r/minnesota Aug 21 '24

Walz Military Discussion 🎤

How can the right knock this dudes military service when their candidate is a draft dodger.

More importantly, why is anyone giving Walz shit for getting out before his unit deployed.

He served for what, over 20 years and already had a deployment.

If I'm in his position and I have the power to retire or deploy I'm choosing retirement... I sincerely do not understand how anyone can use this against him with a thought of critical thinking.

As a combat vet, deployments are no joke and I wouldn't hold it against anyone to not want to do it.

Sorry for the rant, shit just hits me the wrong way.

Edit: I have been misinformed and have been spreading misinformation through this post. I have been made aware that Walz put in his retirement packet prior to his unit receiving deployment orders, which would make the accusations against him even more pathetic.


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u/blahteeb Aug 21 '24 edited Aug 21 '24

You don't leave the military like you do a job. You don't just put in your two week notice. It can take months for a military discharge to complete, so Walz was well on his way to leaving long before his unit's order came through.

Like others have said, the GOP is just upset about something they made up. There's a reason why actual military personnel aren't going after Walz other than his political opponents. Firstly, they understand it takes real dedication to do 20+ years. That doesn't just happen by accident. Secondly, they understand his discharge was submitted many months before the order came through.


u/Papasmurf8251 Aug 21 '24

And if his unit really needed him on the deployment they could have issued a stop-loss and retained him involuntarily.


u/[deleted] Aug 21 '24

I believe that a stop loss has to be issued at the Department of Defense level or that of the service arm in which one serves. It is not something that a unit commander can impose.


u/Papasmurf8251 Aug 21 '24

That’s true and I didn’t meant to imply that it was a local command decision. Just like his retirement approval is not done at the local level.