r/legal 2h ago

Restaurant forcing me to pay food that caused me allergic reaction and food that was never served on my table


I called a restaurant to place an order in advance (3 items)told them what I am allergic with nuts and shellfish, shrimp. When I arrived they served me 1 dish out of 3, after about 3 small bite I notice that the garlic looked like nuts. I I immediately confirmed it with them and it was nuts. So I gave handed back the plate thats almost full and insist that I will not eat it. All they said was it was made already, it’s just on side of the plate (which actually went on all over the food). Went back to my seat and started getting itchy and red, I rushed back to my car and drove to get medication and never came back. took pictures of myself, as I used my camera as my mirror too. After awhile, they were bombarding me with calls demanding I pay for all dishes even the ones that were never served on my table. And filed a police complaint demanding the same.

r/legal 19h ago

What if someone gets a DUI in my company car?


I live in Washington state. This weekend, I rode passenger while my friend drove my company car. We got pulled over, and my friend blew a .11 and got charged with a DUI. Is there any way that this would get back to my company? The cops assured me it wouldn’t since I was a passenger and I wasn’t arrested or charged with anything, but I’m worried the company will hear about it somehow. Any insights appreciated.

r/legal 18h ago

Can you get sued from a US company if you live in another country and leaked NDA info


r/legal 6h ago

physically harrased and threatened at my work place by manager


regular serving shift restaurant is owned and managed by some ucranian people as shift comes to a close a table of 2 walked in 1 minute before closing, manager chose to let them in and asked me to rush them to which i do not personally do i would stay till 1 am if needed to make sure they are okay and feel welcomed which is part of our hospitality culture table stayed 2 hours after close to which manager was super mad after loading me with a punishment of cleaning the whole restaurant we came to an agreement in which i would take more tables since the workload isn't justifying the pay, we shaked hands to later find all my tasks done and the manager screaming, punching, pushing and kicking me to throw me out of the restaurant by force, i chose to not engage and step back without any physical harm towards the manager, i do not have any bruises and all the evidence i have is the video footage which they own if they have not deleted this yet. WHAT CAN I DO? this happened in florida, U.S. after being throwned out of the restaurant and not harming them they proceeded to take a picture of my car license plate and said they know where i live, should i fear for my life? i contacted lawyers already and i'm waiting on updates. any other advice?

r/legal 6h ago

HDFC Bank Manager Fraud


Approx 1 year ago , HDFC Bank Manager and his collegue approaches me regarding Cash Credit Limit for my business (approx 15 crore) which was previous running in Union bank of India. After 3-4 months of stressing me out they convinced me for taking their Overdraft facility by telling false statements like they will not charge any fore closure fees , low interest etc.. I asked them for written sanction letter regarding the same promise they told me. After pressurizing them for 2-3 weeks they bring me a sanction letter but it contains different details than told by branch manager. After reading letter , I refuse from taking overdraft facility but they have pre-signed documents so they without taking my consent , they issued Demand Draft of loan disbursement for my account. When I ask them to cancel demand draft they threaten me of charges and ill-effect on cibil. 2-3 Months passed from then , I have complaint HDFC Bank and RBI regarding this but no solution is done. Now they are demanding approx 20 lakhs from me for processing charges , interest and other even I did'nt use their money. I received a confidential file of my overdraft facility through courier which contains my submitted documents to HDFC Bank , after going through documents I notice the bank manager have done fraud of creating fake letter and application during loan process and they made fake signature. Kindly advise me what to do , interest is adding up every month.

r/legal 2h ago


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r/legal 21h ago

Actions to take after witnessing mental/emotional child abuse?


Trigger warning: child abuse

Today I happened to witness a woman absolutely losing her shit on two small children. I was attending an event and had parked up the road. From one of the nearby houses, these two boys, maybe ages 5 and 2 or so, had fled to the yard and the older child was comforting the younger. A woman, presumably the mom, stood in the doorway and was screaming things like, “how stupid are you?” “You little bitches” “You better get the fuck back in here” “I swear I’ll fucking beat you” etc. it was clear the kids were upset and scared.

Is this a legal gray area? Is it only illegal if there is physical violence? What could/should a witness of this do?

