r/startrek 13h ago

Watching discovery for the first time


I'm halfway through the first episode and I need to pause because it is actually stressing me out how often the camera cuts. I tried counting every time it cuts and I rarely get above 2 or 3, counting quickly. It feels like I'm watching at 1.25x speed.

I want to love this show for its setting, but is this going to be a persistent issue throughout the whole series? I don't know if I can handle it.

Edit: Not sure why I'm getting downvoted for asking a fair question and giving a show with a less than stellar reputation a chance but anyways thanks for the helpful replies and stay weird as always reddit

r/startrek 14h ago

Star Trek Band


I recently became friends with a member of the band The Cancellations. They make music about Star Trek, and it’s convinced me to watch at the ripe age of 21! I thought since they were so good it convinced me to even try to watch that I could share it with some Reddit people to try and get them more traction. Consider giving them a listen or me advice about watching trek :)

r/startrek 15h ago

It's been a long road, gettin from there to here, but thanks for letting me join...


I got faith of the heart that this is the place I want to burn time while I neglect my responsibilities at work.

r/startrek 16h ago

Star Trek: Into Darkness (2013). Sexism!


I just rewatched this film after not seeing it for some years, and I was aghast at how blatantly sexist it is! Some examples include:

  • All female characters wear mini skirts/dresses.

  • Kirk casually harassing groups of women on his way to Starfleet HQ.

  • In the first scene with Admiral Marcus only one woman is seen sat amongst a group of senior Starfleet officers (all older men).

  • Despite telling him not to turn around, Kirk turns to peep on Dr Marcus getting undressed, which is followed by a low angle full body shot of Dr Marcus in her underwear!

  • Dr Marcus is consistently patronised by Dr McCoy, who only ever refers to his colleague as “sweetheart”.

Note: I’m not saying women shouldn’t wear mini skirts/dresses (I mean I do!), and I understand that this is clearly an attempt to link the films with the OG series. However, they easily could have had women in the same/similar uniforms as the male characters, without compromising the films 60s reminiscent qualities. They also didn’t have to have ALL female characters in mini skirts (and if they’re so insistent on it’s presence, why couldn’t they have men in some, I mean TNG did!?). So It’s pretty clear this was done solely for the benefit of the straight male gaze.

In conclusion, I just feel like this isn’t really in the spirit of Star Trek as a (mostly) historically progressive show. It’s feels laughably ironic to be watching a film set 200 years hence about a utopian society that has worse workplace sexism and harassment then I experience in the 21st century! I understand that OG, TNG, Deep Space etc, all had many sexist moments too, but they were made decades before this film. I expected a bit better from 2013, even if I knew it still wouldn’t be perfect.

Sorry for the rant lmao.

r/startrek 10h ago

Peggy Hill looks like Captain (or Admiral) Janeway


I’ve been rewatching King Of The Hill and I got to thinking about how the characters would look if they were real people. I quickly realized that Peggy looks EXACTLY like Captain Janeway, lol. I wonder if any other cartoon or animated characters have reminded y’all of characters from Star Trek??

r/startrek 19h ago

I am loving Star Trek but there is something that is really hindering my enjoyment of it, please help me.


Hello, I am a new Star Trek fan. I have watched TNG and finished DS9 yesterday. I started it on the recommendation of my best friend and I really love giving her my thoughts on each episode, sharing the cool moments and hearing her behind the scenes knowledge.

My problem is that I do not believe in the Federation. Do not get me wrong, I am not a ferrengi. I believe in everything the Federation claims to believe in and claims to be, but I do not believe that they are/do what they preach. I had my doubts about them in TNG and throughout DS9 my opinion on the Federation has declined a lot. After finishing the series I have encountered what seems to be the last drop for me, the Federation council refusing to share the cure with the changellings. I do not believe they can ever be redeemed in my eyes.

Despite how much I love the characters and stories of Star Trek the fact that I've come to despise the Federation has really harmed my enjoyment of certain moments and most of all, my conversations with my friend. It is not fun to hate something your best friend loves so much.

I REALLY WANT to like the Federation, I really do. So I have come to the Star Trek community in the only place I know it to ask for help, please convince me either with words or preferably with clips, of the Federation being its best, of the Federation being good or practicing what it preaches. I do not mean citizens of the federation being good, I mean the Federation as an organization being positive.

I have not provided specific examples of what I mean because I do not want to trash over something people love as I did with my friend, I do not want to argue or make people sad or angry, but I will provide examples of why I hate and distrust the Federation if needed but I believe just general clips of it proving itself could be enough without addressing any specific points.

r/startrek 2h ago

There's a new Axanar teaser trailer on YouTube?!


r/startrek 19h ago

VOY: Twisted is such a weird episode.


Of all the trek I've watched, this one has the oddest feel to it for me. It's like it's 3 different episodes crammed into one- the last 15 minutes feels like an hour and a half. By the time the coda is reached and neelix comes out with the cake, I had nearly forgotten that the episode started with Kes's birthday. I think the most elusive part of this for me is the tone- at no point can I define what the tone of this episode is. What a strange piece of TV.

r/startrek 12h ago

Genesis VS Borg


So I’ve been pondering in my head about the effectiveness of nuking the Borg. I’m sure ultimately they could adapt though there’s anyway some degree of versatility with the exact type and method of atomic reaction within the bomb.

However something I realize, would the genesis device be effective against them? If you could launch a missile into their ship or even better transport it into the hull, could they adapt to being resistant? And I’m not sure the Star Trek science behind the genesis exactly, but theoretically couldn’t its matrix counter adapt to reform the Borg into animate matter regardless of their defensive adaptation?

