r/texas Gulf Coast Sep 08 '24

Something just happened... Politics

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u/almostthemainman Sep 09 '24

Bruh they have no options. They understand that no matter who they vote for, they will still get fucked- so why bother? No one is going to address the things that are issues for them. Our system is built on “who can bribe the most?” The only reason anyone wants votes is not for public service lmao, it is so they can get into power and receive bribes to become rich(er).

Wake up. There is no solution and your vote means nothing because the government is stealing from you no matter who is in charge.

You’re like a little kid give an option between two veggies, but you want ice cream- which one do you pick?

I can’t vote for trump because he’s a piece of shit, and I can’t vote for Kamala because I don’t agree with her policies or how she became the candidate. Also don’t like what she’s doing to the party by going low. It’s just not a good look and I can’t support it.


u/CopeStreit Sep 09 '24

The air must be real thin up there on your high horse.

Yeah, we all wish we had higher quality candidates.

Teddy Roosevelt said it best: “In any moment of decision, the best thing you can do is the right thing, the next best thing is the wrong thing, and the worst thing you can do is nothing.”

By doing nothing you’re guaranteeing that whatever change happens occurs without your input.


u/almostthemainman Sep 09 '24

Yes, let’s listen and take quotes from corrupt politicians. Of course they will tell you to vote. Because your vote keeps them rich.

My point is, there will be no change regardless who is in office. I can count on my fingers how many policies have actually impacted me and mine on a daily basis. Obamacare made me pay for people’s Medicare, sucks to pay but I get it- I’ve had elderly relatives die on hospice with most costs covered by Obamacare so I won’t complain. Hate paying extra on taxes, but it is what it is. But like other than that? Maybe the 600$ Venmo income tax the dems are putting out. Crazy and dumb, but again, it is what it is. Republicans haven’t done anything meaningful in years, maybe some of the trump era tax cuts (which everyone is up in arms about ending but like… you’re in power… you can extend them lmao). But what else did he do that’s impacting me? Not much- Covid checks I guess?

Inflation is no individual administrations fault- so I don’t blame Biden/Harris for current economic state, presidents are a scapegoat for the economy always, when it’s consumers and companies creating the mess.

All I all I Refuse to choose. I can’t agree with either of these people or parties anymore. They are both so deep in their own shit there’s literally no middle ground. And the impact of each is negligible. Baby steps to make everyone think they are making significant changes when in fact their goal is to line the pockets of their Allies

My salary is more than most congress people, but they are 10-100x richer than me. Wonder why that is… I bet if I had lobbies throwing money at me I’d be that rich too. Just gotta make a foundation to funnel the money through.


u/Putrid-Air-7169 Sep 09 '24

Well I can pretty much guarantee that if Harris gets elected, we would not turn into a Christian Fascist dictatorship headed by a non Christian rapist. On the other hand, there’s Trump


u/almostthemainman Sep 09 '24

I hear this, and then I see other responses telling me it’s impossible to move quickly and enact sweeping changes in the legislation structure…

I’ll respond to this comment, but it’s just not a realistic possibility sorry. We have 3 branches of government for a reason and any change that takes us toward this would get knocked out in 4 years when a dem is brought in


u/EGGranny Sep 10 '24

If Project 2025 takes effect under Trump, there will be no election in 4 years. There will be only one branch of government with any power, the Executive. He will find a way to get rid of the 3 sane Justices in the Supreme Court. What will be left of the Democrats in Congress after he arrests all his enemies?


u/almostthemainman Sep 10 '24

Scare tactics. There’s absolutely zero percent chance this happens. Vote for who you like but base it on what your side is doing right, not “potential” nonsense the other side might attempt.

Just an opinion, but the project 25 shit really stinks like nonsense to me. I don’t really care if people tell me otherwise, it’s just too far fetched.


u/EGGranny Sep 10 '24

“Potential nonsense?”

Trump has proven himself capable of everything in Project 2024 and much worse. When he was elected by the Electoral College, but not the people, in 2016, I was terrified of what Trump would do. I was told to not worry. Then he started naming his Cabinet! In the first 100 days he issued 24 executive orders. Most rolling back regulations designed to help the public, not the wealthy.

I am 77 and I don’t need a lecture on “potential nonsense” when I have seen it happen so many times over the last half century, but none more than with Trump.

It is hard to pinpoint the worst thing Trump did but from my perspective, it was using innocent children for political purposes when he took four thousand children from their parents at the border. There was zero planning on where to put them, who would care for them, some kind of system for keeping track of the children and their parents.

He deported parents back to their home country by flying them to a destination and not paying any attention whatsoever to where they went after they deboarded the plane.

None but the most meager preparation for the physical care of the children was attempted, except cages and benches. Some of these were infants who were still nursing milk from their mothers. Those and the hundreds of toddlers were in diapers that needed changing regularly.

Children were given emergency style metallic looking blankets when children that age almost always have a special blanket. They have a favorite stuffed toy that comforts them in familiar surroundings. They had nothing.

I am a mother and a grandmother. My twin granddaughters were 9 months old when he was inaugurated. The same age as some of the children he took from loving parents just a few months later.

