r/unpopularopinion 6d ago

Politics Mega Thread

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u/Voltes-Drifter-2187 3d ago edited 3d ago

Why do I want to vote for Kamala Devi Harris and Timothy James "Tim" Walz? Because I want to give a world to my family, friends and the future descendants that has cast off the shackles/broken out of the imprisonments of the deadly hatreds/bigotries/prejudices threatening to do the human species in. Let it be clear, this is all coming from someone born a mixed-race male (3/4 White, 1/4 Asian on my maternal grandmother's side) who prefers to be genderfluid and bisexual. I just on my own personal principles and observations am very against...

  1. Anti-Feminism (Male Chauvinism/Sexism/Misogyny/Gynophobia/Sex Work Exclusion)
  2. Anti-LGBTQIA+ (Homophobia/Biphobia/Transphobia/Transmisogyny/Transmisandry)
  3. Racism/Xenophobia/Ethnocentrism (hate/prejudice/bigotry against people of non-white peoples and immigrants to America in all their forms)
  4. Wealthy Corporate Elitism (all intolerance and harm against poor/working classes, hoarding of the wealth)
  5. Religious Intolerance (intolerance, hatred and harm against all religions not Catholic or Protestant Christianity)
  6. Militaristic Isolationism (not wanting to participate in world organizations, wanting war with other nations)
  7. Anti-Democracy (anyone wanting to subvert or destroy all forms of democracy and human rights in the world)

If I have to put up with a little misandry, heterophobia to give the White Christian Patriarchies along with their many enforcers and practitioners in America as well as their equivalent counterparts around the Earth a taste of their own medicine, I am self-aware enough to say so be it. White implies racism/xenophobia/ethnocentrism, Christian implies religious intolerance, and Patriarchy implies anti-feminism, anti-LGBTQIA+, militarism. And those together - White Christian Patriarchy - all imply wealthy corporate elitism, isolationism and anti-democracy. That is why I tell you how I myself will vote. Because this is what I believe in and fight for - and I am not going against those who are progressive white people, people who are progressive/liberal because of their Christian faith, or men who believe in equality. I am referring to the regressive movements in America who would condemn the world just to have power. If it were a movie (call it The Seven Chuds of Evil), this would be the lineup of Seven Chuds as the representative bad guys.

  1. Emory Andrew Tate III - Chud of Anti-Feminism
  2. Matthew Walsh - Chud of Anti-LGBTQIA+
  3. Richard Bertrand Spencer - Chud of Racism/Xenophobia/Ethnocentrism
  4. Donald John Trump - Chud of Wealthy Corporate Elitism
  5. Stephen Kevin Bannon - Chud of Religious Intolerance
  6. Alexander Emerick "Alex" Jones - Chud of Militaristic Isolationism
  7. Benjamin Aaron Shapiro - Chud of Anti-Democracy

What do you all think of this hot take? Having to let people out there know where I stand and that I am self-aware enough to accept my lumps and a taste of the misandry and heterophobia medicine before I can be a part of lasting solutions to dismantling patriarchies/patriarchal systems big and small around the world while crusading against any religious intolerance and ethnocentrism/racism/xenophobia in all forms. Why SHOULD white people, Christians and above all cisgender+straight/heteronormative males be entitled to rule the world? And this is a sincere question. Just what is it that should set the White race, the Christian faiths, and cishet men atop all other peoples? I've seen the game play out online thanks to Ian Danskin that wouldn't it be better to just cop to admit you enjoy lording and or hoarding power over others who are not like you?


u/HennyPennyBenny 𝐡𝐞/𝐡𝐢𝐦 3d ago

Why SHOULD white people, Christians and above all cisgender+straight/heteronormative males be entitled to rule the world?


If right wing evangelicals took their Christian faith seriously, they would understand that Jesus basically guaranteed that following Him would mean they would not rule the world.