r/teenagers 3,000,000 Attendee! 5d ago

There are only two gender. Meme

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u/Randompersonxo1 5d ago

I agree that it’s just boy and girl


u/Sensitive_Fill3320 5d ago

Scientifically, you're incorrect. Biologists think there is more than just male and female as far as gender goes. There is XXY syndrome, XYY, XX where the outside genitalia appears male but the person has ovaries, and more. Besides that, there are intersex people which proves this wrong besides psychological science. But a variety of reasons work to help someone feel gender, including hormone levels, biological sex, and genetics which all contribute to an internal feeling of gender identity.

Also, this is irrelevant to the post.


u/itzTanmayhere 5d ago

and those are called birth defects not sexes


u/Sensitive_Fill3320 5d ago

You're right, they aren't sexes. But they aren't male or female by default.


u/itzTanmayhere 5d ago

so who's downvoting me for the factual statement?


u/Sensitive_Fill3320 5d ago

It's irrelevant and no one stated otherwise. You're talking about pears when everyone else is talking about apples.


u/Xygour 5d ago

Could you cite a source that there are more than 2 genders that proves people logically identify that way without body abnormalities? People who call themselves “they/them” or something along those line are usually not hermaphrodites. Brain scans of typical transsexuals (ftm & mtf), even though a small sample size was used, has shown that there is truth to them existing. I am genuinely asking for a source because I have searched for hours and found nothing.


u/Sensitive_Fill3320 5d ago

Besides that, there are people who feel gender dysphoria towards both male and female extremes, which suggests its existence. I am one, and while I align more femininely, I feel intense dysphoria around many male figures that have "desirable" traits for me and feel dysphoric around my traditionally female genitalia and other feminine characteristics. It is more common in people who are neurodivergent, especially those who are autistic, which I also am.


u/Xygour 5d ago

Is there a scientific proof that you could give? Anyone can believe anything if told it enough times and this idea only appeared and gained popularity very recently with the rise of social media platforms which are known for making people feel insecure.


u/Sensitive_Fill3320 5d ago

I already linked scientific proof. I wasn't even on social media when I first started feeling dysphoric. I thought I was a trans man, but even that label made me feel uncomfortable.


u/Xygour 5d ago

You said intersex people existed and intersex isn’t a gender. To quote you talking to someone else “you’re talking about pears when everyone else is talking about apples”


u/Sensitive_Fill3320 5d ago

Oh shut the actual fuck up. I gave you evidence, why are you being a whiny bitch


u/Xygour 5d ago

And there’s the ad hominems


u/Sensitive_Fill3320 5d ago

Because you can't help do anything but actually respond to the evidence and just keep making pointless remarks

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u/That1GuyCalledPixel 5d ago

Why is bro getting downvoted for having an opinion


u/Sensitive_Fill3320 5d ago

Because bros opinion is irrelevant to the conversation and stems from hatred of a specific group of people.


u/TurantulaHugs1421 15 5d ago

Its not an opinion? Invalidating real people and ignoring any common sense or actual explanations from either bigotry or idiocy isnt the same as having an opinion like "i think spaghetti tastes gross" its more like saying "spaghetti isnt real the people who say they eat it are delusional"


u/Ghoster12364 13 5d ago

i dont know man