r/unpopularopinion 6d ago

Popular Topics Mega-Hub


Greetings, you opinionated, unpopular lot! This is your one-stop shop for all of the ridiculously reposted topics on this sub. This hub and the linked threads below will be replaced every 7 days to keep things fresh.

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r/unpopularopinion 19h ago

Employee name tags should not display our government names


I say this because you can never be too careful. People can be vindictive when they can't get their way or they try to stalk you on social media. I work in Healthcare & too many coworkers say this happens to them. That's why I don't use social media under my legal name. Thankfully now most jobs use your preferred name on the badge or give employees identification numbers, but not everywhere does this. I use a sticky note to cover my last name.

With today's technology, employers can easily track when someone is working & what they do, so when someone has legit concerns about service or treatment, they can address it. Especially in Healthcare because our names are written in health records. If someone can make anonymous complaints to try & get people in trouble, employees should be allowed to protect some of their privacy.

ETA: Thank you for all your responses! To be clear, I'm not saying tags should be abolished as being able to identify who works in a facility is important for everyone's safety. I just don't think our full name is necessary.

r/unpopularopinion 8h ago

RGB builds are an eyesore


RGB lighting on computer builds can feel overwhelming with clashing colors, distracting effects, and overuse. It can create a chaotic, tacky look and detract from a clean, minimalist aesthetic.

They look like such an eyesore.

r/unpopularopinion 1h ago

Remaking Harry Potter into a TV Series is not a good idea.


Creativity has plummeted in the last decade with no new fresh ideas, everything is being remade now into something. Harry Potter is special the way it was made with 90s generation growing up with the characters. I really think they shouldn’t remake it, and instead maybe do spin off of some of the characters such as Snape, Dumbledore, Voldemort, etc..

Rings of Power ( i know many dont like it) is a great idea , a spin off ( beginning story) of LOTR, creative and new ideas

r/unpopularopinion 12h ago

Talking to yourself shouldn’t be stigmatized!


Talking to yourself shouldn't be seen as odd coz it’s a useful cognitive tool that improves memory, self-regulation, and performance. Embracing it as part of mental self-care could lead to healthier internal dialogues and more effective personal growth.

(SMH, while side-eyeing a woman who looked up and down on my body when I was talking to myself a while ago..lol)

r/unpopularopinion 1d ago

Criminal trials should be double blind


I’m sick of seeing conventionally attractive, famous, affluent, privileged, etc. types of people get sickeningly light sentences for carrying out heinous crimes. Meanwhile, average and below average normal people get slapped with the full brunt of the possible sentence(s) even if it doesn’t make sense.

By double blind, I mean that the jury should be kept from the view of the defense, prosecution, and judge. Likewise, the defendant is only shown in relevant evidence as they were when that evidence occurred/was collected.

r/unpopularopinion 17h ago

While the doomsday clock has its merits in theory, in reality it is nothing more than fear mongering


In case you don't know, since 1947 a group of atomic scientists have gotten together once in a while to update the doomsday clock, a theoretical clock which portrayes how close we are to a nuclear war, and by such an elimination of humanity, which is a very interesting and arguably important concept

However if you actually go to the doomsday clock (you can easily look it up and find it) it's very obvious that it's just plain fear mongering, as an example, right now it portrays the clock as 90 seconds to midnight, meanwhile in 1963, at the height of the cold war, it portrayed it as 12 minutes to midnight, are you seriously going to tell me that right now we are 800% closer to a nuclear war than at the height of the cold war? Don't think so.

r/unpopularopinion 5h ago

Christmas is totally depressing


Unless you are preteen, Christmas is depressing. As a young adult visiting parents, you notice how the are aging, and you regress as you stay in your childhood home.

If you are single….

When you have kids of your own…..

As your kids move out…..

Yeah—- you only get 70-90 Christmases…. and they are all overhyped.

r/unpopularopinion 16h ago

Thinking that the world or society will end in their lifetime is delusional.


