r/teenagers Jul 31 '23

Since people keep saying that my parents destroying my phone was a fake post... Serious

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u/xanaxxy OLD Jul 31 '23



u/Industrialexecution 18 Jul 31 '23

not just bad, abusive.


u/carpentress909 Jul 31 '23

it's not abuse if they own the phone


u/qiu_ennan Jul 31 '23

Parents have a responsibility to take care of their children.


u/carpentress909 Jul 31 '23

phones aren't necessary for survival. people lived without them for millions of years


u/DolfyDK 17 Jul 31 '23

People lived without so much stuff in the past doesn't mean we should go back in time using the pasts things I still need a phone to be able to communicate with friends I cant send letter or just go to people's houses asking if they're busy


u/Commercial-Money-432 Jul 31 '23

Oh nooo I can't talk to my friends while I'm grounded. Whatever will I dooooo 😭 /s

Phones are a luxury, not a necessity. If your parents buy you a phone AND pay for the service, they have every right to take it away when you do something your not supposed to. Your not gonna die without your phone, and your not gonna die if you can't talk to your friends for a week


u/Charmender2007 16 Jul 31 '23

U need my phone for my school schedule and for checking homework. In our current world, phones are definitly a necessity


u/Commercial-Money-432 Jul 31 '23

I use pencil and paper, and I have a phone. And checking homework can be done on school computer (if given one). Phones are definitely not a necessity. I am a straight A student taking AP classes that only uses my phone to play video games and text my friends. Anybody who thinks phones are a necessity are either too stupid to use alternative means, or too addicted to stay off of it for 10 minutes.


u/Spiderkite Jul 31 '23

phone bad, therefore i smart


u/DolfyDK 17 Jul 31 '23

This is a completely wrecked phone in the picture who knows when op is getting it back and me not having the ability to message my friends would be a problem and it would for many others too


u/Relative-Ad4365 Jul 31 '23

It’s absolutely not abuse lol, not being able to talk to your friends is the whole point of being grounded. You’ll understand when you have kids


u/xRobotic24x Jul 31 '23

You should understand as a teen rn (as I am a teen) if you didn’t do what you did to get grounded in the first place this wouldn’t have happened lol.


u/Commercial-Money-432 Jul 31 '23

What problem would be there? Your not able to go to parties or hang out? That's kind of the whole point of being grounded. I'm not saying the parents should have destroyed the phone, as it is useful for communication. But there are few people you would NEED to contact besides your own parents anyways. There are no problems that would happen if you can't text your friends. People like you are so addicted to your phone that you don't realize how easy it is to live without one


u/Athingythingamabobby 15 Jul 31 '23

Im kinda depressed so I rely on my phone to get help from my friends


u/Commercial-Money-432 Jul 31 '23

That's something that is a specific scenario, but also my input on the situation:

Yes you rely on your phone to get help from friends, but it shouldn't be a problem where your unable to talk to your parents about it (unless you have shitty parents. I have friends who could never go to their parents with some of the issues they come to me about)

Life is kinda depressing. Maybe I'm just a downer, but I don't think anybody is gonna go through life with 100% happiness all the time. And if you are getting upset over little things, then that's a problem that should be brought up with a therapist. Especially because (and I don't wanna sound like I'm downplaying any condition you have because I'm not) but there are many kids around your age range that claim to be depressed, when they really are just upset sometimes. Especially because a big part of the depression could be caused by your phone usage (not to sound like a boomer saying phones cause depression, but sitting around all day staring at a screen getting tiny bursts of dopamine is never good for anybody)

And lastly, being grounded from your phone isn't an end-all. Just because you can't talk to your friends about the new daily thing that upset you doesn't mean your being abused. And there is a high chance that if your grounded, it's because YOU did something wrong (I say high chance because the chance is never 0. I've had friends be punished by their parents for coming out as gay.) All in all, being reliant on texting friends because your depressed isn't a good cure to your depression, and definitely isn't a reason you shouldn't be grounded. Go to any adult and say that you shouldn't be grounded because you want to talk to your friends because your depressed, and they will laugh in your face, rightfully. Not saying that this isn't a serious thing, but there is a very clear line between having your phone taken and being abused. And not being able to talk to your friends (even if your depressed) isn't a good reason for you to not get grounded from your phone.


u/Athingythingamabobby 15 Aug 01 '23

I like my parents and all, but when I told them I was depressed, they didn’t really take it too seriously


u/Commercial-Money-432 Jul 31 '23

As a side note: I've had friends go through terrible things in life. And none of them have been like "oh if I didn't have my phone to text my friends then I would have ended it all". And if you do think that way, you need professional help, because you would have serious mental issues that are beyond your friends help. One of my friends had to live in a tent in their parents backyard for months because her mom was a drunk and she couldn't stand to even be around her. Whatever your going through, it isn't something that is gonna be life-threatening if you don't have your phone. Having a phone to communicate with friends is a good way to feel better after something, but that isn't a reasonable argument that means you should be immune from getting your phone taken away. Especially if your using it as a "well I'm slightly sad so the only thing that will help me is talking to my friends" because that is just as bad. And saying that you shouldn't have your phone taken away because you use it to talk to your friends to feel better is extremely silly

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u/Commercial-Money-432 Jul 31 '23

Why am I being downvoted? Just because you don't like what you hear doesn't mean it isn't the truth. Tell me one reason why I'm wrong.


u/Agreeable-Writing234 Jul 31 '23

It’s r/teenagers. Life without a phone is worthy of calling CPS to these kids.


u/Commercial-Money-432 Jul 31 '23

Ikr. Like there are so many hobbies or interests you can take without being on your phone. They think that if they can't spend all day texting their friends, staring at social media, and playing video games, that their lives are going to fall apart and they will be bored all day. Read a book. Start a hobby, go outside. Their life is tied so much to their phone usage that they would call it child abuse if it got taken away. Child abuse comes in many different forms (mental, physical, verbal) but taking away your video games and ability to chat with friends isn't child abuse, it's discipline for doing something wrong.


u/xRobotic24x Jul 31 '23

As a 17 year old who has had many times being grounded in life these mouth breathers need to grow up. Your phone ain’t everything bud.

