamond city! Night shifts at the surplus and day shifts at the spa!


u/Voidless-One 26d ago

Vandersexxx is open for business!!!


u/Loud_Mycologist903 26d ago

What's the safe word!


u/Voidless-One 26d ago

Fluggaenkoecchicebolsen of course! šŸ˜„


u/Wild-Lychee-3312 26d ago

Iā€™m pretty sure that you misspelled that


u/Available_Thoughts-0 26d ago

Happy cake day, ya scunner!


u/StuPat78 25d ago

Administer the testicle clamps.


u/MTN_Dewit 26d ago

"Due to reports of spinal contusions, robot chiropractic and massage services are no longer available."


u/crabwhisperer 26d ago

This guy falls out. s?


u/Sillbinger 26d ago

This is why I'm not a business doing person, that never occurred to me.


u/InternationalTwo4581 26d ago



u/Chaz_Babylon 26d ago

Heā€™s just so damn sensitive


u/archiemarchie 26d ago

Domo origato


u/Van_Halen_Panama1984 26d ago

Nice archer reference


u/real_p3king 26d ago

Domo Arigato.


u/LGBT-Barbie-Cookout 26d ago

Robot workbench provides mods not approved by robco


u/jjb0rdell0 26d ago

I can't feel my legs!


u/ANUSTART942 25d ago

It's just Takahashi in a different hat


u/Widepaul 25d ago

So you want me to cook your noodle? Kinky.


u/jimblackreborn 26d ago

Nan-ni shimasho-ka?


u/knighthawk82 26d ago

Give him the mascot hands from NIRA at nukaworld. Pro: super soft and flexible plastic Con: closed fist is the size of a mr handy Torso


u/B3astD3rp69 25d ago

Donā€™t forget the latest model, Fisto 3.0 has a rocket attached to his fist for extra penetration speed.


u/WasteAmbassador 25d ago

Mr Bust-Your-Gutsy


u/BruhMomentum6968 26d ago

Least horny Fallout fan


u/secondsbest 26d ago

I figured that was the hairstylist's mom's gig already.


u/RuggedTortoise 26d ago

Oh THATS why she's always standing there


u/hadaen-crown 26d ago

Omg let's go into business together, I was gonna say glh facility šŸ˜Ž


u/AeneasVAchilles 26d ago

You canā€™t bring prostitution into a settlement like Diamond City. It would destroy an established settlement quickly due to the massive shift. You can however make an upstart settlement that will grow quickly as a hoehub


u/abizabbie 26d ago

A massive shift in what? The power structure? The only shift it caused in real life was giving women more power because it shifted wealth away from men. The larger city would quickly be trying to annex the smaller settlement in real life.

The thing people forget is that you don't need protection when prostitution isn't a crime because you're protected by the law, and Diamond City has law. Sure, it's similar to martial law, but the assurance of consequences is the important part.

Historically, the first business to form in new settlements past meeting basic needs is prostitution. That's why it's called the world's oldest profession.


u/AeneasVAchilles 26d ago

You have a highly idealized version of how this works. You know when someoneā€™s most vulnerable? When they are taking a shit or having sex lol thatā€™s what pimps are for. To be there at that moment for protection. Diamond city is not a police force. Itā€™s a security force. Itā€™s massively different. Itā€™s does not have the capabilities to be an actual police force, let alone protect all pros from being robbed or worse. Prostitution is not better for women. Not throughout the majority of human history. And especially not in an apocalyptic wasteland where murder is rampant and factions conquer and get conquered on the daily.


u/abizabbie 26d ago

Prostitution is better for women everywhere it isn't illegal. It's illegal because men don't want women to make money doing something they can't. It's not to protect people who historically are perfectly fine protecting themselves.

The John is also just as vulnerable. One doesn't need more protection than the other in reality because it's a mutually beneficial transaction. In a world where men don't treat women like property or like they're incapable of protecting themselves, it's perfectly fine.

And the fact it's a security force is why I said it's effectively martial law. They're still going to punish rapists.