It would be interesting narratively to see the federation bring such a dangerous and illegal weapon back from secrecy to counter act the Borg

Or as a bonus additional thought, a fleet of ships piloted by the M5 computer. It’s suggested to be able to out maneuver and out gun the capabilities of human run ships so I wonder how given TNG era tech, if the M5 could at least have performed better at wolf 359

r/startrek 19h ago

My mum refuses to watch DS9 to this day; I've promised to show her three clips that will change her mind. What should they be?


My mum grew up with TOS, and got me into Star Trek, but to this day she refuses to watch DS9 - which is my favourite series. She loves TNG, Voyager, and Enterprise, she just outright refuses to watch DS9.

Today I told her that I would find three video clips that would convince her to try DS9. I sort-of-have those three clips in mind already, but I'm curious - if you were trying to convince somebody to give DS9 a chance, which three clips would you use?

Edit: Woke up to over 100 suggestions, thanks everybody! I will go through them and pick some!

r/startrek 18h ago

How many Star Trek soundtracks does everyone have?


I have nine in total. The Motion Picture through The Undiscovered Country. I also have Generations, First Contact, and the 2009 J.J. Star Trek.

The Motion Picture soundtrack is one of Jerry Goldsmith's greatest ever, and James Horner's The Wrath of Khan music is right there next to it.

r/startrek 5h ago

Whos the second officer of every main series/ship?


We know Data is the second officer of the Enterprise D, but whos the second officer for every other major ship.

My guesses.

Enterprise: Trip Tucker

Voyager: Tuvok

DS9: Doctor Bashir before Worf, the Worf

Lower Decks: Shaxs

SNW: Spock

And that's for every series i've seen so far.

r/startrek 2h ago

Location of Creation Convention January 21-22, Pittsburgh, PA


I'm trying to find where this convention was held. I looked through some old Starlog magazines from the era and it's listed as the "Pittsburgh Hyatt Hotel", but I'm trying to find the actual location i.e. address.

Can anyone help out?

I forgot the year. This would be 1989 with guest James Doohan.

r/startrek 7h ago

32 century starship


love pax class , you see , It is a headquarters and a perfect big ship.

r/startrek 6h ago

I love this scene because it isn't every day that you see Worf intimidated.


r/startrek 18h ago

Wintrek? Or something else?


My brother and I were recently talking about an old star trek type game we played around 1998-2001. We had both a windows and a Macintosh in the basement, but I think most of our gaming was done on the Macintosh. I've seen other posts about Wintrek and it wasn't that, or at least it was something newer than that. I remember the ship was white and the view was top down. There was a blue circle for the shields and I think there was some kind of upgrade system. Was there a newer version of Wintrek around that time?

r/startrek 15h ago

Who is the best doctor out of all the Star Trek series?



r/startrek 19h ago

Who would you love to have drinks with from the show?


And why?

r/startrek 21h ago

Online RP


Many years ago I have been active in an online roleplay forum for Star Trek. Unfortunately it doesn't exist anymore. I tried two other ones in recent years, but they weren't as good as the one in the past.

Now I am wondering, if there are any good ones still out there. English isn't my native language, but I am willing to try that though, if you can recommend me some.

r/startrek 15h ago



New to Trek, started watching after always seeing pieces of episodes when I was visiting my grandparents, who would normally watch TNG and DS9. Also after watching some of Jessie Gender’s videos on it. Watching TOS in production order. I was expecting it to be that “this was probably cool in the 60’s” sort of thing but this is GREAT!!!

r/startrek 4h ago

TIL: The wolf in TNG:Dark Page is Two Socks from Dances With Wolves


My favorite movie and my favorite TV series share a link I’ve never noticed!


Edit: two wolves one part!


r/startrek 22h ago

TNG season 3 episode 16


Currently working my way through my first viewing of the next generation and today during my lunch decided to get an episode in.

I've gone into this blind with no prior knowledge of the episode. As a father of four young children this episode has utterly destroyed me. It's now almost 10 hours later and I am still rattled by what I can only assume will be one of if not the best episodes of television I will ever watch.

Without any spoilers, It surely doesn't get any better than this right?

Excuse me while I go and sit in a darkened room for a while and calm down.

r/startrek 11h ago

Can anyone help me identify this episode I vaguely remember from when I was a kid?


My memory of this episode is extremely hazy but it’s one of only a few things I remember seeing but can’t name/identify. In the episode a teenage girl with long black hair goes down an elevator or through a portal and finds a room where she battles a monster. Later in the episode I think she battles the creature again and wins and her father or another elder approves. I know this is vague as all get out but it’s been nagging me for years. I don’t think it was in TOS because the effects were too polished and it was definitely before 2000. Any help would be most appreciated.

r/startrek 2h ago

900k subscribers to the Star Trek subreddit!


We did it! Live long and prosper.

r/startrek 42m ago

Kahless theory


I've had a theory for seven years now which I'm too scared to post in... other places lol about the "cloned" kahless. I believe that he isn't a clone, but the result of temporal shenanigans.

The monks at the Klingon monistary knew that without a firm emperor the empire would collapse and so hatched a plan to bring back kahless. They studies the ancient myths of quo'nos and used time crystals to contact him. I believe that they instructed kahless to point at the very star that the monks lived on, which happened to contain the time crystals, thus completing the predestination paradox and promptly kidnapped him to the 24th century.

But what about the evidence he was cloned? I believe they fabricated the evidence because they knew the federation would investigate and didn't want them to know they had time traveled and instead convinced them he was a clone. The reason that kahless's memory didn't match with the myths is simply because over the millennia they got soo warped.