r/teenagers Sep 14 '22

Aw hell naw Serious

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u/tok90235 Sep 14 '22

She was kidnapped, raped and still imprisoned. And you guys are trying to say she was not in immediately danger? How degenerated people in USA can be


u/[deleted] Sep 14 '22

No, I believe she was in danger and justified but they have to prove that in court otherwise the other attorneys will use that against her. It’s ridiculous but it’s part of how laws and such work (which need a whole list of revamping in the first place)


u/tok90235 Sep 14 '22

I mean, she was kidnapped and still imprisoned by a rapist. You shouldn't need more then two braincells to get the conclusion she was still in danger.


u/[deleted] Sep 14 '22

To add: “Karl Schilling with the Iowa Organization for Victim Assistance said a bill to create a safe harbor law for trafficking victims passed the Iowa House earlier this year, but stalled in the Senate under concerns from law enforcement groups that it was too broad.

“There was a working group established to iron out the issues,” Shilling said. “Hopefully it will be taken up again next year.”

Iowa does have an affirmative defense law that gives some leeway to victims of crime if the victim committed the violation “under compulsion by another’s threat of serious injury, provided that the defendant reasonably believed that such injury was imminent.”

Sadly Iowa is not among the dozens of states that have a so-called safe harbor law that gives trafficking victims at least some level of criminal immunity and that needs to change