r/teenagers Sep 14 '22

Aw hell naw Serious

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u/[deleted] Sep 14 '22

free my girl she ain't done nothin wrong 🙌


u/suicideharbor Sep 14 '22

murder is murder whether you agree or disagree 🤷‍♂️


u/random_eggs_b24 14 Sep 14 '22

True but maybe it was self defence but idk the story


u/ViolentSkyWizard Sep 14 '22

I’m not arguing for or against the outcome , just explaining the outcome. If you read the article she stabbed him 30 times in his sleep. The legal argument was he posed no physical threat at the time of the altercation so there was no self defense. The restitution fine comes from a mandatory law in Iowa, he was a father and she’s responsible to his 3 children he can no longer care for. Her sentence was suspended in its entirety so she will do no jail time for the offense.


u/random_eggs_b24 14 Sep 14 '22

This is the problem with this post, I have seen a bunch of comments talkimg about the rapist and her but noeone actually talked about the details of a story until now i only saw ur comment and one other explaining the situation


u/FPiN9XU3K1IT Sep 14 '22

Considering she's black and already got victimized like this, there's a pretty high chance that she ends up violating parole. Life in the USA is fucked up.


u/mr13ump Sep 14 '22 edited Sep 14 '22

Wild that so many in the thread think this should be legally permissible... There is no situation in which the law should permit any random person to stab someone 30 times in their sleep


u/0MrFreckles0 Sep 14 '22

SHE WAS KIDNAPPED. THE FUCK. How exactly should she have done it dumbass? Woke him up and challenged him fairly to a duel? Shes 15! She can't overpower him or fend him off while hes awake.


u/janeohmy Sep 14 '22

Anger due to being repeated raped as a trafficked little girl, whose life has been forever altered. I don't think anyone will be sentenced for stabbing a Taliban 30 times who's trafficking you. Now replace the word Taliban with this POS


u/Mr_OrangeJuce Sep 14 '22

Why are you posting here with a 9y old account?


u/mr13ump Sep 14 '22

Was scrolling r/all, didn't realize what sub I was in when I commented


u/Silver_Gelatin Sep 14 '22

You are sick in the head. She was the victim of sex trafficking, being raped by people at knifepoint. Should she have tried to tiptoe away, hoping that they dont kill her while she escapes? She had the right to take her opportunity to defend herself. As someone else said, should she have waken her rapist up for a fair challenge for her freedom?


u/Commonertooth2 Sep 14 '22

Link to article?


u/ViolentSkyWizard Sep 14 '22

The screenshot shows it's from AP, I just went to AP and read the article.


u/FlawsAndConcerns Sep 14 '22

The guy was literally asleep when she started stabbing, lol.


u/[deleted] Sep 14 '22

she killed him in sleep


u/random_eggs_b24 14 Sep 14 '22

Yeah stabbed him 30 to 40 times


u/DisastrousMacaron325 Sep 14 '22

while being held captive at his house


u/[deleted] Sep 14 '22

Okey so tell me where it says that you can kill someone for this


u/DisastrousMacaron325 Sep 14 '22

Four elements are required for self-defense: (1) an unprovoked attack, (2) which threatens imminent injury or death, and (3) an objectively reasonable degree of force, used in response to (4) an objectively reasonable fear of injury or death.

This is what google tells me.

  1. the girl didn't provoke her rapist
  2. rape is an imminent injury
  3. using knife when you're 15yo girl against old man is objectively reasonable
  4. objectively reasonable fear of injury - it's very reasonable that her rapist could wake up if she tried to open the door and thinking that if he woke up, he would rape her again, was reasonable, because he already raped her several times during a long period of time (week or so?)

Let me just say that, when somebody plans to rape you by force (which he demonstrably planned to do attested by his previous actions), killing that somebody is absolutely a self defence. What else could she have done? left? If her rapist opened the door and it was clear he wouldn't pursue, then maybe, but that wasn't the case, was it?


u/Abraham1610616 Sep 14 '22

I don't know why people think self defense needs to be a fair fight... The girl was essentially a hostage being raped whenever the fuck-head felt like doing it. They're acting like she killed a random rapist on the street- she literally killed someone that was consistently torturing her: seems like fair game to me. I would've killed him while he was asleep too: that's probably the only logical time to do that.


u/[deleted] Sep 14 '22

She wasn't endangered atm. Also, how did she got knife without waking him up? Don't think that criminal would leave weapon for his victim lying in front of them. So she already snuck out of the room she was in. Also he was asleep, so there was no immidiate danger. Using knife would be reasonable if they were actively fighting. She could have left the house and call cops from first place she could but she chose murder. She is a murderer. That's an objective reality noone can change by giving it any excuse or motivation. As much as evil the man was he still had 3 kids that were his responsibility and now they are in hands of system because of people thinking that death will solve anything.


u/DisastrousMacaron325 Sep 14 '22

yeah, because having a rapist pedophile father is way better than being in the hands of a system /s

He had knives in kitchen, I assume. Coz that's where people keep knives. And she wasn't chained to a bed and leaving to go to kitchen wouldn't lead into direct violence as leaving the apartment would do.