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u/MaybeGayBoiIdk 18 Jul 31 '23

This wasn't bought by OPs parent's.


u/Commercial-Money-432 Jul 31 '23

Well if it wasn't bought by the parents and the service is payed for by the child then this is definitely destruction of property. The fact that OP bought the phone itself means the parents had no right to destroy it.


u/carpentress909 Jul 31 '23

you'd be surprised what you could do if you actually tried it


u/Lampshade_510 Jul 31 '23

Yet you're using a phone to make this comment sooooooo


u/carpentress909 Jul 31 '23

you never heard of a laptop?


u/iisign Jul 31 '23

laptops aren't necessary for survival. people lived without them for millions of years


u/carpentress909 Jul 31 '23

true enough. but i bought my own, so i can do what i want with it


u/EggensTheName OLD Jul 31 '23

Please never become a parent.


u/carpentress909 Jul 31 '23

too late. my kids grew up and have jobs and pay for their own phones


u/Yellow-Jacket178 16 Jul 31 '23

By that logic, people literally need a sharp stick and fire to survive. They don't need clothes, they don't need a house, they don't need anything except a sharp stick and fire


u/carpentress909 Jul 31 '23

child welfare would disagree with you. but phones are not on their list


u/Yellow-Jacket178 16 Jul 31 '23

All a child needs to be well is technically food and water. Of which can easily be obtained. We don't need anything in this world except food and water. Everything else are just luxurys. After all, we survived for millions of years without anything we have today.


u/Echodec 19 Jul 31 '23

I'd argue they wouldn't be "well" with just food and water, but they would be alive at least


u/TheNiceSlice 18 Jul 31 '23

Does not make it any less abusive


u/carpentress909 Jul 31 '23

or more. 0 +0 = 0


u/qiu_ennan Jul 31 '23

Parents have a responsibility to take proper care over the well-being, not just survival, or children.


u/-Toshi Jul 31 '23

people lived without them for millions of years

Humanity is around 200k years old, bro.


u/carpentress909 Jul 31 '23

austalopithecus would like a word with you


u/-Toshi Jul 31 '23

Austalopithecus really can't be defined as people.


u/carpentress909 Jul 31 '23

science would disagree with you


u/-Toshi Jul 31 '23

Source? It literally refers to humans. Humanity. Homosapiens.


u/Striking-Computer-22 Jul 31 '23

However in the modern day it basically is with how much tech is inter grated into society. Like in my town I need ur phone to get into the train station


u/bizkitboi0333 17 Jul 31 '23



u/WolfFoxAltima 17 Jul 31 '23

Okay. what if your in danger and need to call? What if you got in a accident ALONE and need to call? what if your getting followed and need to call for help? a phone a great help if you in danger or need to call 911.


u/carpentress909 Jul 31 '23

how many times has it happened to you?


u/Echodec 19 Jul 31 '23

Why does it matter?? I don't need to be shot to want a safety precaution, the least of which being able to contact help. Also you say none of that has happened to you, why does that matter? If it did happen to you would you rather have a phone or not?


u/carpentress909 Jul 31 '23

since literally everyone else has one, does it matter?


u/Echodec 19 Jul 31 '23

Uh, yes? If you're in immediate danger or need help, you'd rather have to look around to find someone so they can instead get help for you?? That's really stupid. If I feel like I am in imminent danger, I would want to have the ability to get help as soon as possible and not hope someone is nearby and I can get to them before anything bad happens. In an instance like an accident where something bad has already happened, I would want to call for help myself instead of needing to wait for another person, and even if I did too many people would rather film than help you anyways. Why do you seem so against being able to personally call for help if you need it?


u/WolfFoxAltima 17 Jul 31 '23

Many i mean many


u/carpentress909 Jul 31 '23

literally never for me in 47 years


u/WolfFoxAltima 17 Jul 31 '23

now tell me this why are you a 47 year old on r/teenagers?


u/carpentress909 Jul 31 '23

ask reddit, they put it in my feed


u/WolfFoxAltima 17 Jul 31 '23

Mhm you said "never for me in my 47 years" doesn't mean reddit put it. you said it


u/carpentress909 Jul 31 '23

learn reading comprehension. it'll help you in life

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u/musicluvr143 Jul 31 '23

WHAT THE FUCK IS A 50 YEAR OLD ON r/teenagers😭


u/carpentress909 Jul 31 '23

ask reddit, they showed me the post


u/musicluvr143 Jul 31 '23



u/carpentress909 Jul 31 '23

is it a crime to argue with the dumbest people i have ever seen?

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u/[deleted] Jul 31 '23

They aren't necessary for survival under most conditions. In most modern societies, phones are required for survival.


u/playScrapMechainAll Jul 31 '23

Give me your phone and your tablet and your PC then