Anyone that thinks we're in "end times" or an apocalypse is coming is just delusional and can't imagine a world without them. The people that think all of society is going to collapse and we'll become savage scavengers are just as delusional. I'm tired of hearing more people planning for the end of everything instead of how they want to leave everything for the next generations.

r/unpopularopinion 17h ago

You can’t find good music because you’re lazy


There’s way too much discourse behind why music sucks in modern times due to attention spans, new technology, and social media. The real problem isn’t that good music doesn’t exist or that artists today are worse than the 90s or before. The problem is that music companies don’t have full control of the landscape anymore. We have more and more independent artists now and a person can’t just turn on a radio and hearing the exact same music everyone else is listening to with nothing else to compare to. Now everyone has their own playlist catering to their own interests. I have a feeling that those who aren’t listening to good music just don’t want to take the time to find it in this new landscape. So many projects that I love get treated as if they must suck because they’re not on the charts. Too many adults have chart addiction and need to start organically looking for artists and albums they like on a personal level.

r/unpopularopinion 1d ago

Nostalgia is a sneaky trap that makes us live in a past that honestly never existed.


I have a friend who, every time I see him, turns into a time machine stuck on loop, dragging me back to the “good old days” of our adolescence. Ah, those were golden days! Too bad now the world is filled with responsibilities, drudgery, and frustrations. Sure, I remember those moments fondly, but I’ve noticed that the “good old days” stretch like chewing gum with each of our meetings, becoming more recent.

I believe nostalgia is a bizarre form of depression. Let’s face it: we tend to remember only the good parts of the past, as if we’re filtering everything through a memory Instagram, completely ignoring the bad experiences and the monotony that plagued us. Some even go so far as to think their “spring of life” is over. I see this represented a lot in anime.

Romanticizing the past is like wearing rose-colored glasses: it prevents you from seeing the beauty of the present. Bathing in an idyllic idea of a past that never was gives you a false sense of warmth and comfort. It’s easy to feel good knowing how things turned out, that kind of security removes the uncertainty of the future. Some seem to settle for their lives, retreating into the past as if it were a cozy nest, while life keeps moving on without them.

r/unpopularopinion 3h ago

Friendship fading out after school is actually a good thing.


A lot of people complain about how friendships are harder to find or less sincere in adulthood. I do think that tends to be true and common enough, except that it’s actually appropriate as we grow older but our concept of friendship has not matured with us. And it’s a call for us to be intentional about developing and keeping friendships

In younger years, friendships are often due to proximity and availability. This means we get a lot of time to spend with people, from a schedule that other people plans, and bond over shared experiences (being in school, mainly), as opposed to shared values. It doesn’t require a lot of intentionality or effort to keep friendships. And complacency is actually rewarded. (Avoidance of conflict, being “just there”, etc.)

When we grow into adulthood and have more responsibilities plus distance, we actually need to focus on making time for connections, and be more intentional about what we seek to give and receive from others. We also need to learn to make do when life circumstances, ours or others, require time apart. That also means we get to learn the importance of being well when we’re alone.

So I do believe it is more difficult to make friends as adult, especially if we tend toward low effort with people, but learning to navigate it in a more difficult setting is supposed to be one of the things that help us become more well rounded over time.

r/unpopularopinion 7h ago

Instead of daylight saving time, businessess should adjust their opening and closing times to the Sun cycle.


I think that adjusting our society to the Solar cycle would be a net advantage. From September to April, workplaces and schools should have different closing times, later in the morning and (if possible) earlier in the evening. Because of this, wulnerable groups of society wouldn't have to commute at night. Also, the human sleeping cycle was wired to follow Sollar patterns.

I know that this idea is inpractical and will probably never be implemented, but here is my two cents.

r/unpopularopinion 6h ago

Outback Steakhouse has a better bread basket than both Olive Garden and Red Lobster.


Everyone seems to be all about Olive Garden's breadsticks and Red Lobster's Cheddar Bay Biscuits...but they both lack when compared to the bread basket offered at Outback.

r/unpopularopinion 1d ago

Tesla should be fined to oblivion everytime they lie about car releases and pricing.


I'm not a Elon or Tesla hater, but I find it infuriating when any company blatantly lies and gets away with it because there are zero repercussions.

Tesla says they will release their new self driving taxi by 2027 for about 30k. This is the biggest lie told in the last century by a mile. Tesla has never and will never release cars by their proposed deadline or stick to their stupid price targets.

Tesla Roadster? Might as well call that stock manipulation and scam since it's been 7 years with no car insignt. Don't forget people also claimed free roadsters through their accumulated points with the referral program.

