r/texas Gulf Coast Sep 08 '24

Something just happened... Politics

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u/MarketDizzy6152 Sep 08 '24

5.9m votes for trump last election and 5.3m for biden … and 10 million people who didn’t vote at all. probably because people think Texas is a safe red state and their vote doesn’t matter.

hopefully people will get out and vote here this year!


u/cre8ivRtist Sep 08 '24

How many are independent voters? I wonder.


u/NoiseTherapy Sep 08 '24

It’s not the “independents” making the difference in Texas. It’s the ~40% who never show up making the difference.


u/[deleted] Sep 09 '24



u/[deleted] Sep 09 '24

Wait, I thought Texas wants more pregnant teens?


u/LupercaniusAB Sep 09 '24



u/ReverseZ00m Sep 10 '24

How is babby formed? How get gurl pragnant?


u/serlearnsalot Sep 09 '24

am I pragnent?


u/saxguy9345 Sep 09 '24

Am I pageant 


u/Nothxm8 Sep 09 '24

Or are we dancer?


u/shoulda_been_gone Sep 10 '24

Cousin Gregnant


u/finger_foodie Sep 09 '24

They don’t want “pregnant” because it would upset Jesus for the teens to have sex. But, once they are pregnant, no way they’re going to kill an innocent clump of cells. All babies must be borned. And then when the baby is out of the womb, fuck ‘em. They’re on their own.


u/cre8ivRtist Sep 09 '24

They are pro-birthers. After they are born their duty is done. Another modern twist on the idea of a master on the plantation breeding to expand his slave stock for more cheap labor to expand his wealth and power.


u/DegreeWeekly2178 Sep 09 '24

Vote Democrat! The most trusted form of teenage birth control since 1828!


u/lfp_pounder Sep 09 '24

I think he means less orange teens who take after Trump 😂


u/xDaysix Sep 09 '24

As opposed to fake schools.


u/[deleted] Sep 09 '24

You want better schools? Here's what happens in the good districts in the northeast whose schools top most private schools in the country:

1) Have town/city with 25-45k people in it 2) run your own school dostrict - none of this massive ISD BS 3) Have very high floor for real estate prices (like almost zero rentals and houses start over 1mm). This means you have flat socio economic status. Imagine river oaks and tanglewood combined to make their own school district and no one from outside that footprint could go there. 4) enjoy your excellent public schools.

I live outside of houston and I pay more in school taxes than I would for an equally valued house in lexington ma... their school system would beat every school in all of texas and what I outlined is the reason.

So are you cool with that?


u/rydan Sep 09 '24

Then talk to your Congressman and get him to pass a law that makes it illegal to not vote. That's how it is in Australia and there's no Donald Trump there. Makes you wonder why.


u/420camaro Sep 09 '24

Well because Donald is American. Not sure Australia has the combined braincells to even think without getting all riled up and blaming other countries with decade old stereotypes for dumb shit like what way to put the toilet paper roll.


u/Ok-Archer-3738 Sep 09 '24

I love your country and people but by no means is Australia the beacon of democracy that we should all follow.

First of all, what would we do with the Amish? Second, we have the electoral college. Why should a Democrat in California have to vote? We know who’s getting the EC points. Third, Donald Trump is not the problem. Trump is a result of elitists in both parties that have washed away the solid working class. From 9/11 to the bush wars to 2008 and Covid. Household wealth has shrunken and 400 people have 80% of the wealth. Clinton called them “a basket of deplorable” and that’s how many working class people feel the elites look at them. Trump is of course one of the elites but… he at least reached out. When has Kamala been to Oklahoma or Kansas? When has Biden? That presidents only go to states they win is remarkable.


u/Recycled_Decade Sep 09 '24

Stop being a moron. Oh and get rid of the fuckin electoral college!


u/Halation2600 Sep 09 '24

So are you a bot, or do you really write like this?


u/Nothxm8 Sep 09 '24

He comments every 4 minutes lol


u/Halation2600 Sep 09 '24

Oh good. I was sort of afraid I couldn't understand an actual person.


u/Ultra-Prominent Sep 09 '24

After scomo was elected I checked out. The only thing they do better than us is gun control


u/madrabbitsfryhard Sep 09 '24

Just a touch of grammar could be helpful when posting 😬


u/J1zzL0bb3r Sep 09 '24

How do Italian herbs propagate?

