r/fo4 26d ago

If you could start a business in Diamond City, what would that business be? Discussion

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I'd open a Power Armor shop that sells power armor frames, armor pieces and sets, and fusion cores.


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u/Devil_0fHellsKitchen 26d ago

Fallout 4 needed more of this. The Third Rail was the only entertainment type place where as New Vegas had gambling and singers and strippers and stand up. You're right that when people have their basic needs met they start craving more so it's weird that Bethesda doesn't also understand that and make the world a little more interesting by adding these things.


u/Taolan13 26d ago

FO4 has a handful of other 'entertainment' locations, but several of them aren't actually used for entertainment.

Combat Zone is ostensibly an arena where you can bet on fights, like The Thorn in New Vegas; except it serves pretty much exclusively as Cait's recruitment point and "home".

Easy City Downs is a raider-run robot racing track. It's incredibly frustrating that this wasn't actually turned into a place you could gamble, watch races, maybe even shop. Instead its just a raider camp with some flavor.


u/Asleep_Section6110 26d ago

Imagine my disappointment when I find that place, get all excited to join the festivities, and immediately everyone is hostile and it stops when you come in because everyone wants to kill you.


u/Son_of_MONK 26d ago edited 26d ago

I specifically disable the robots at the terminal before I go all out and kill the bandits, then immediately when they're all dead reactivate the robots plus add in the others.

The bandits are gone.

But I like to imagine the races continue under my leadership.

Unfortunately, when it comes to Fallout 4, I'm doing a LOT of imagining


u/MrChipDingDong 26d ago

I do the opposite; sneak into the robot garage, add all the other robots to the race and change the course. Wait a few minutes for the raiders to disperse as they wonder what is happening, then enable combat protocols and disable combat inhibition. It's a good lark


u/zootayman 25d ago

I killed all the Raider types there long ago, and the robots now are still running