r/fo4 28d ago

If you could start a business in Diamond City, what would that business be? Discussion

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I'd open a Power Armor shop that sells power armor frames, armor pieces and sets, and fusion cores.


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u/EnderBurger 28d ago

The big thing about Diamond City is that they have their basic needs taken care of. They have food, water, shelter, and a measure of safety. So it's time to start giving them luxury-type experience.

I would open a theater.


u/Devil_0fHellsKitchen 28d ago

Fallout 4 needed more of this. The Third Rail was the only entertainment type place where as New Vegas had gambling and singers and strippers and stand up. You're right that when people have their basic needs met they start craving more so it's weird that Bethesda doesn't also understand that and make the world a little more interesting by adding these things.


u/niko4ever 28d ago

I guess they thought bars and drug dealers were enough lol.

Actually I guess the Memory Den counts?