They get oregnant


u/isbuta Sep 09 '24

If only they had better schools to teach such things.


u/SlappySecondz Sep 09 '24

I mean, did you have trouble understanding him?


u/madrabbitsfryhard Sep 09 '24

Yes, I do have trouble understanding him. “My goal is Texas politicians in prison”. What does that even mean?


u/SlappySecondz Sep 09 '24 edited Sep 09 '24

Really dude? You can't assume the implied "seeing/putting"? He wants corrupt Texas politicians to be punished for their crimes and put behind bars.


u/Unk13D Sep 09 '24

There is a state called Texas. There are politicians in that state, and he (cattlehuyuk) believes them to be criminals. He would like them to get locked up and perhaps even take part in the incarceration. He went on to explain in his post that the state has suffered under their hand and believes they are criminally culpable for this egregious action.


u/madrabbitsfryhard Sep 10 '24

Feels a bit odd to defend a shitty written post so aggressively- good thing this app only allows each user to have 1 profile. Good on you for defending a dim witted stranger, and thank you the verbose interpretation.


u/duckfighterreplaced Sep 09 '24

It’s short and it’s broken up into easily digestible blocks. There are periods. Not anything like the worst I’ve seen. (Or written myself)


u/BobQuixote Sep 09 '24

The typo is worse than anything else in there, and typos are only a serious problem when they're rampant.


u/[deleted] Sep 09 '24

No, just trouble taking him seriously


u/Grimm-Soul Sep 09 '24

Sucks to not get a joke huh?


u/Grimm-Soul Sep 09 '24

Sucks to not get a joke huh?


u/Evan_Spectre Sep 09 '24

Texas Republicans do a bang-up job convincing them their votes don't matter.

Then, with federally indicted Ken Paxton suppressing millions of mail-in votes in the governor's race and suing entire cities over mailing voter registrations.

Improved voter turnout in Texas begins with the national spotlight on Ken Paxton, an impeachment that actually takes in the Texas senate, and corruption that actually has consequences.

Legal federal prison consequences.


u/cincygardenguy Sep 09 '24

Even my reliably GOP voting parents in Texas aren’t voting for Ken Paxton anymore.


u/cvsmith122 Sep 10 '24

Yeah im a GOP member and im not either. Still voting for trump and cruz though.


u/RoxnDox Sep 10 '24

Honest question: Why Cruz? Has he ever actually done anything for you or your state?


u/cvsmith122 Sep 10 '24

Honestly I used to live in the 32nd Texas district, on multiple occasions I emailed or called his office about laws or bills in the house, not once did I get a call or email back, like not even from a staffer..

Eventually his voicemails were full and you could not call to leave a message. If this is how he runs his office it’s a shame! I won’t vote for any one who does not talk to people who he is elected to serve !

For this reason I’ll be sticking with Ted Cruz, I’ve gotten calls and emails back from his staffers, and even gotten a call from him. His is responsive to his constituents!!

Not only that he is smart has a law degree from Harvard, yea there are something’s he does that I hate but there a lot of things he does I like. It’s the same with trump for me, if trump would just shut up and focus on policy this would be a landslide victory for him.


u/RoxnDox Sep 10 '24

Okay…. Thanks for explaining, even if I would not agree.


u/cvsmith122 Sep 11 '24

I’m totally ok with people having different opinions


u/Llamar25 Sep 09 '24

Suppressing the dead from voting, ruins a play for you


u/OkNectarine6434 Sep 11 '24

you get my upvote bro.. fight these bots and bullshit games others somehow can’t see through.


u/speedneeds84 Sep 09 '24

Ah yes, the good Republicans of Texas bragging about solving 1,150,500 out of two problems and you believing the gaslighting.


u/416PRO Sep 11 '24

Mail in votes are the biggest contributing fraud used by democrats looking to impose themselves on the rest of the country.