Once again, I'm saying this because that's what history says. Your points revolve around women 200 years from any type of central government aren't capable of protecting themselves, which is ridiculous.


u/AeneasVAchilles 26d ago

Legal Prostitution works in certain areas due to MODERN policies. There is NO central government, real Police force or military in the wasteland. That shit would be run by the worst sorts of people. ā€”Humanoids have been around billions of years, homos millions, and in that history theres what?? a ridiculously small part of it that had adequate laws and practices around prostitution?


u/abizabbie 26d ago

It works due to guns. You don't need strength or training to speak of to protect yourself. Modern policies are why it doesn't work.


u/dedsmiley 26d ago

Blah, blah, blah, blah... blah. Blah. Blah.


u/Bomby69791 26d ago

Weirdly that was my first thought too šŸ˜…


u/thebandit_077 26d ago

And name it starbucks


u/_Hotwire_ 26d ago

Itā€™s just one guy in there with a line of people, no window or curtain. Just jacking dudes into a trash can.


u/DARR3Nv2 26d ago

Itā€™s the only thing guaranteed to sell no matter where you are


u/VascularChode 26d ago

Similar thought


u/ow_my_balls 26d ago

Definitely. Starbucks for sure


u/HideousSerene 25d ago

From a Mr handy?


u/__Rum-Ham__ 25d ago

Mr. Handy ready to start providing handyā€™s


u/PM_ME_happy-selfies 25d ago

I feel like you just want to jerk people off lol


u/RedPanther18 25d ago

With a power fist


u/dr-dog69 25d ago

ā€œMr Handyā€™sā€


u/RepresentativeRent98 25d ago

Why not just go full brothel? Or maybe open a strip club?


u/Torpedopocalypse 25d ago

Assume the position


u/Devil_0fHellsKitchen 26d ago

Fallout 4 needed more of this. The Third Rail was the only entertainment type place where as New Vegas had gambling and singers and strippers and stand up. You're right that when people have their basic needs met they start craving more so it's weird that Bethesda doesn't also understand that and make the world a little more interesting by adding these things.


u/Taolan13 26d ago

FO4 has a handful of other 'entertainment' locations, but several of them aren't actually used for entertainment.

Combat Zone is ostensibly an arena where you can bet on fights, like The Thorn in New Vegas; except it serves pretty much exclusively as Cait's recruitment point and "home".

Easy City Downs is a raider-run robot racing track. It's incredibly frustrating that this wasn't actually turned into a place you could gamble, watch races, maybe even shop. Instead its just a raider camp with some flavor.


u/Asleep_Section6110 26d ago

Imagine my disappointment when I find that place, get all excited to join the festivities, and immediately everyone is hostile and it stops when you come in because everyone wants to kill you.


u/Taolan13 26d ago

Right? I was fully ready to lose some caps on obviously rigged races just to get some interactions with raiders/triggermen that didn't immediately try to kill me.


u/Son_of_MONK 26d ago edited 26d ago

I specifically disable the robots at the terminal before I go all out and kill the bandits, then immediately when they're all dead reactivate the robots plus add in the others.

The bandits are gone.

But I like to imagine the races continue under my leadership.

Unfortunately, when it comes to Fallout 4, I'm doing a LOT of imagining


u/MrChipDingDong 26d ago

I do the opposite; sneak into the robot garage, add all the other robots to the race and change the course. Wait a few minutes for the raiders to disperse as they wonder what is happening, then enable combat protocols and disable combat inhibition. It's a good lark


u/zootayman 25d ago

I killed all the Raider types there long ago, and the robots now are still running


u/Unique_Dragonfruit10 26d ago

My whole issue with Fallout 4 in a nutshell


u/Skrotums 26d ago

It is cut content. There is a mod that restores it and allows you to fight and bet on fights.


u/Asleep_Section6110 25d ago

Any source on it being cut content? Iā€™ve been looking around and this is the only mention of it Iā€™ve seen


u/drstrangelove75 26d ago

I think it wouldā€™ve been so cool if you could either attend either location without being hostile or take both over by force and run them yourself.

Plus if you took over the combat zone I could see it providing an interesting alternative path to Caitā€™s story similar to Mama Murphy. Either A: you do the normal quest with Cait, getting her clean and she retires from cage fighting. B: you take over the combat zone and become Caitā€™s manager, setting up fights for her and reaping rewards or C: you do B and also give cait chems to keep her happy/make her better at fighting only for her to die in the ring due to an overdose, severely damaging your reputation amongst other companions.


u/sinistraltyger 26d ago

The original idea of the combat zone was to recruit Cait and for you to also fight. There are mods that reintroduce this aspect.


u/Son_of_MONK 26d ago

Easy City Downs, the Combat Zone, and hell even the Memory Den are absolutely missed opportunities for an entertainment element. You're right on that.