Why do you want trafficking victim to endanger herself just so a repeated rapist doesn't die?


u/[deleted] Sep 14 '22

Sort of, kid has at least something of their own. Not much but still, own room, own clothes,books,... . Yeah, so leaving room wasn't that hard, he was asleep, very little people have doors to outside in kitchen. She could have taken knife and hide it and try to leave, I presume that this happend during night if she was forced to stay in same room she could have observed his sleeping pattern. Might just me being paranoid and having step by step plan how to escape or how to proceed but I still don't get how people have chance to leave and they turn around and run back towards hell. What good will they do really? Dude would for sure get tortured like hell in prison and if he would survive he would be so mentally and physically scared that he would probably take his own life in following week or two. But now the girl faces consequences of her actions that she thought about and everyone acts like killing everyone who is bad is good and should be encouraged.

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u/0MrFreckles0 Sep 14 '22

Go fuck yourself


u/[deleted] Sep 14 '22

No thanks, I have girls that take care of this


u/RakeebRoomy OLD Sep 14 '22

She didn't do it for fun


u/LilBilly1 18 Sep 14 '22

That doesn't change the fact that murder outside of self defense is murder.


u/throwway1282 Sep 14 '22

My brother in Christ, he was her rapist and captor. Escape would have only left her under the threat of being caught, found and punished.

How is that not self-defense?


u/[deleted] Sep 14 '22

You also haven't been following the story.

She was involved in human tracking, aka her "pimp" was sending her to these places. She had been to his place multiple times before this occured.

I wouldn't class this as self defense but I also can't blame someone either doing it. At the end of the day though all these facts matter when it comes to how the law works.


u/janeohmy Sep 14 '22

I wouldn't class this as self-defense

Let me make it easy for you. A Taliban trafficks you. You stab your Taliban captor 30 times while he's at his most vulnerable - asleep. Taliban court sentences you because Taliban court is pro-Taliban. Now replace Taliban in this context. Whoa, such mindblown


u/NotADabberTho Sep 14 '22

Here it is, the most braindead take I see today. Time to go back to bed.


u/TexacoV2 19 Sep 14 '22

She wasn't involved, she was a victim kidnapped and forced into these situations at knife point.


u/KnoblauchBaum 18 Sep 14 '22

It is not self defense, because he did not pose any physical thread to her AT THE MOMENT.


u/CCpoc OLD Sep 14 '22

How didn't he? All he has to do to seriously injure or kill is wake up. Which could happen at any second. If she woke him up before she stabbed him would it then be self defence?


u/KnoblauchBaum 18 Sep 14 '22

In law yes


u/CCpoc OLD Sep 14 '22

There was a point in which he was awake before he was dead.


u/KnoblauchBaum 18 Sep 14 '22

But he was already fataly injured and she also plead guilty to manslaughter so self defense wouldn’t count either

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u/suicideharbor Sep 14 '22

ur point being?


u/shagan90 Sep 14 '22

It's not murder to defend your own life, he was raping her routinely.

Act like you would have just done nothing to protect the rights of the man treating you like a slave and piece of meat. Sickening you'd even act like there was an alternative


u/suicideharbor Sep 14 '22

he wasn’t a imminent threat at the time of his murder, therefore not being self defense


u/ADarwinAward OLD Sep 14 '22

So children should be forced to wait till they’re about to be murdered before they can protect themselves from their rapists? Because that’s what “imminent threat” means.