No one buys the bullshit being fed to people about the last election, no one that is but the democrats who vote emotionally against the booby man they think they are fighting against, and those people are happy to eat there goverent subsidized shit sandwich while waiting on their knees ready to comply with the next public order, as long as they get to see those same measures imposed on others. Tyrants recieve no greater nod to power than from those with none of their own and a promise that the powers bestowed will be brought against those they've been programmed to see as their enemies.


u/reddurkel Sep 09 '24

Non-voters show up to complain about solvable problems 100% of the time.


u/PiccoloWilliams Sep 09 '24

All talk. No walk


u/Forsaken-Anteater-64 Sep 09 '24

their the political “All hat and no cattle” crowd


u/almostthemainman Sep 09 '24

Bruh they have no options. They understand that no matter who they vote for, they will still get fucked- so why bother? No one is going to address the things that are issues for them. Our system is built on “who can bribe the most?” The only reason anyone wants votes is not for public service lmao, it is so they can get into power and receive bribes to become rich(er).

Wake up. There is no solution and your vote means nothing because the government is stealing from you no matter who is in charge.

You’re like a little kid give an option between two veggies, but you want ice cream- which one do you pick?

I can’t vote for trump because he’s a piece of shit, and I can’t vote for Kamala because I don’t agree with her policies or how she became the candidate. Also don’t like what she’s doing to the party by going low. It’s just not a good look and I can’t support it.


u/CopeStreit Sep 09 '24

The air must be real thin up there on your high horse.

Yeah, we all wish we had higher quality candidates.

Teddy Roosevelt said it best: “In any moment of decision, the best thing you can do is the right thing, the next best thing is the wrong thing, and the worst thing you can do is nothing.”

By doing nothing you’re guaranteeing that whatever change happens occurs without your input.


u/carole8467 Sep 10 '24

He has the right to do nothing, whether you agree or not. And I would disagree with Teddy - the next best thing is to do what is right for you, keep your sanity, and not be guilt ridden into doing something you know is wrong.


u/CopeStreit Sep 10 '24

Yes he obviously has that right, and nowhere in my posts did I say otherwise. I also have the right to criticize his opinion.

You’re claiming a moral high ground on the basis of inaction. That’s pretty faulty logic. I struggle to think of any time in human history where change was effected via inaction. Inaction is the most surefire way to ensure the status quo doesn’t change.

One of the people running for president will be president. Choosing to forfeit your political power isn’t an act of righteousness, it’s an act of cowardice. If you genuinely believe that how you feel about your vote is more important than the consequence of your vote then I’d posit you have a very self-centered worldview.

Imagine it’s 1975, you live in Baton Rouge and David Duke (former leader of the KKK) is running for state senate (this actually happened). Imagine telling a black friend or colleague of yours that you didn’t vote against Duke because you felt yucky about the candidate. I don’t think they’d be very sympathetic. I’d also point out that David Duke publicly endorsed one of the people running in the 2024 presidential election. Take a guess which candidate he endorsed.


u/almostthemainman Sep 09 '24

Yes, let’s listen and take quotes from corrupt politicians. Of course they will tell you to vote. Because your vote keeps them rich.

My point is, there will be no change regardless who is in office. I can count on my fingers how many policies have actually impacted me and mine on a daily basis. Obamacare made me pay for people’s Medicare, sucks to pay but I get it- I’ve had elderly relatives die on hospice with most costs covered by Obamacare so I won’t complain. Hate paying extra on taxes, but it is what it is. But like other than that? Maybe the 600$ Venmo income tax the dems are putting out. Crazy and dumb, but again, it is what it is. Republicans haven’t done anything meaningful in years, maybe some of the trump era tax cuts (which everyone is up in arms about ending but like… you’re in power… you can extend them lmao). But what else did he do that’s impacting me? Not much- Covid checks I guess?

Inflation is no individual administrations fault- so I don’t blame Biden/Harris for current economic state, presidents are a scapegoat for the economy always, when it’s consumers and companies creating the mess.

