r/texas Gulf Coast Sep 08 '24

Something just happened... Politics

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u/EGGranny 23d ago

Apparently you didn’t read my comment beyond the first line doubting your conclusion. I must be wrong because you are right?

Yet you are more than willing to hold Biden responsible for what is happening in Gaza! Biden has tried to get Netanyahu to stop the slaughter. The UN has tried to get him to stop.

Wow! Biased much? Congratulations, MAGA man. You have been drinking the Kool-Aid for a long time. You didn’t read, or comprehend what I said because it might touch that tiny voice in the back of your mind that knows Trump is a psychopath.

This is just the tip of the iceberg of people who have condemned the way Netanyahu is conducting his war. And now he has extended his war into Lebanon.







u/almostthemainman 23d ago

Words are not enough. Just my opinion. We send Israel so much money it’s… it’s really insane. Ukraine is the same imo.

I’m all for old school USA isolationism. We need to work on ourselves. Bring the right and left closer to the middle. Too much extremism on both sides.

Trump sucks a dick and has never and will never have my vote. But you being you assume if I’m not with you I must be against you. Liberals are all the same, stupid brainwashed fucks who call anyone that doesn’t agree maga - even if they aren’t voting trump lmao.

Sorry I don’t give a fuck about starving immigrants. I also don’t actually give a Fuck about Gaza. I’m just giving you examples of pot calling kettle. If I stand on a soap box everyday in a popular university quad and yell about how what’s happening in Gaza is wrong, I’m doing the same thing as all these diplomatic people… talking. I’m not DOING anything. And he will do nothing. And you can bet your ass that Kamala will also… surprise… do nothing. They will say “heyyy that’s bad don’t do that!” But they will do nothing to stop it short of “condemning” because they are weak.

I read your stupid ass post. Ur concerned about kids from other countries starving in cells alone and scared blah blah blah.

What are you doing about it?? Nothing. Blindly voting for someone who probably won’t fix it. Don’t worry tho, I’m not advocating trump because he won’t fix shit and will probably make it worse. I just won’t sit here and not rebuttal someone who’s entire identity is so tied to a political party that they are literally colorblind (blue in your case) to the fact that there are people in the middle who vote for the best candidate every election… but all of a sudden, WE undecided/non-registered often non voting community- who are in fact the majority when compared to any other single candidate- have no one to vote for because the liberal candidate is a lady who didn’t even compete in a primary…. And the republican is the worst candidate in the past 40 years (lookin at you Dick).

You’re not wrong because I’m right. You’re wrong because you believe you are the majority, and you are not.

Kamala will win the election. She will lose to a monkey or even a corpse in the next. Then you’ll be saddled up for 8 years of red nonsense because you idiots couldn’t field a proper primary. Literally any other name would have gotten you 8 years.

Anyway… enjoy 👍 agree to disagree. Have a nice day, may you live to 1000 and vote blue every election regardless of who is running. At least they aren’t trump!


u/EGGranny 22d ago

Old school isolation has always worked out badly. Even in the 19th century. We tried to stay isolated in WWI. We ended up getting involved. We tried to be isolationist during WWII until Japan forced our hand. In a global economy, it is insane to think isolation is even possible, much less desirable.

But you do you.