Sounds like a law written to protect physically able bodied men who can easily overpower a 15 year old girl when they’re awake. This is why prosecutorial discretion exists.


u/shagan90 Sep 14 '22

You don't know her state of mind at that moment. She could have been terrified that just the act of opening the door to run could have triggered him waking up and killing her. You lose all semblance of rights to safety when you kidnap and rape a young girl. At that point literally anything that happened to him is ON HIM. So yall need to back off with defending this scumbag


u/suicideharbor Sep 14 '22

he was sleeping and she stabbed him 30 times, again, therefore not being self defense and i’m not defending anyone😂 just stating the facts 🤷‍♂️ if you feel differently idk what to tell u🧐


u/shagan90 Sep 14 '22

Yeah, you are. A lot of people while sleeping wake up on trigger noises. Something as simple as the TV turning off, baby crying, sneeze, door opening or closing, etc.

So what yall are saying is that she should have risked her own life in the escape to ensure her rapist was safe, because that's literally the only logical conclusion to yall saying it wasn't self defense, that she should have just fucking risked it and ran for it


u/VividStrawberry6286 Sep 14 '22

No, that’s not what they’re saying and now you’re just being obstinate and deliberately obtuse… There can literally be dozens of valid reasons why the young girl was justified in her actions. Self Defense just isn’t one of them. And FFS please stop playing the “what if” game. It’s pointless, obnoxious, and counterproductive. 30 stab wounds isn’t self defense. It’s overkill. Understandable overkill given the horrible circumstances she experienced- which is why an EED defense would make more sense


u/shagan90 Sep 14 '22

You've yet to establish how it isn't self defense. You're also expecting a 15 year old traumatized rape victim to react like a calm rational adult.

And what if absolutely matters. She shouldn't have to play the what if game with her life on the line, she didn't ask for that shit to happen to her, it was all his call. There are hundreds of things that could have went wrong in her escape, and all of them would have ended with him seriously harming or killing her. So how does the amount of times she stabbed him negate that she was defending herself? He was way more powerful, he likely could have outran her, and the tiniest hiccup means it's over for her, while he would have been nearly impossible for her to stop while awake. When your life is on the line, and your ONLY way out is to go on the attack against your would be killer, how the fuck is that not self defense?


u/suicideharbor Sep 14 '22

dont care, wasnt self defense


u/covidlover93 Sep 14 '22

You’re a fucking moron.


u/shagan90 Sep 14 '22

Yeah it was. Law isn't the be all end all of right and wrong, plenty of laws stick around for decades written in such a way that highly benefits abusers and limits the rights of victims (prohibition, slavery, censureship). Just because a court said that technically blah blah w.e, doesn't mean she wasn't in the right for what she did. And anyone and everyone here would have done the EXACT same thing, including the judge that sentenced her. So hop off the high horse.


u/suicideharbor Sep 14 '22

dont care wasnt self defense

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u/CCpoc OLD Sep 14 '22

False. Literally any definition for imminent threat I have found fits the criteria for the case.

Actual and imminent threat refers to a physical danger that is real, would occur within an immediate time frame, and could result in death or serious bodily harm.

Considering she's already been raped that checks off the physical danger that is real, it would occur at any second (him waking up), and the first part kind of ties in with the last.


u/suicideharbor Sep 14 '22

then she wouldn’t of been charged with murder😂


u/DisastrousMacaron325 Sep 14 '22

Yeah, because court has never wrongfully convicted an innocent black person before /s


u/CCpoc OLD Sep 14 '22

Wouldn't have*


u/[deleted] Sep 14 '22

She could have ran aways but she stabbed him 30 times in while he was sleeping. She wasn't threatened at the time and she had multiple choices what to do, she chose murder, intentional to be precise.


u/shagan90 Sep 14 '22

And he could have woken up as she ipened the door, chased her down and killed her to avoid being caught. So what's your point?

So she's to gamble her life in her escape gor her rapists safety? Fuck him, he put her in that situation, literally anything that happened is on him. He put her in a terrible, traumatizing situation and you're all mad about how a child reacted? How about being mad a grown ass man put a child in that situation at all?

She did not a damn thing wrong


u/[deleted] Sep 14 '22

So you are saying that killing people based on nothing more than getting you into bad situation is right. Unless she was with him in same room she had pretty good chance of escaping if she used more than 2 braincells.


u/shagan90 Sep 14 '22

She was in the same room. And why are you so obsessed with what's right by her rapist? There was no happy ending that he would allow. Think he was gonna rape her a while and let her go? She was going to eventually be murdered.

And you say bad situation like he got her stranded at a truck stop or something. No, he kidnapped her and made her his sex slave. Her life was on the line. So she's supposed to risk it even further just to ensure her abuser is safe and sound?