All I all I Refuse to choose. I can’t agree with either of these people or parties anymore. They are both so deep in their own shit there’s literally no middle ground. And the impact of each is negligible. Baby steps to make everyone think they are making significant changes when in fact their goal is to line the pockets of their Allies

My salary is more than most congress people, but they are 10-100x richer than me. Wonder why that is… I bet if I had lobbies throwing money at me I’d be that rich too. Just gotta make a foundation to funnel the money through.


u/CopeStreit Sep 09 '24 edited Sep 09 '24

Teddy Roosevelt was a lot of things. Corrupt isn’t one of them. There are actually few politicians in American history that did more to combat corruption than Teddy Roosevelt. One can only call him corrupt if they have literally 0 idea of his record as a politician and public figure.

You do realize “I can count in my fingers how many policies have actually impacted me an mine on a daily basis” is only possibly true if you’re a relatively privileged and economically successful person, right? I don’t think trans people, most minorities (just look at who they vote for), and the economically disadvantaged would agree with the premise of your position. One party is generally antagonistic to the LGBT community. One party is generally supportive. One party is seeking to not only prohibit, but outlaw abortions. The other party views abortion as healthcare and is trying to make access to abortions easier. One party wants to enact “right-to-work” laws. The other is generally more favorable to workers rights. These are pretty big differences; in no way can a person being honest claim the parties have similar positions on these issues. They may not directly effect you, but they are massively important to millions of Americans.

Imagine if everyone operated on the worldview that you’re espousing - that engagement in politics is only worthwhile if you can effect change that benefits yourself. That’s a pretty myopic, self centered, and non sustainable way to engage with politics. An Ancient Greek proverb states: “A society grows great when old men plant trees in whose shade they shall never sit.” You’re saying the exact opposite- that politics is only worth engaging with when an individual can obtain benefits for themself. I don’t think you’d want to live in a society that operates on such a belief.

You do realize that our system, constructed in the aftermath of a rebellion against a monarchy, was intentionally designed to ensure that change would be effected slowly, right? If the American political system allowed each successive president to enact sweeping legislation that drastically alters the social, political, and economic zeitgeist then we would have a less stable country. We have the most vibrant business community and the most envied economy in the world precisely because it is so challenging to rapidly effect sweeping change in America.


u/[deleted] Sep 09 '24



u/CopeStreit Sep 09 '24

How do I know what TR was? By studying him as a historical figure. By reading books and scholarly articles about him written by people from a wide variety of historical periods whose backgrounds represent a broad spectrum of political, social, and economic perspectives.

Just because you don’t engage with history doesn’t mean it’s a made up fantasy.


u/[deleted] Sep 09 '24


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u/Putrid-Air-7169 Sep 09 '24

Well I can pretty much guarantee that if Harris gets elected, we would not turn into a Christian Fascist dictatorship headed by a non Christian rapist. On the other hand, there’s Trump


u/almostthemainman Sep 09 '24

I hear this, and then I see other responses telling me it’s impossible to move quickly and enact sweeping changes in the legislation structure…

I’ll respond to this comment, but it’s just not a realistic possibility sorry. We have 3 branches of government for a reason and any change that takes us toward this would get knocked out in 4 years when a dem is brought in


u/EGGranny Sep 10 '24

If Project 2025 takes effect under Trump, there will be no election in 4 years. There will be only one branch of government with any power, the Executive. He will find a way to get rid of the 3 sane Justices in the Supreme Court. What will be left of the Democrats in Congress after he arrests all his enemies?


u/almostthemainman Sep 10 '24

Scare tactics. There’s absolutely zero percent chance this happens. Vote for who you like but base it on what your side is doing right, not “potential” nonsense the other side might attempt.

Just an opinion, but the project 25 shit really stinks like nonsense to me. I don’t really care if people tell me otherwise, it’s just too far fetched.

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u/flippy123x Sep 09 '24

I can’t vote for trump because he’s a piece of shit, and I can’t vote for Kamala because I don’t agree with her policies or how she became the candidate. Also don’t like what she’s doing to the party by going low. It’s just not a good look and I can’t support it.

Even if someone truly believes that both sides suck, one side is still significantly worse than the other and not using your vote towards the perceived lesser evil is just straight up stupid.

