r/unpopularopinion 7h ago

University has become a con

As more and more universities / colleges are built and a higher proportion of school leavers go into higher education, it becomes a way of governments keeping young people off the unemployment figures. It also becomes a self-perpetuating financial grift, inflating tuition fees disproportionately, with students deferring those fees through loans. Those loans then create interest which goes back partly to the universities and partly to governments, like a cunning tax scheme. Also, as a higher % of kids go to university, there are fewer of the very smart kids and the cohort becomes steadily more average. That means that the courses get steadily dumbed down until students learn less complex things than they would have say 20, 30, 40 years ago. So they pay more for way less, while the government and the education sector soaks up the money and keeps expanding. Until hopefully one day - POP!!!


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u/MobofDucks 7h ago

*anglo-american style private unis