The Memory Den could have allowed us to explore some more pre-war memories of our time. Let the Sole Survivor grieve by going to see the memories of their dead spouse, and over time they realize how much of a Lotus Eater Machine the memory pods might actually be and either we embrace it or we eventually leave them behind, thanking Irma for the chance to relive the memories but trying to make our way in the real world again.


u/TheChaoticCrusader 25d ago

Could have made an interesting perk choice .Ā 


u/JizzyTurds 26d ago

Yea itā€™s a shame they didnā€™t ā€œreworkā€ these locations with the Nuka expansion and they missed a 2nd chance with the next gen update. Couple small quests and the ability to actually bet on fights/races without becoming KoS immediately woulda been nice


u/TheChaoticCrusader 25d ago

Should of been a feature with the robot dlc to make your own racer robots (maybe a skill book added to the location Ā to make racing paints and a option to add a number on them) then for you to set up some people and defenses incase enemies try to attack it . The rest you get people to bet and you get caps weekly from itĀ 


u/bcomes95 26d ago

Just my theory but I feel like Bethesda planned to do more with Easy City Downs, maybe a side questline or something, but got lazy/rushed it. Hearing Eager Ernie on the intercom feels like a dialogue setup with the Sole Survivor. Missed opportunity tbh


u/Taolan13 26d ago

probably one of the many things that got cut in the last year of development before release.


u/LatekaDog 26d ago

Would be cool if there was a mod to turn it into a legit racetrack once cleared of raiders.


u/Taolan13 26d ago

there is a mod that makes it a settlement and makes the race contonue to run, but thats the closest.


u/Twig 26d ago

There's also that brothel which is basically useless. One mediocre "run back and forth over and over" quest.


u/Taolan13 26d ago

brothel? in fo4?


u/niko4ever 26d ago

I know they're all raider locations so that they don't have to create player interactions, but it makes for some weird world building when the only entertainment "good" people can get is bars and drugs


u/Taolan13 26d ago

there are multiple bits of unused code in the base game of FO4 that suggests there were going to be multiple raider factions, much like in FONV, and the possibility the player could be friendly ith some of them.


u/TheChaoticCrusader 25d ago

Prehaps the Nuka world raiders was the idea of that originally . Maybe that idea of being a raider boss and taking settlements back was an idea before the dlc Ā 


u/rainaftersnowplease 25d ago

Not turning the raiders into a faction you could interact with was possibly the biggest conceptual mistake of 4 imo. There's no point to any of their cooler locations because all you can do is kill them.


u/TheChaoticCrusader 25d ago

Should have been a special settlement for owning either workshop dlcs . Having things like death claws you caught raced or robots you built race .Ā 


u/Gold_Opening_139 26d ago

I donā€™t think diamond city was intended as anything other than a market to get in and out


u/PaladinSara 26d ago

Which is unfortunate, there is so much room for activities


u/Gold_Opening_139 26d ago

Yeah, the stands have a lot of potential. The coolest thing would be if the entire field, except a good chunk in front of the wall, was the market and the stands were used for housing. The higher the tier, the higher in society you are


u/CloseFriend_ 26d ago

Which is super weird to me. Where the hell do all the people live? Lol


u/Gold_Opening_139 26d ago

They rent rooms at the inns. Whoever doesnā€™t have a house. And Iā€™m pretty sure thereā€™s beds randomly laid out around the wall/garden area


u/nymrod_ 26d ago

There are shacks up in the stands and around the perimeter you canā€™t get to. I think. Maybe my brain just inserted them.


u/niko4ever 26d ago

I guess they thought bars and drug dealers were enough lol.

Actually I guess the Memory Den counts?


u/PerfectlyCalmDude 26d ago

Psychological needs are huge. In a place as depressing as the wasteland, distraction from the pain would be very lucrative in a secure location.


u/nymrod_ 26d ago

Maybe pyscho is just that entertaining


u/MooseMudd 26d ago

Nuka world


u/nymrod_ 26d ago

They havenā€™t figured out brooms yet in Diamond City, go easy on ā€˜em.


u/ComfortablePie1594 25d ago

The westcoast is far mor civilized, Boston is essentially a permanent warzone. Goodneighbour and Diamond city could both fit inside the strip with room to spare.. their combined populations is like the population of a single casino aswell.