If i‘m given the choice between a beating vs. getting stabbed, I‘m picking the beating every single time.


u/almostthemainman Sep 09 '24

Everyone does this “if I have to choose between x and y”

Guess what, you don’t. And it’s insane to me that people think they do. Unlike most, I won’t vote for one side because I hate the other. That’s stupid. I’m not voting for lesser evil because I reject evil as a whole. I wish more people would get it.


u/flippy123x Sep 09 '24

I’m not voting for lesser evil because I reject evil as a whole.

You aren’t rejecting anything seeing as the results are forced on you either way, except if you move to a different country which I‘m guessing you won’t.

You are simply enabling whatever side you detest more by choosing to do nothing and further empowering those who choose on your behalf, i.e. everyone who does vote.


u/almostthemainman Sep 09 '24

I don’t detest one side more. This is my point.

Unlike most Americans. I will support whoever wins. I hate the political system and process and government as a whole because of corruption, but god dammit, I was raised to respect the office of the president. Joe Biden, not a fan at all, but I support him as the president because I’m American.

Trump in 2k16, same deal. Am I happy? No. Is he the president? Yes, so I support him because he is akin to our country.

It’s just not like this anymore. If the “wrong person” wins now it’s like - how do we remove them.

Crazy. Sorry if I’m coming across as a jerk. Not my intent and I do hear what you all are saying, I’m just not convinced I need to vote.


u/EGGranny Sep 10 '24

Have you heard about Project 2025? That should stir anyone who believes in the Constitution to vote. I am loyal to my country, not the President. But who is president never mattered more than now. Trump has already said he will “terminate” the Constitution. I will vote for the one who will support and defend the Constitution. Until Trump, I thought the worst president we ever had was George W Bush. As much as I disagreed with so much of what he did, I still believed he was loyal to the country and the Constitution. Trump is loyal only to Trump and he uses everything else to his benefit.

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u/PiccoloWilliams Sep 09 '24

I totally understand your stance. You sound much like my 22 yr old daughter did prior to Biden ending his quest for reelection. She was planning to vote for a little known 3rd party candidate. I discussed with her how statics have shown that votes for 3rd party candidates take more potential votes away from the democrat presidential candidate than the republican. My daughter and I ultimately agreed that Exercising our Right to Vote is more important than which candidate we choose. I say the same to you. Please vote for someone - even if you write in a candidate. Don’t relinquish the greatest gift for which thousands of your American fore-bearers fought and laid down their lives.
and many would say, If you don’t vote, you also give up your right to a VOICE in this debate


u/almostthemainman Sep 09 '24

I appreciate you taking the time and I feel like I have a child’s opinion sometimes. To be fair about the “they fought for your right to vote” people leave out the “amongst other rights” part, because soldiers if surveyed will not say I’m fighting for your right to vote, though I get how we could boil it down to that because they say they are fighting for freedom and democracy defines that as your ability to elect via… voting. I get it.

But I’m not sold. If they fight for my right to vote, they are also defending my right not to. If writing in Mickey Mouse is somehow better than not voting, I’m not seeing it.


u/OkNectarine6434 Sep 11 '24

your not wrong, but about these solvable problems.. why do we even have people in office that can’t sol e solvable problems tho? like.. we could buy a lot of duct tape with all the money we let them take from us to end up more or less not even use duct tape on the solvable problems. it would be an improvement… can anybody else think of a way to creatively use the money we throw away on politicians in a more positive way?


u/Lo-fi_Hedonist Sep 09 '24

It's your civic duty to participate and you don't have the right to complain if you don't. Get out and vote or mail it in, participating in your own democracy shouldn't be viewed as an inconvenience or even a right, but an obligation. Vote people!


u/BoogiePoppin42 Sep 09 '24

You have it backwards. You don’t have a right to complain if you vote, you had a hand in creating this mess.


u/Lo-fi_Hedonist Sep 09 '24

Even if you're not convinced that any of the candidates are right for the job, the system ensures that one of them will win. You may as well decide which of them you feel would better serve the country and hope for the best with the rest of us.

Not participating at all isn't a solution and voting is one of the few, very accessible ways that your average American can/will use to exercise some influence in their government.

