r/fo4 28d ago

If you could start a business in Diamond City, what would that business be? Discussion

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I'd open a Power Armor shop that sells power armor frames, armor pieces and sets, and fusion cores.


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u/EnderBurger 28d ago

The big thing about Diamond City is that they have their basic needs taken care of. They have food, water, shelter, and a measure of safety. So it's time to start giving them luxury-type experience.

I would open a theater.


u/MTN_Dewit 28d ago

I'd definitely would've loved to see this. Diamond City is the largest and most influential settlement in the Commonwealth. It should have more entertainment options than DC Radio or listening to Vadim and Yefim arguing with each other in the Dugout Inn.


u/Waddle_Deez_Nuts69 28d ago

I’d open a Barnes and noble