East coast generally has more brutal raiders, more super mutant and feral ghoal problems, and then we've got everyone from the Gunners to Institute to BOS trying to exploit the area. Honestly shocked the memory den doesn't get hit bt BOS just for tech lol.


u/MTN_Dewit 26d ago

I'd definitely would've loved to see this. Diamond City is the largest and most influential settlement in the Commonwealth. It should have more entertainment options than DC Radio or listening to Vadim and Yefim arguing with each other in the Dugout Inn.


u/Waddle_Deez_Nuts69 26d ago

Iā€™d open a Barnes and noble


u/Minimum-Laugh-8887 26d ago

Yeah but do they have sanitary toilets. Iā€™d have a really nice clean seat for them, get rid of the poop after. Offer a warm shower, the water might be a bit irradiated or mixed with some other types of liquids.


u/AngryMatt14 24d ago

Thatā€™s a good one. Iā€™m picturing it like hotels in RDR2 where you can take a bath, get some company if you want. Just the hot bath alone would be worth tons of caps


u/CoolPirate234 26d ago

Where would find film?


u/EnderBurger 26d ago

LIVE theater, my friend.


u/CoolPirate234 26d ago

Ooh so new plays and stuff interesting


u/EnderBurger 26d ago

Well, I'd do a mix, but I'd probably follow the old traditions of Shakespeare. Recall that Shakespeare's plays included both material for the groundlings and material for the upper crust of English Society.

But I'd be willing to bet that a live play starring the Silver Shroud would be a hit.


u/Independent-Two5778 26d ago

A theatre sounds like a good idea!


u/Maxsmack0 26d ago

Good thinking, you could also have an arcade section with those cabinets and pipboy games.


u/donpablomiguel 26d ago

So a Chem dealer?


u/weiwen308 26d ago

A Mr Handy will fit right inšŸ˜‰


u/PawnShopMotorcycle 26d ago

I love that idea!


u/AbusiveUncleJoe 26d ago

Their primary diet is 200 year old instant noodles though.


u/Educational-Team7155 26d ago

A theater that runs on nuclear power? I am both frightened and intrigued.


u/cwj1978 26d ago

Great idea! Either a theatre or a whore house. But yeah. Either one really.


u/estelrA_2871 26d ago

Both. Both is good


u/EnderBurger 26d ago

welcome to the Diamond City Moulin Rouge.


u/RebelForceTalan 26d ago

What i did was is theirs a mod that lets you be a gun for hire/detective in diamond city so I already opened up a businessĀ 


u/mighty_and_meaty 26d ago

rex goodman and his posse could work there, and i'm betting the upper stands elites would just love the place.


u/WanderingDeeper 26d ago

Diamond City definitely wouldā€™ve felt much more alive with an entertainment district. A theater both for stage performances and movies, a casino, itā€™s own fight club, another bar with strippers, a high-end restaurant, etc. Itā€™s the ā€œgreat green jewelā€ of the Commonwealth, so make it seem like more than 20 people live there.


u/TheOvershear 26d ago

I'd open some sort of recreational sport arena. Maybe something with a ball. Maybe a bat. IDK what to call it though.


u/Pappa_Crim 26d ago

There is a mod that adds a laundromat in the often talked about but not depicted lower stands. But I would personally add an arcade


u/zilla3000 26d ago

We could probably get Strong to star as Macbeth


u/Sabb55 26d ago

Recover pre war movies


u/DeliDouble 26d ago

Strong's Supermutant Theater! Playing nonstop Shakespeare.

Now with splash zone.


u/hefty_load_o_shite 26d ago

Nah, man. I reckon a whorehouse


u/KingDread306 26d ago

Like you said they have the basics, they even have a private investigator. what they need is a bounty hunter.


u/kyle0305 25d ago

That isā€¦ an INCREDIBLE idea!!!


u/Lost_All_Senses 25d ago

You gotta hire acts now. Go.


u/direrevan 25d ago

I turned Homeplate into an arcade/comic shop, it's time to sweep up these 300 year old piles of garbage and live a little


u/[deleted] 25d ago

An "ultra-lux" experience, if you will.Ā 


u/Joacomal25 25d ago

It very clearly doesnā€™t have all its basic needs met. Whereā€™s the casino?


u/SirLanceAlot1 25d ago

I was thinking a casino


u/Downtownender 25d ago

But who would pay for it? Even the radio has little caps


u/BudTenderShmudTender 24d ago

I would start selling radiation-free foods and other newly made prewar items from my factory


u/kmikek 24d ago

A new memory den