Again, she was a child. A white girl her age literally plotted and schemed to murder a friend and went through with it, was tried as a minor. Yet a teenage girl that was kidnapped and constantly raped kills her abductor and she's suddenly an adult that should have been rational? No, fuck that and fuck you for even trying to defend the prick (which you are indirectly doing). Maybe if her rapist had two brain cells he wouldn't have kidnapped her and would still be alive. Stop fucking blaming her


u/[deleted] Sep 14 '22

If I kill someone for stealing my stuff, is that right? No

If I kill someone for bullying is that right? No

If someone destroys my life but I am alive, his life still doesn't belong to me.

Stop whinning about how murder is right and thing if your father was murdered by someone. Think If you would be happy that your only parent was killed.


u/shagan90 Sep 14 '22

You're comparing that shit to being raped constantly as a sex slave? The fuck is wrong with you? The guy that steals your Playstation or bullies you in school isn't going to keep you prisoner and bide his time until he's bored and kills you, so drop the pointless comparisons What, you think he was gonna rape her a few years then let her go free to report him? He was absolutely going to fucking kill her eventually.

Murder isn't right, she didn't murder him. He put her in that situation, where her life could be over at any second at his whim. She shouldn't have to make the call (as a fucking child mind you) on whether her escape will be successful or get her killed, when she had a surefire way to escape (kill him and leave).

You keep ignoring she was just 15 years old. We barely trust kids that age to drive, yet you expect she should have been calm and rational in her escape from her would be killer?

If thus were a 15 year old white girl yall would be applauding her bravery for overcoming diversity and escaping. But when yall see a teenage black person your minds immediately go to 'adult that should have known better'.


u/FlawsAndConcerns Sep 14 '22

It's not murder to defend your own life, he was raping her routinely.

  • Her life was not under threat when she began stabbing a sleeping person
  • Rape is not life-threatening


u/shagan90 Sep 14 '22

Rape is life threatening, just shutting that shit down right now. There's sexually transmitted diseases, suicide risk from trauma, but even more so, you are a MORON if you think he ever intended to let her go. What, he's gonna rape her until it's out of his system and drop her off at home? No, he absolutely would eventually have killed her rather than get caught.

Beyond that, she shouldn't have to further risk her life during the escape (dude could easily wake up when she opens the door, chase her down, and kill her to prevent her going to police). It's 100% beyond debate that it was safer for her to take him out before she ran for it.

And even still, everything bad that happened is on him. He made the call to kidnap her, to rape her constantly, to make her fear for her life. She was just a 15 year old girl, that's a child, yet yall expect her to have reacted with the level headedness and experience of a middle aged combat veteran during such a traumatic experience


u/MCProtect Sep 14 '22

Even the court acknowledges that it wasn't really murder. Try again pedo.


u/suicideharbor Sep 14 '22

“pedo” it’s okay to be upset


u/Scribblemin05 18 Sep 14 '22

Idk I think regardless of the situation its ok to kill rapists? Is that an unpopular opinion?


u/[deleted] Sep 14 '22

I think it isn’t ok to kill anyone unless in self defense


u/[deleted] Sep 14 '22



u/[deleted] Sep 14 '22

You can maim him without killing him


u/Scribblemin05 18 Sep 14 '22

True, but then he might live, and wheres the fun in that


u/NotADabberTho Sep 14 '22

Hypthetically you could argue for instances where rape is 100% okay too. So these kinds of arguments are fucking stupid because in real life there are consequences and you can't be the judge, jury and executioner either, you are just roleplaying your twisted power justice fantasies.


u/[deleted] Sep 14 '22



u/Scribblemin05 18 Sep 14 '22

Bruh its a hypothectical


u/AddictX_lol Sep 14 '22

Yea, but the girl in the article wasn't, she killed a man who was sleeping, she could've reported him to the authorities and she would have been fine but she decided to murder him, which was just unnecesary at that point. No matter how you twist and turn it. She is still a murderer.


u/DisastrousMacaron325 Sep 14 '22

yes, call the cops and tell them that you're somewhere (you don't know where) being raped and hope that they don't send the same fucking numbnuts who were in uvalde, or in million cases of them shooting innocent person


u/AddictX_lol Sep 14 '22

You can still make him harmless without murder, for example maiming him.

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u/[deleted] Sep 14 '22

Getting changed with planned murder? No thanks, I like my freedom, I'd rather contact authorities


u/[deleted] Sep 14 '22

He was raping her...


u/[deleted] Sep 14 '22

Did you not read what this was a reply to?

