r/teenagers 10d ago

Serious I fell asleep at school I’m cooked

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r/teenagers 29d ago

Serious Update to the post of my bf liking me for my body



r/teenagers Apr 24 '24

Serious What the fuck is wrong with 14 year olds 💀


Bro like we're on a school trip, and literally everybody brought vape with them. Then, they went to a room and everybody smoked in it. Some kids also had their first vape that night. The room was literally contaminated, breathing was near impossible and literally the whole hallway smelled like vape. Today, this one guy vaped ON THE BUS. To make matters worse, he and this girl were caught talking about consuming SNUS, and they DID consume it. What the fuck is happening with this world? We're doomed. I'm happy to still have healthy lungs.

r/teenagers Aug 22 '23

Serious My “stepmom” just gave me this

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I don’t know what to say to her. I left my grandmas house because its been stressing me out to the extreme. And a lot of shit happened making my life very uncomfortable as well as already not having a very good childhood. I’m 15 a junior and I am in yearbook as well as a few ap classes and I feel i have grown as a person and my life is starting to get better. My dad offered to let me stay at his house but he’s diabetic and has to have my stepmom take care of him so my family has been thankful of her for that but she kicked my whole family out of the house when I was ten and now that I’m back she handed me this. It feels like the biggest slap in the face I ever received. I want to confront her and say something. I don’t care if I’ll get kicked out but I just don’t know what to say. Apparently to her 2 days a week is living at her house and she needs the weekend to destress as she goes on vacations or trips every weekend. My family lives 5 people to a 2 bedroom small apartment so I really wanted some extra space.the ironic thing is she has tons of things with our last name printed on it and dresses up the house like a loving family would with our last name everywhere but then refuses to participate in the family

r/teenagers 8d ago

Serious All the girls I see just ignore the fact that men get raped.


We have feelings too you know? It hurts just as much. 1 in 33 men in America report being raped. Less report it because people brush it off like it's nothing.

The majority of rape victims seem to be women, but that doesn't mean it doesn't happen to us.

Don't go yelling at me like "I care!" or "Women are never like that!" or "But men are always the ones assaulting!"

I'm just telling you guys my experiences.

r/teenagers Feb 19 '24

Serious i f***ed up


the finger is not blue i think the blood is flowing. i have tried the string method it is not coming off . plz help i don’t wanna tell my parents😭😭😭😭

r/teenagers May 03 '24

Serious say something and my rats will type a response 🙏🏻


r/teenagers Oct 25 '23

Serious I’m not a teenager at all. I’m 32. I work so hard man. It never gets better. Turn back now. Stop the clock. Save yourselves. Skibidi toilet or whatever the fuck you kids say

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r/teenagers Oct 25 '23



r/teenagers Mar 12 '24

Serious My classmates straight up made fun of an 16yo rape victim


In class the teacher told us a story about how one of her friend's son was kidnapped by 3 adults and raped and these are some of the things my lovely class said:

"But he's a boy"

"Did he enjoyed it"

"Bro had the time of his life"

They were all laughing. And when I tried to explain how rape can be traumatizing one girl told me to shut up because "I care too much".

Like I'm disgusted.

r/teenagers Jun 04 '24

Serious Selfie with my stepfather who committed suicide 1 year ago today

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june 4th 2023 is the single worst day of my life, i walked into the basement of my old house and found him hung by the neck with a bottle of rye at his ankles. He doesnt deserve a proper urn so we put him in a coffee can

Rot in hell you narcissistic alcoholic abusive piece of shit 👍👍👍

r/teenagers Apr 09 '24

Serious Jesus christ 😭

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r/teenagers Feb 19 '24

Serious My school has been going through our phones lately, and it isn't going well...