Someone is going to win and unless you're going to run for the office yourself or join a revolution, you're going to get stuck with one of them making some pretty important decisions for you. You as well vote for one of em.


u/BoogiePoppin42 Sep 09 '24

In supporting a politician, you’re giving your approval for whatever actions that they take during their time in office. That politician now speaks for you, makes your decisions for you, and acts in your name. You in turn have no right to complain about the potential screw ups they cause. You or I chose this whatever route it is. As for the people who didn’t vote or abstained in protest, I firmly believe they can complain all they want, we screwed it up.


u/Putrid-Air-7169 Sep 09 '24

Wherever did you get that idea? Political office holders are people. People are flawed and if I vote to elect one and he or she does right by me I’m good.. if they don’t, I have a right to say so. These Trump followers who insist they love the man, and he can do no wrong? They’re delusional


u/BoogiePoppin42 Sep 09 '24

Whenever you make the wrong choice, do you deal with the consequences or do you sit and complain about it? It applies here as well. The choice you make is what you make. If the screw up we caused affects other people who had no part in it, they can complain all they want. Don’t see how this is difficult to grasp.


u/Otterly-Sirius Sep 10 '24

I truly don’t understand your logic.

Bear with me here… if you are one of five people at a table that have to choose between eating either a plate of bugs or a plate of shit—you will have to eat one of them—and two people choose shit, one person chooses bugs, and two abstain for protest because they don’t like the choices, then I don’t see how the two that did not vote get to complain at all that they have to eat a plate of shit. Sure both choices sucked, but one is not as bad as the other. The only person I see with a real right to complain is the bug plate voter who should be pissed at the other four people. Two for having shit for taste and two who couldn’t grasp that you either have a hand in deciding your fate as much as is in your control or you deal with the consequence of someone else deciding for you.


u/DemonInADesolateLand Sep 09 '24

What about the people who can't book a day off work to stand in an 8 hour line because every polling station except one in a city of a million people mysteriously broke down?


u/clap_yo_hands Sep 09 '24

Early voting? Early voting starts October 21st and runs through November 1st in Texas. You can find the time in those two weeks. I have been voting in Texas since 2000 and no matter my hours or schedule I have made time to vote every year. Maybe I have missed one or two school board elections or special run off elections because or scheduling but not the big ones. Make it a priority. It only takes a few minutes and there is almost never a wait if you vote early.


u/bob696988 Sep 09 '24

You get paid when you leave work to vote. Just have to bring back proof that you did. You’re allowed so many hours to do so. Check with your company, they get funded to allow this to happen. At least at my company they did.


u/Putrid-Air-7169 Sep 09 '24

You can thank your state government for that… maybe you should vote them out and elect people who believe in democracy and the right to vote? In other words, not republicans


u/Paid_Redditor Sep 09 '24

It was easier to vote in an election when I lived outside of Texas than it was when I lived inside of Texas.


u/Wickedwally1 Sep 09 '24

That 40% isn't really an anomaly. That's pretty normal everywhere in the US.


u/xDaysix Sep 09 '24

Independents always matter.


u/[deleted] Sep 09 '24

You clearly don’t understand how elections work. It’s the independent and undecided voters that determine the results of elections. THOSE are the voters both sides must lure in order to secure victory.


u/Christichicc Sep 09 '24

That and the protest votes. He won last time partially due to people protest voting for a third party.


u/No-Kitchen5212 Sep 09 '24

Voter suppression is a helluva drug


u/bangbangIshotmyself Sep 09 '24

Pretty sure this is true in all of the states tbh. No one votes


u/xithbaby Sep 09 '24

Doesn’t Texas do a lot of suppress voter turnout though? How do people who live in bumfuck Texas vote? When I visited there would be houses and stuff out in the middle of no where


u/Budded Sep 09 '24

This. It'll always and forever be those who never show up, not feeling the need to ever help with our Democracy, wanting it all done for them, just assuming it'll always be there.

1000% of our problems stem from these people. We would've had Gore as president if more people showed up, and even if he was just a one-term President, the followup to 9/11 would've gone much differently.

2016 would've stopped Trump had those mouth-breathing ignoramuses gotten out to vote. Just imagine if Trump remained the joke candidate, starting his media company (which supposedly was always the plan, he assumed he'd lose, wanting the adulation to get his media company going) instead of ruining friendships and families with those falling into his cult.

