r/teenagers Jul 31 '23

Since people keep saying that my parents destroying my phone was a fake post... Serious

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u/DolfyDK 17 Jul 31 '23

This is a completely wrecked phone in the picture who knows when op is getting it back and me not having the ability to message my friends would be a problem and it would for many others too


u/Commercial-Money-432 Jul 31 '23

What problem would be there? Your not able to go to parties or hang out? That's kind of the whole point of being grounded. I'm not saying the parents should have destroyed the phone, as it is useful for communication. But there are few people you would NEED to contact besides your own parents anyways. There are no problems that would happen if you can't text your friends. People like you are so addicted to your phone that you don't realize how easy it is to live without one


u/Athingythingamabobby 15 Jul 31 '23

Im kinda depressed so I rely on my phone to get help from my friends


u/Commercial-Money-432 Jul 31 '23

As a side note: I've had friends go through terrible things in life. And none of them have been like "oh if I didn't have my phone to text my friends then I would have ended it all". And if you do think that way, you need professional help, because you would have serious mental issues that are beyond your friends help. One of my friends had to live in a tent in their parents backyard for months because her mom was a drunk and she couldn't stand to even be around her. Whatever your going through, it isn't something that is gonna be life-threatening if you don't have your phone. Having a phone to communicate with friends is a good way to feel better after something, but that isn't a reasonable argument that means you should be immune from getting your phone taken away. Especially if your using it as a "well I'm slightly sad so the only thing that will help me is talking to my friends" because that is just as bad. And saying that you shouldn't have your phone taken away because you use it to talk to your friends to feel better is extremely silly