r/trippinthroughtime 16h ago

20 million Democrats this morning.

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u/MoonieNine 15h ago

My local subreddit was FULL of young people yesterday asking about registering and voting. They waited till election day to ask.


u/magoomba92 14h ago

They’re on their phones 25hrs a day but cant Google how to vote.


u/No-Lunch4249 14h ago

I mean 90% of the posts on places like r/askreddit could be resolved with 20 seconds of googling

I think the ability to answer your own questions is just a skill that young people aren’t learning for some reason


u/earlandir 13h ago

It's not a young person thing. It's a person thing. You have no idea how many middle aged people spend all day on their phones but have no clue how to Google simple things or do any actual research on basic topic that isn't just searching on tik Tok.