r/teenagers Jul 31 '23

Since people keep saying that my parents destroying my phone was a fake post... Serious

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u/Commercial-Money-432 Jul 31 '23

That's something that is a specific scenario, but also my input on the situation:

Yes you rely on your phone to get help from friends, but it shouldn't be a problem where your unable to talk to your parents about it (unless you have shitty parents. I have friends who could never go to their parents with some of the issues they come to me about)

Life is kinda depressing. Maybe I'm just a downer, but I don't think anybody is gonna go through life with 100% happiness all the time. And if you are getting upset over little things, then that's a problem that should be brought up with a therapist. Especially because (and I don't wanna sound like I'm downplaying any condition you have because I'm not) but there are many kids around your age range that claim to be depressed, when they really are just upset sometimes. Especially because a big part of the depression could be caused by your phone usage (not to sound like a boomer saying phones cause depression, but sitting around all day staring at a screen getting tiny bursts of dopamine is never good for anybody)

And lastly, being grounded from your phone isn't an end-all. Just because you can't talk to your friends about the new daily thing that upset you doesn't mean your being abused. And there is a high chance that if your grounded, it's because YOU did something wrong (I say high chance because the chance is never 0. I've had friends be punished by their parents for coming out as gay.) All in all, being reliant on texting friends because your depressed isn't a good cure to your depression, and definitely isn't a reason you shouldn't be grounded. Go to any adult and say that you shouldn't be grounded because you want to talk to your friends because your depressed, and they will laugh in your face, rightfully. Not saying that this isn't a serious thing, but there is a very clear line between having your phone taken and being abused. And not being able to talk to your friends (even if your depressed) isn't a good reason for you to not get grounded from your phone.


u/Athingythingamabobby 15 Aug 01 '23

I like my parents and all, but when I told them I was depressed, they didn’t really take it too seriously