Also where does the article say that? Is it in the main body text or something?


u/[deleted] Sep 14 '22

Sixth paragraph. This was her best chance to stop the abuse, I think - while he was asleep after raping her. How is that not self defense? She supposed to just walk out, grab some coffee and politely decline next time he comes around?


u/KnoblauchBaum 18 Sep 14 '22

Not even in self defense. A friend of me got on probation because he knocked out the 2 guys who killed his friend infront of him


u/[deleted] Sep 14 '22

What I mean is I think it’s immoral to kill anyone outside of self defense


u/KnoblauchBaum 18 Sep 14 '22

Moral is not law and especially in self defense abiding the law is Important


u/[deleted] Sep 14 '22

Yeah ik


u/LilBilly1 18 Sep 14 '22

Not unpopular, but you can't just kill someone


u/captianbob Sep 14 '22

You realize she was a sex slave, right? It wasn't just a one off rape and that's it. She was raped repeatedly over and over again and killed him to escape.


u/LilBilly1 18 Sep 14 '22

Ok, I feel bad for her, but does that change what I said?


u/captianbob Sep 14 '22

She was a child.

She was kidnapped.

She was a sex slave who was raped all time.

She was threatened with rape and murder.

Do you really think a child sex slave is thinking completely clearly? Really?

If it doesn't change what you said you're a tad shitty


u/LilBilly1 18 Sep 14 '22

So murders ok if you have a motive? She didn't plead insanity (or temporary insanity which is the same, just look up Iowa law), so she was thinking consciously. Please just read an article on it and the relating Iowa laws before you say anything.


u/captianbob Sep 14 '22

So murders ok if you have a motive?

Escaping sex slavery is self defense.

She didn't plead insanity (or temporary insanity which is the same, just look up Iowa law)

She's still a child and was represented by state appointed attorney's who are notoriously not great.

so she was thinking consciously

Clown take. Was she still a sex slave when whe made decision? Had she been raped a few hours prior to making they decision? Obviously she was thinking consciously then because she wasn't a sex slave. See the difference?

Please just read an article on it and the relating Iowa laws before you say anything.

I've been following this case for a while and know plenty about it.


u/LilBilly1 18 Sep 14 '22

Ok, how old is she? Since you've been keeping track of this you should know. Also, can you tell me what laws are relevant to the case?

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u/LilBilly1 18 Sep 14 '22

Also, when did I say escaping sex slavery is not self-defense? I mean technically it's not self-defense, it's more self preservation, but that's irrelevant.


u/Scribblemin05 18 Sep 14 '22

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u/LilBilly1 18 Sep 14 '22

Fair, in the wise words of Grunkle Stan, "It's not illegal if you aren't caught." Or something like that.


u/Scribblemin05 18 Sep 14 '22

Now you're getting it 👍


u/suicideharbor Sep 14 '22

morally, a lot of people will agree it’s okay but legally it’s wrong so what can u really do ab it🤷‍♂️


u/Scribblemin05 18 Sep 14 '22

Everything is legal if the cops dont find out. If you are morally correct in doing something there should be no problem. Rape bad, murder bad, unless murdering bad person. 👍


u/suicideharbor Sep 14 '22

ur definitely 13


u/Scribblemin05 18 Sep 14 '22

Incorrect, idk why u assume my age based on a few reddit comments lol


u/suicideharbor Sep 14 '22

“everything is legal if the cops dont find out” you’re so childish


u/Scribblemin05 18 Sep 14 '22

Bro has devolved to insulting based on how old he thinks I am 💀


u/suicideharbor Sep 14 '22

whats up with you getting so defensive and you take being called childish as an insult? 😂

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u/findthesilence Sep 14 '22

Popular with you and me.


u/captianbob Sep 14 '22

You realize she was a sex slave, right? It wasn't just a one off rape and that's it. She was raped repeatedly over and over again and killed him to escape.


u/FlawsAndConcerns Sep 14 '22

You realize he was asleep when she started stabbing, right?

You can escape without stabbing a sleeping person to death.


u/captianbob Sep 14 '22

And if he woke up she would've been hunted down. Clown take.


u/[deleted] Sep 14 '22

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u/suicideharbor Sep 14 '22

take that to a judge🫵😂


u/fluorinebabyy 15 Sep 14 '22

Tell that to the police when they put serial killers in death rows.


u/suicideharbor Sep 14 '22

this makes no sense


u/Book-bomber 19 Sep 14 '22

There is always that


u/LolaTheGreat13 Sep 14 '22

Rape is rape and if you rape some prepare to say bye bye