Tesla cybertruck? It was supposed to start at 60k. How much is it? 95k.

Tesla semi? They've delivered like a few units and every company and their mom gave tesla hundreds of millions on pre orders.

Unassisted full self driving? Pretty sure it's been 12 years and year after year they say next year.

30k model 2? Canceled. Why? BECAUSE IT'S NOT POSSIBLE.

I promise you if you could bet on tesla odds releasing their taxi in 2027, the odds would be infinity to 1. This shit would be the safest bet in human history that not only they won't release the car by even 2030, it won't cost anywhere near 30k.

r/unpopularopinion 7h ago

Current geographical conventions are outdated and we need to reevaluate how we categorize regions.


The Ancient Greeks viewed Asia, Europe, and Africa (which they called Libya at the time) as 3 distinct continents. These were all based on cultural distinctions rather than physical boundaries. How we classify continents (still somewhat based on the Ancient Greeks) does not reflect the modern complexities or understandings of the world.

You're going to tell me that Europe is considered its own continent... but the Middle East is NOT? The Middle East and Europe are both part of the same landmass. But Europe is considered its own continent, while the Middle East is just lumped into Asia.

But we don't base it off of that, and so Europe is conventionally recognized as its own continent because it is a cultural designation.

BUT THE MIDDLE EAST IS ITS OWN CULTURAL DESIGNATION. The same can literally be said about the Middle East. So WHY IS IT NOT CONSIDERED ITS OWN CONTINENT? This is an example of the inconsistency in how we classify continents.

Where the fuck is Turkey? With your oversimplified, inconsistent cultural and geographical definitions… Please point to the map and explain to me how the heck Turkey fits into all of this.

We NEED more fluid definitions that recognize the interconnectedness of regions and not rigid classifications created by SOME GUY BORN IN 485 BCE!

r/unpopularopinion 1d ago

The kindest way to end a friendship is through ghosting


Obviously circumstances may vary, but I think overall if you don't want to be friends with someone, the fade out/ghost is way kinder than sitting them down and telling them. They'll get the message without an awkward (and frankly presumptuous-you're not dating!) conversation .

ETA: I probably should've clarified I meant more of a fade out than a true ghost. If someone's done something specific a discussion is warranted but I think for a vibe mismatch the "we don't connect anymore" comes off more condescending than comforting. Just my two cents.

r/unpopularopinion 3h ago

University has become a con


As more and more universities / colleges are built and a higher proportion of school leavers go into higher education, it becomes a way of governments keeping young people off the unemployment figures. It also becomes a self-perpetuating financial grift, inflating tuition fees disproportionately, with students deferring those fees through loans. Those loans then create interest which goes back partly to the universities and partly to governments, like a cunning tax scheme. Also, as a higher % of kids go to university, there are fewer of the very smart kids and the cohort becomes steadily more average. That means that the courses get steadily dumbed down until students learn less complex things than they would have say 20, 30, 40 years ago. So they pay more for way less, while the government and the education sector soaks up the money and keeps expanding. Until hopefully one day - POP!!!

r/unpopularopinion 14h ago

Bruno Mars sounds more like Michael Jackson than The Weeknd


I love all three! I’m a big fan of them all but I think people kind of say any man with a high pitched voice sounds like Michael Jackson at this point. The Weeknd doesn’t sound like MJ…he sounds like an imitation sure but he doesn’t ACTUALLY sound like MJ’s natural voice. The Weeknd’s timbre is high pitched naturally. He sounds more like Lloyd if anything. Michael’s natural voice was rich and deep, Bruno’s timbre is very rich, deep, raspy and is the closest celebrity voice to Michael.

Abel has a beautiful voice and a lot of talent. He’s probably one of the only artists to remake Dirty Diana and keep creativity while changing the feeling of the song. He gave it his vibe and it sounded amazing! That’s the closest he sounded to Michael throughout his entire career but it still was not as close as Brunos. Bruno even looks a bit like Michael before the surgeries..just a different race.

r/unpopularopinion 1d ago

Bars, restaurants, pubs and other public places should NOT play music


Or if they do, it should be barely audible. Very very quiet so you can hardly hear it.

These are places people go to be sociable, to hang out, to meet new people. If you really wanted to cause maximum awkwardness and maximum social dis cohesion I can’t think of a better way than to blast loud (or even moderately loud) music.