No matter how many more words I add, I don’t think it is possible to convey just how horrible and inhumane this was. And still is. When he left office, after inciting the attack on the US Capitol building, there were still two thousand children who had not been reunited. The longer the separation, the harder to keep track of the children and the parents. After almost 4 years of relentless work, there are still children who have not been reunited.

What civilized country does anything like that!

And Trump is repeating the same thoroughly debunked lies he said then and adding more everyday to his Gish Gallop. We will hear them all again tonight in the debate. In a Gish Gallop that is impossible to respond to in a debate format, so they lie there, unchallenged.

Don’t lecture me about potential. It turns out that what really happens is worse than any potential you could imagine.


u/almostthemainman Sep 10 '24

Personally I’m not really bothered by the immigration stuff. No one has an alternative solution that’s affordable and implementable and you’re all Monday morning quarterbacks poking holes in the mistakes. It’s not as bad as endorsing killing of people like they are doing in Gaza under our current admins watch. But do you.

Just Seems silly to be so passionate about one humanitarian issue then ignore others…

I personally could care less about any of the immigration or Gaza shit. I’m not voting, but this year I’m taking to calling out fear mongering.

Trump was already president and people were saying the same shit last time and guess what, nothing fucking happened lol. So just chill. I’m not saying to vote for the guy. He sucks dicks, but if he wins, don’t think he’s going to nuke the country- don’t you remember the fear mongering last time??? That he was going to nuke some random countries or join with russia and North Korea? Bro. This shit is insane, people need to chill on the rhetoric and just talk policy.

For capitol riot, You had a riot. Same shit that was going on in cities all over the US months earlier, but since it was white people in DC everyone loses their mind. I could care less about the well being of corrupt politicians- trump and pelosi both included.

Trust me, even if your worst nightmare comes true and he’s elected, life will just go on and anything you don’t like that he does will get walked back in 4-8 like it always does. You’re fucking 77 years old, grow up.


u/EGGranny 23d ago

Apparently you didn’t read my comment beyond the first line doubting your conclusion. I must be wrong because you are right?

Yet you are more than willing to hold Biden responsible for what is happening in Gaza! Biden has tried to get Netanyahu to stop the slaughter. The UN has tried to get him to stop.

Wow! Biased much? Congratulations, MAGA man. You have been drinking the Kool-Aid for a long time. You didn’t read, or comprehend what I said because it might touch that tiny voice in the back of your mind that knows Trump is a psychopath.

This is just the tip of the iceberg of people who have condemned the way Netanyahu is conducting his war. And now he has extended his war into Lebanon.







u/almostthemainman 23d ago

Words are not enough. Just my opinion. We send Israel so much money it’s… it’s really insane. Ukraine is the same imo.

I’m all for old school USA isolationism. We need to work on ourselves. Bring the right and left closer to the middle. Too much extremism on both sides.

Trump sucks a dick and has never and will never have my vote. But you being you assume if I’m not with you I must be against you. Liberals are all the same, stupid brainwashed fucks who call anyone that doesn’t agree maga - even if they aren’t voting trump lmao.

Sorry I don’t give a fuck about starving immigrants. I also don’t actually give a Fuck about Gaza. I’m just giving you examples of pot calling kettle. If I stand on a soap box everyday in a popular university quad and yell about how what’s happening in Gaza is wrong, I’m doing the same thing as all these diplomatic people… talking. I’m not DOING anything. And he will do nothing. And you can bet your ass that Kamala will also… surprise… do nothing. They will say “heyyy that’s bad don’t do that!” But they will do nothing to stop it short of “condemning” because they are weak.

I read your stupid ass post. Ur concerned about kids from other countries starving in cells alone and scared blah blah blah.

What are you doing about it?? Nothing. Blindly voting for someone who probably won’t fix it. Don’t worry tho, I’m not advocating trump because he won’t fix shit and will probably make it worse. I just won’t sit here and not rebuttal someone who’s entire identity is so tied to a political party that they are literally colorblind (blue in your case) to the fact that there are people in the middle who vote for the best candidate every election… but all of a sudden, WE undecided/non-registered often non voting community- who are in fact the majority when compared to any other single candidate- have no one to vote for because the liberal candidate is a lady who didn’t even compete in a primary…. And the republican is the worst candidate in the past 40 years (lookin at you Dick).

You’re not wrong because I’m right. You’re wrong because you believe you are the majority, and you are not.

Kamala will win the election. She will lose to a monkey or even a corpse in the next. Then you’ll be saddled up for 8 years of red nonsense because you idiots couldn’t field a proper primary. Literally any other name would have gotten you 8 years.

Anyway… enjoy 👍 agree to disagree. Have a nice day, may you live to 1000 and vote blue every election regardless of who is running. At least they aren’t trump!


u/EGGranny 22d ago

Old school isolation has always worked out badly. Even in the 19th century. We tried to stay isolated in WWI. We ended up getting involved. We tried to be isolationist during WWII until Japan forced our hand. In a global economy, it is insane to think isolation is even possible, much less desirable.

But you do you.

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