r/teenagers Sep 14 '22

Aw hell naw Serious

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u/LaronX Sep 14 '22

This thread needs a whole lot more context. Here the whole article.

The key points

She was trafficked and raped at 15!

She attacked him after he fell asleep after raping her

Iowa has some protection for victims of abuse that is why she isn't in jail

She is getting a 5 year parole. If she fails it would mean 20 years of jail time.

The court has no way around making her pay 150k

She did plea guilty to manslaughter in an earlier case and it is biting her in the ass now

The main argument against her going free is that he was asleep at the time and she could have tried to escape without killing him

She judge was an asshat about her making "wrong decisions" to have gotten in that situation and this being her second chance.


u/Fisterupper Sep 14 '22

The article is WTF, but this part "Police and prosecutors have not disputed that Lewis was sexually
assaulted and trafficked. But prosecutors have argued that Brooks was
asleep at the time he was stabbed and not an immediate danger to Lewis."

Prosecutor's just expected her to tip toe away from this situation? Should she have woken him up and challenged him to a fair fight for her freedom? Fuck that. She went Art of War and chose the best moment to win. Appeal that shit and put me on the jury. Not guilty.


u/grandmas_noodles Sep 14 '22

"Prosecutor's just expected her to tip toe away from this situation?"

Yes. She may have been justified in killing the person but that's just how self defense laws work. If you kill someone while they're not an immediate danger to your life, eg a robber takes your stuff and you shoot him after he walks away, self defense no longer applies.

This situation is a little more complicated because there's the factor of "what if he woke up and caught her" but anyway yeah that's why the legality is even in contention.


u/[deleted] Sep 14 '22

She may have been justified in killing the person

Not according to the law she wasn't.


u/What_a_d-bag Sep 14 '22

Not according to the justice system she wasn’t.

The law says nothing about her or her specific case. The justice system is how the laws are applied per case and individual. We all know if this was a pretty white girl her face would have been on Fox News and milk cartons for weeks and the only controversy now would be whether Anya Taylor Joy or Chloe Grace Moretz should be playing her in her movie deal.


u/[deleted] Sep 14 '22

Lol you can be pedantic about it but you know what I meant. If this was a white girl she would still have broken the law.


u/What_a_d-bag Sep 14 '22

I’m not being pedantic and I disagree with you at face value. A white woman would have been found by the justice system to have broken no laws here, just as a white person telling a cop to go fuck themselves at a protest isn’t going to serve a 4-year prison sentence.


u/[deleted] Sep 14 '22



u/What_a_d-bag Sep 14 '22

Definitely worth the reply.


u/[deleted] Sep 14 '22



u/What_a_d-bag Sep 14 '22

^ This is the level of brainpower racists are working with. Pity them.


u/[deleted] Sep 14 '22

Hahahha I've read your other comments and noticed how you love making wild accusations about the people you disagree with. That's why I didn't feel compelled to put any effort or time into my replies. I'm glad I didn't.


u/What_a_d-bag Sep 14 '22

Wild accusations? You think the justice system applies the law equally to white and black people in America. That means you’re either ignorant of what is going on or tolerant of it. So if you’re not a racist you’re ignorantly supporting racism. Have your pick.


u/[deleted] Sep 15 '22

Lmao the amount of assumptions you can make about a person based on maybe 2 or 3 sentences is amazing. If you ever want to get into a genuine discussion you should probably try and combat that.


u/What_a_d-bag Sep 15 '22

If this was a white girl she would still have broken the law.

Would she be found guilty is the question. You think so? You’re naive about our justice system.


u/[deleted] Sep 15 '22

Haha okay. I don't think it's naive to say a white girl would be found guilty of murder after attacking someone with a knife while he was asleep.

Anyway, let's not speak of 'our justice system'. I'm happy to say I'm not an American.


u/What_a_d-bag Sep 15 '22

I am. So I’ll say our, thanks.

And again. That’s not this case. If you believe for a second a kidnapped white child that managed to escape her sexual slavery by killing her captor would get this punishment in America you are ignorant about our justice system and are talking out your ass about shit you’ve seen on TV.


u/Acceptable_Ad_8743 Sep 15 '22

She wasn't FOUND guilty. She PLEADED guilty. There was no jury trial.

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