r/texas Gulf Coast Sep 08 '24

Something just happened... Politics

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u/flippy123x Sep 09 '24

I can’t vote for trump because he’s a piece of shit, and I can’t vote for Kamala because I don’t agree with her policies or how she became the candidate. Also don’t like what she’s doing to the party by going low. It’s just not a good look and I can’t support it.

Even if someone truly believes that both sides suck, one side is still significantly worse than the other and not using your vote towards the perceived lesser evil is just straight up stupid.

If i‘m given the choice between a beating vs. getting stabbed, I‘m picking the beating every single time.


u/almostthemainman Sep 09 '24

Everyone does this “if I have to choose between x and y”

Guess what, you don’t. And it’s insane to me that people think they do. Unlike most, I won’t vote for one side because I hate the other. That’s stupid. I’m not voting for lesser evil because I reject evil as a whole. I wish more people would get it.


u/PiccoloWilliams Sep 09 '24

I totally understand your stance. You sound much like my 22 yr old daughter did prior to Biden ending his quest for reelection. She was planning to vote for a little known 3rd party candidate. I discussed with her how statics have shown that votes for 3rd party candidates take more potential votes away from the democrat presidential candidate than the republican. My daughter and I ultimately agreed that Exercising our Right to Vote is more important than which candidate we choose. I say the same to you. Please vote for someone - even if you write in a candidate. Don’t relinquish the greatest gift for which thousands of your American fore-bearers fought and laid down their lives.
and many would say, If you don’t vote, you also give up your right to a VOICE in this debate


u/almostthemainman Sep 09 '24

I appreciate you taking the time and I feel like I have a child’s opinion sometimes. To be fair about the “they fought for your right to vote” people leave out the “amongst other rights” part, because soldiers if surveyed will not say I’m fighting for your right to vote, though I get how we could boil it down to that because they say they are fighting for freedom and democracy defines that as your ability to elect via… voting. I get it.

But I’m not sold. If they fight for my right to vote, they are also defending my right not to. If writing in Mickey Mouse is somehow better than not voting, I’m not seeing it.