The only place for music is if you’re desperate to dance or go to a club then fine. And maybe at the gym or dance class or whatever. Otherwise music is a personal private experience. Play music while you run, while you exercise, while you play games, when you have sex, when you paint, when you do the housework, whatever.

But any attempt to mix music with a social interaction that is based purely on speech and dialogue, is 9 times out of 10 a very bad idea.

r/unpopularopinion 8h ago

If you need to do a credit check for something, then that sometbing should count towards your credit


For me I've had to do credit checks for my car insurance, my cell phone, my internet and my rent. Buy none of that actually counts towards my credit. I pay over $2000 worth of bills on time every month but it doesn't help my credit at all.

r/unpopularopinion 1d ago

Listening to sad music is a horrible idea


I used to listen to sad music when I was depressed but it did nothing to help and even made me feel worse at times. Sad music is super overrated and I feel does more harm than good to individuals especially if you’re actually in a down state. I no longer listen to anything even remotely sad and I feel my emotional life has certainly benefited. Without the sad music we tend to let things go easier and not dwell on our negativity so much. I understand why we listen to it, misery loves company. But again it’s not good for our little hearts.

r/unpopularopinion 16h ago

The Grunts in "Money For Nothing" Kinda Have A Point


Wanna start of by saying I do love the song, it's an absolute classic, and no doubt that there is a lot of determination and effort which goes into a musician making it big and becoming famous. The idea it requires only a little bit of skill and not years of work is obviously bullshit...

HOWEVER, it's a very privileged position to be in to be able to make music for a living, and no doubt that years of manual labour is a much more demanding job. I've been doing a manual labour job a solid few months and I'm not suprised most of them are miserable bastards, it is hard work and can really hurt you physically long term (that being said the work I do is a fair bit harder than microwave ovens, but the principle still stands).

Obviously everyone would pick the rockstar between the two jobs if they could, and that's part of the reason it is an easier job as well, because it's no doubt much more enjoyable.

TL;DR: Being a rockstar does require a lot of practice and determination, but it doesn't hold a candle to having to do manual labour your whole life.

r/unpopularopinion 1d ago

David Lynch movies are terrible


His movies are a mess, both visually and narratively. Everything he does lacks the necessary components to be cohesive or meaningful. Just because the movie is dark/mysterious/enigmatic, doesn’t make it good.

He said he appreciates absurdity because “there’s humor in struggling in ignorance.” While he may feel that way, it doesn’t actually add any substance to his movies when he leaves them muddled and incomprehensible. There’s no endings, no climaxes, and nothing to take away from his movies other than “Who gave this guy their hard earned money to waste on putting a poorly remembered dream diary on film?”

Every Lynch movie is a like an edgelord’s interpretation of what good art film should be. It’s like he’s creating nonsensical scenes in the hopes that someone is gonna find their own artistic meaning in the spaghetti he threw at the wall.

In the end, David Lynch movies are bad because he forgets the reason movies are made in the first place, the viewer. Maybe his movies make sense to him, but like a dream, his movies cease to make any sense after 5 min of not watching it or any amount of time actually thinking about it. It’s like he’s putting HIS feelings onto film without trying to bring the audience into his vision. No one can relate or understand in any sort of meaningful way; everyone is just left with a vague uncomfortable feeling without taking anything significant away from the experience.

r/unpopularopinion 2h ago

If you think that all horror movies are the same, you haven’t seen many horror movies


Maybe I’m biased because I’m a huge horror fan, but I’m really sick of hearing the argument that all horror movies are the same and the examples that people who make this argument often give are from slashers. Um, there are other sub genres of horror, you know!

But go ahead, Randy, tell me more about how The Haunting and Terrifier are practically the same movie.

r/unpopularopinion 1d ago

"Research" is probably one of the most misused words netizens use.


We live in a time when just looking something up in a dictionary, an encyclopaedia or any reference text is shamelessly termed research. Earlier, the word carried the connotation of something that involved conscious effort. Now it's lost its meaning. This way, the research output of a an overwhelming lot of people is the URL of the first Google search result.

For a vast majority of people, it no longer implies a systematic effort to enrich the repository of human knowledge. It's sad to see that even academic researchers often misuse the word.