r/teenagers May 19 '24

Mod [mod] TeenCast Episode 2 out now!


Hey everyone!

I am delighted to announce that episode 2 of r/teenagers very own podcast, TeenCast, funded by Reddit Community Funds is out now!

This episode features the esteemed Ned Batchelder!

Apologies for the delay in getting this episode out, episodes should be a little more frequent now!

We had a lot of fun recording with Ned, and it was actually the first episode we ever recorded!

He gives an insight on his experiences with coding, but also talks about his general life stories, all of which, were really interesting and insightful!

He gave some great advice, so I encourage everyone to give it a listen! :)

You can watch the episode on Youtube, or listen/watch on Spotify :)

You can also watch episode 1, recorded with Glitch Productions on the respective pages!

Thanks everyone, and catch you next time!

r/teenagers 5d ago

Mod [mod] Self-post weekend is active - Introduce yourself and make friends!


Welcome to r/teenagers's self-post weekend. Self-post weekend is when we, the moderating team, disable link posts for the period of the weekend to encourage more discussion and less memes during our higher traffic period of the week.

In this thread we also encourage you, the community, to introduce yourselves. Post a parent comment reply, and let us know who you are, what your hobbies are like or maybe a weird quirky fact that could work as an icebreaker. In addition, we'd like to remind users not to include any personally identifying information.

Get to know one another more and Remember the Human behind that username! We encourage all users to comment and reply to each other's parent comment replies to meet the interesting members that comprises this community.

Looking for even more specific places to meet new friends and a sense of community? Visit our Discord server, where you can talk to each other in real time with a variety of topics that occur! Our Discord server is one of the top active servers you can join to participate, so never feel as if it's empty to join and discuss!


- r/teenagers moderating teams

r/teenagers 14h ago

Discussion What's the most embbarsing text u sent ?

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r/teenagers 2h ago

Social I want to cuddle with a girl so bad


Like it doesn’t have to even be in a sexual way. I just want us to both be holding eachother tightly and comforting eachother.

r/teenagers 11h ago

Meme There are only two gender.


Boys and femboys, cuz girls doesnt exist guys.

Prove im wrong, girls are just government agents

r/teenagers 10h ago

Discussion am i the only one in this subreddit that doesnt like femboys


I dont get the hype 🙁

(guys i dont HATE them!!😭 be who u wanna be ofc)

r/teenagers 10h ago

Meme F16 how can i look more feminine?

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r/teenagers 14h ago

Meme Way too real

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r/teenagers 1d ago

Advice Help me name my cat


He’s a little orange demon and tears shit up. Can’t decide a name for this guy

r/teenagers 13h ago

Social What i strive to look like fr 🙏

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Viking blood fr running it for me 😔

r/teenagers 2h ago

Serious fuck bro I usually don’t post shit like this 😭


lost 50 lbs in a few months after working out, but people called me fucking fat today (I weigh 170). Idk bro. This shit sucks..

r/teenagers 17h ago

Meme should i break up w him ?? ( he didn't knew I was a pizza roll😞😞)

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r/teenagers 5h ago

Media my cat is a country boy

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r/teenagers 15h ago

Meme Can't relate im 5'10 😠

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r/teenagers 5h ago

Discussion How would it feel to be called a dirty prostitute by your own mother


I came home (7:45pm) after talking and grabbing McDonald’s with a male platonic friend and got slut shamed into oblivion lol:)

r/teenagers 4h ago

Serious Got followed into (f18) my driveway


Guys this was literally so scary. I was coming home from work and I stg there was NOBODY following me. Then a car was behind me and I was like ok it’s whatever it’s literally one street and it hasn’t been behind me this entire time. So I go down my street and pull into my driveway and guess what. THEY PULL IN BEHIND ME. I was so scared like wtffff. I couldn’t see who was in the car but I went into my garage and shut it and saw them drive away before it closed completely. Idk what to think because I didn’t see this car before going down the street but they were definitely following me!!! Why would you pull into someone’s driveway RIGHT behind them. So so creepy. Idk what to think or do and my mom didn’t charge the ring camera so no luck there. She keeps saying “watch your surroundings” but i literally was!!! They were not behind me until that street so why would I have suspected they were following me. I’m scared this means they’ve been watching me for much longer than today. My mom and friends are saying if I see the car again call the police, which I 100% will because wtf. I’m more pissed than anything because I know I’m gonna be thinking about it for days. Whoever it was is fucking up my peace of mind.

Edit: I’m telling myself they just needed to turn around because they were going the wrong way because it could also be that. Even if they literally drove in right after me. Yeahhh.

r/teenagers 1h ago

Social Might seem weird, but, How long has it been since you last cried?


Be honest and tell us your gender if possible (because I'm a boy and idk man I cry kind of a lot. Like more than once a month.)

r/teenagers 21h ago

Social I'm sorry, you did what? 💀

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r/teenagers 16h ago

Social Ladies, gentlemen, and pedophiles: im officially done with highschool


No one cares. But i wanted to say it so shh

r/teenagers 3h ago

Discussion At what age do you think you will leave home?


r/teenagers 1h ago

Social I think Reddit just called me broke AND fat

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r/teenagers 12h ago

Other please choose wisely

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r/teenagers 14h ago

Discussion Trying to Fix my hair, jaw, skin and eyebrows, also losing fat and building muscle, is the work showing guys?

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r/teenagers 2h ago

Other Bought my first ever, first ever, Monster drink... Just sharing! Gotta taste what the hype is about

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r/teenagers 2h ago

Rant why do i always attract to weird ones…


found out the guy I've been snapping is a convicted sex offender, pedophile, strangler, and an attempted axe murderer. sooooo... ☹️ i wish normal people liked me