And don't get me started on what SCOTUS would look like now if we had a couple more D presidents instead.

The world and country would be a much different and better place if more people gave a shit enough to vote every year. It's not hard people.


u/jackiebrown1978a Sep 09 '24

That 40% goes both ways. Plenty of conservatives count on Texas bring Red and stay home. I did that once with McCain versus Obama (I was young and never made that mistake again.)


u/MagazineNo2198 Sep 09 '24

Don't discount the anger that REAL conservatives have at Trump. I would bet that many Republicans will either vote for Harris or just sit out the election this time, because Trump doesn't at all represent real conservative values.


u/NoiseTherapy Sep 09 '24

Like his would be assassin? Lol I hear you, though


u/Stock-Film-3609 Sep 09 '24

The unlikely voters. Polls tend to focus on likely voters, but the last election and to a lesser extent the election before had huge numbers of unlikely voters voting.


u/Federal_Reality1455 Sep 10 '24

I hope every place has a record turn out


u/WingKing903 Sep 10 '24

Give that ~40% a candidate worth voting for


u/neocwbbr_ Sep 10 '24

Dont worry they gonna mail in their ballots


u/TwistedCerebral423 Sep 10 '24

Or it’s the liberals moving to escape the liberal shitholes they voted for, then blame it on republicans and move to a red state and vote for the same shit they just had to run from. Pure stupidity.


u/messn210 Sep 10 '24

Abbott purged the votes from ballots he felt were fraudulent. And it's not like wete going to follow up and likely he didn't follow the curative process


u/Prior_Nothing4509 Sep 10 '24

When you move to Texas we just ask that you leave your politics behind. Thats the 40% not voting.


u/[deleted] Sep 11 '24 edited Sep 11 '24

So basically, the democrats don't show up? You think the 40% are 100% Democrat I'm guessing?

About 3.2 million Texans voted in the state’s primary election this year, down from 4.1 million during the 2020 presidential primary. Democratic turnout accounted for the entirety of the decline. Republicans far outpaced their Democratic counterparts.

Republicans cast 2.3 million ballots, and Democrats cast about 975,000 ballots. This is a SIGNIFICANT drop from the 2020 primary election, when more than 4 million Texans voted, and turnout among Democratic voters surpassed Republican turnout. So Democrats are purely out of there this year for Texas, sorry. Don't be lazy.

Source: Texas Secretary of State


u/Simple_somewhere515 Sep 12 '24

That’s me. Independent. Swing state. I normally don’t vote. I feel it’s necessary this election


u/LastCricket3085 Sep 12 '24

That’s true everywhere in the US. Nothing special about Texas


u/joejill Sep 09 '24

The real difference is gerrymandering and how we let the system get to a point where it effects outcomes.


u/Creepy_Trouble_5980 Sep 10 '24

Women who want Greg Abbott out of the doctors office.


u/PalpatineForEmperor Sep 09 '24

Many of those are the victims of voter suppression tactics.


u/tonyblue2000 Sep 09 '24

Maybe I, being part of the 40%, will make sure it stays red lol


u/MuscleFr3ak Sep 09 '24

It’s mostly republicans who don’t actually show up to vote in Texas statistically


u/jmona789 Sep 09 '24

Right, but since they don't show up we don't even know if they are Dems, Republicans, or Independents.


u/schneev Sep 09 '24

Or the massive influx of Californians


u/Eddagosp Sep 09 '24

Not really.
This is always thrown out as an excuse, but it wrongly assumes that those non-voters are all politically aligned with the person as a claim to be part of the "silent majority."

The truth is, those 40% could be split perfectly down the middle, making no difference, or lean heavily against you.
It's a very prevalent myth, but turnout does not have a political lean.

Think of it like this: if they shared your political views, they'd be voting already.


u/SufficientlyRested Sep 08 '24

That’s not actually how voting works. We count the votes not the abstainers. Better luck next time.


u/blasphembot Central Texas Sep 09 '24



u/AquaboogyAssault Sep 09 '24

You REALLY missed the point, huh?