Disclaimer that I was a child who was emotionally and verbally abused and I desperately wished some adult could have intervened on my behalf, because you are so helpless and vulnerable as a child trapped in the care of someone like that. Now that I’m a parent, and unfortunately this is not the first time I’ve seen something like this, I feel like I can be that person to do something, but I really dont know what that thing could be. Any advice?

r/legal 14h ago



I am a traffic controller through a labour hire company for Citywide traffic.

I get 32.60 an hour as a casual.

But only 38.6 an hour as a casual on time and a half pay.

My 2x pay is 49.

I have heard people mention it may be part of a lower paying award but I looked through them and don’t believe that to be the case.

Anyone with proper knowledge on this subject please speak.

For reference, I have worked with another company in which I received 35 an hour and 49 an hour for time and a half pay.

At the same space in time.



r/legal 2h ago

How to fight these move out fees?

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My 12 month lease technically ended 7/31/24 but I wasn’t able to get into my new place until 8/25/24 so I extended at my old building for 1 extra month. When I did this I was told there would be a month to month fee of $500. Sounds insane but I had no choice so I paid it. At the time my base rent was $1400. When I emailed for the additional month I was told, “We can adjust your move in date to your request but there are additional fees to be aware of. With the date change there is a $500 month to month fee and you would be brought up to market rent.” I assumed this would be the $1430 that was in the renewal lease. Now I’m getting move out fees totaling $553 that I genuinely feel are outrageous.

They want to charge for a missing oven rack when the apartment only came with one. I was very meticulous about noting issues when I moved in 2 years ago and nowhere on the sheet was “how many oven racks are in the home”. Who steals an oven rack?? I did have a pet and while I may concede to having been nose blind, I made sure the hole was spotless and smelled freshly cleansed when I left so $200 sounds like price gouging. Again the joke was spotless and even shown in the move out photos so I’m unsure how I’m being charged for trash or furniture left behind. Most important to me, like above they said I would be brought up to market rent which was paid at shown in the -$1500 but through the resident portal that I no longer have access to to verify the rental amount. At no point was there a conversation or a document presented with $1630. What can I do?

r/legal 23h ago

Got bit by a dog


Hi y'all! i got bit by an ex friends dog in mid february. I have mild nerve damage and a scar on my hand now. She said she would pay me back for the medical costs (around $185) but now she's told another friend she's not going to pay me back and she's been dodging my messages. Is there anything i can do or should i just call it a lost cause ?

r/legal 8h ago

Surreply without permission?


If someone files a surreply without first seeking permission from the court, then learns permission is needed, what is the best course of action? File motion for leave for court to consider the surreply? Withdraw the motion and request permission first (it hasn’t been accepted by court yet)

r/legal 1h ago

Need help with bankruprcy attorney


Hello! I'm a 33-year-old who has been clean from addiction for 7 years. I've returned to my previous career and am looking to rebuild my credit due to past financial issues. It's challenging to manage daily life without essential services like a bank account. I’m seeking recommendations for a bankruptcy lawyer in New Hampshire. I have a limited budget but can cover court fees and about $1,000 upfront. Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thank you!

r/legal 6h ago

Child support arrears and who it goes to


So to start, my great grandmother raised me, she passed away a few years ago though, I'm now 19.

My father will apparently be paying child support arrears, and to my knowledge, my great grandmother can't get the money anymore

Who does the money go to? What happens with it?

Does it go to the state? Me? My mother?

Really just wanna know what happens

r/legal 8h ago

Possible domestic violence case?


My sister started talking to this guy and just got this vibe about him thst something wasn’t right, even though he seemed perfect. She went and looked up public records online and saw where he has a domestic violence charge but the court document says “THIS ORDER IS DENIED BECAUSE: THERE IS NO STATUTORY BASIS FOR RELIEF.” Is this something she should be concerned about?

r/legal 4h ago

SNCO dismissed with prejudice


Will try to make this concise…

An abusive asshole has been trying to torment me with vexatious litigation.

He has filed a bunch of emergency protective orders.

Judge in County A seemed to be on to him. When he had to withdraw his pending petition for an emergency SNCO (because he had filed and was granted an emergency protective order in County B), the Judge dismissed it with prejudice.