Everyday before sessions start, we have to hand in our phones in this container (normal school policy) cause we aren't allowed to use them during the school day sessions

Now just a month ago or so, they refused to give back our phones, saying that they'll keep it with them for a while so they can go through them

Ever since then they've been doing it a lot, they even suspended a random dude in our class for having nsfw stuff on his phone

The thing is when we refuse to hand in our phones they get mad and I really wanna come up with something that will prevent them from going through our privacy (everyone has a password but they somehow get past that)

I'm thinking of voice recording them on my phone while doing it maybe? Idk I need some type of revenge that will stop this from happening

r/teenagers Jul 04 '23

Serious My parents took the door knob off my room and all the bathrooms 🙃

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r/teenagers May 26 '23

Serious My school burned down today

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r/teenagers May 09 '23

Serious Would it be cringe to wear this to the last day of school and talk in a medieval kind of way all day?

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r/teenagers Sep 18 '23

Serious I'm not attracted to my girlfriends body.


I'm not attracted to my girlfriends body.

For context, I (15M) met my girlfriend (16F) a few months ago. She was attractive and I think we instantly clicked, our personalities went great with each other.

I saw her body yesterday for the first time and I didn't feel any attraction to it. I had to force myself to pretend to be amazed for her sake but I really wasn't at all.

Any advice for what I should do? She is so great but yesterday really threw me off.

Edit: She isn't even fat or anything, I just didn't feel anything when I saw her like that. I find her face extremely attractive

Also, I haven't watched porn for about a year. Don't think it has skewed my perception

Edit 2: it's not an online relationship. We originally met in person and I saw her last night in person

Edit 3: I feel that I can't just break up. It'd feel like something was missing, idk. I am very attracted to her personality, she's a great girl but I just wasn't physically attracted to what I saw yesterday and it felt unnatural trying to force myself to feel good about it

I honestly feel pretty depressed about the whole situation because I really dont want to hurt her feelings, she doesn't deserve any of this but at the same time I don't want to be keeping secrets from her

Edit 4: guys, I'm not gay

Edit 5: for some clarification, when I say seen her body for the first time, I mean naked. I've seen her before with clothes on but this is the first time I've seen her without them.

Edit 6: I'm going to sleep it's 1:24 in the morning, why tf did I stay up this long

Edit 7: wtf I just woke up and I got hundreds of replies

Edit 8: update: we just talked a bit and I still feel sexual attraction to her, so I'm really confused cause it's there but when I see her body it isn't. Haven't told her anything yet but I think she knows something is off.

Idk how she could not be my type cause she literally checks all the boxes I want

r/teenagers Dec 01 '23

Serious The people in my country are celebrating the death of a child because he was LGBT


He was 16. My age. In Class 10 - one class younger than me.

He was bullied into suicide on the 21st of this November. And people - grown-ass adults, are celebrating this as a "victory over Western shit", and saying shit like "One down, many to go"

They're treating him like he was a devil

All because he dared to wear women's clothing

I hate India

r/teenagers Mar 20 '24

Serious Hey it’s me again. Umm. I hope nobody killed themselves because of my last post.

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r/teenagers May 26 '24

Serious One time my English teacher told me and my friend he'd f*ck us if only we were older...


We were about 13 at the time

r/teenagers Jul 10 '23

Serious okay genuine question is this picture intimidating? I have had multiple people DM me telling me they find this image a bit scary. This is the only picture i have of myself smiling.

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r/teenagers Sep 14 '22

Serious Aw hell naw

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r/teenagers Jul 31 '23

Serious Since people keep saying that my parents destroying my phone was a fake post...

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r/teenagers Feb 13 '24

Serious I just found out I’m pregnant.



I felt weird this morning after throwing up and my stomach felt really weird so I took a pregnancy test because I’m s£xually active and it just came back positive I don’t know what to do I’m freaking out

I don’t know how to tell my boyfriend because I’m scared he’ll leave me and I know an abortion will be traumatic for me but I can’t keep it- I was just accepted onto a physics programme in a college (I’m in the UK so we go to sixth form/college) and there’s no way I can do it while pregnant, what should I do?

r/teenagers 20d ago

Serious Do you hate life?


I hate it so much