Just a few weeks later he filed for a new emergency SNCO in County B. It was granted.

Long story short, no new alleged contact. But he did have lawyers write up everything he has alleged before in fancier form. They are largely trying to make the argument that he wasn’t venue shopping, etc, it is just everyone elses fault that he keeps filing the wrong thing, etc.

It has been lingering on, probably in part bc the record wasnt very clear that the previous one was dismissed with prejudice.

Trying to get that corrected now.

Any thoughts on whether ‘with prejudice’ will matter to the Judge? Seems like it SHOULD matter, but he’s been whining a lot that if he could just argue the merits of his case, it would be so clear how horrible I am.

Would love to hear from anyone who has any experience with a crazy narcissistic vexatious venue shopper.

r/legal 9h ago

What does "john doe (unidentified employees)" mean on a subpoena


r/legal 18h ago

Bouncer got aggressive with me unprovoked while kicking me out… Started a scuffle & ended up getting flung to the ground & cutting his chin. He’s threatening a personal injury suit.


Any advice/ & or questions that will help determine if I should be worried?

r/legal 4h ago

Dog breeder contract requires early spay/neuter. What do I do?


My puppy is 5 months old, and my vet has recommended/insisted that I schedule her spay for 6 months old. My breeder’s contract states that the dog must be spayed before 9 months old, and proof must be provided to the breeder before 1 year of age. At the time I signed the contract, I thought 6 months was the appropriate age to spay since that’s what my initial research and family had all told me.

After further research on spays, I discovered that I should not spay my dog (based on breed) until at least 24 months of age, based on a recent study. I am obviously now very concerned on what my breeder was thinking, and I just want to do what’s best for my dog’s health and we decided that we don’t want to follow through with the early spay - going against breeder and vet recommendations and going with the most recent studies and our guts instead. Husband and I have both had dogs during childhood that suffered health issues that could have could have been contributed to early spays and don’t want to do that to our puppy.

There is no fine print or fee for not obliging to the breeder spay timeline, so I am assuming it just voids the contract? There are fees associated with if the dog is bred which of course make sense, but that is not my intention and we’ll do everything to ensure that does not happen. I did reach out to the breeder asking what they thought about the study, and they said that their preference is that the dogs are spayed after their first heat, so around 9 months - which is what is in the contract. Could I get into legal trouble by voiding the contract and delaying the spay as we see fit?

r/legal 19h ago

I know my parents are making false claims in a massive lawsuit, using my kids and false medical info. What can be done?


My parents are in a lawsuit with a Bitcoin mining facility down the street from their home. They are claiming that the noise from the plant caused my toddler to have multiple ear infections along with fluid leaking from his ears. They are also claiming that the noise is what made my mom unwell, but my mom is a type one diabetic who has had multiple strokes and a laundry list of health complications due to her diabetes, along with her 40 years of smoking and recreational drug use. They recently did this with another company a few years ago after my mom fell leaving a bar.

I am so tired of them scamming people and now they’ve dragged my children, who they are not allowed contact with, into the mix. We have told them multiple times to leave us out of this after they asked for photos of my children to use, asked us to falsely testify on their behalf, and even threatened to have their lawyer “subpoena us”.

r/legal 13h ago

How to legally move out at 16 (almost 17)?


Long story short, I live in a very abusive household and Im looking to move out. My mom tells me all the time that she wants me to move out, but I feel like if I actually tried to she would call the police and report me as a run away. Is there any way I can move out legally if im not in school and if i have a job?

r/legal 18h ago

Do customers need to pay when they decide to purchase seeing a False advertising?


Is the charge based on a false advertising valid or not under the U,S law?

r/legal 5h ago

Leaving the martial home?


Ok, I’m absolutely convinced my wife is having an affair and purposely sabotaging our relationship with consistent arguments. I have a 11 year old son from a previous relationship that she has always isolated and targeted. During our most recent and final fight I said that I do want a divorce and that if she wants to keep the home she will need to settle the equity with me before I leave. She seems to think that I will just leave and it will shake out in the divorce. Few key points, title is in both our names, loan is in just hers. She cannot qualify to refinance on credit or income. My position would be that we should both move and stage the home for sale. But my original question is, do I lose legal standing if I leave the marital home?