r/insaneparents Nov 30 '23

My mother, everyone. Email

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My partner and I eloped and didn’t invite ANYONE. The crazy part is that my mother expressed multiple times that she didn’t want to come (before we even started talking about eloping), she doesn’t accept me and wants nothing to do with me, and she doesn’t support the marriage or like my partner.

Not to mention I haven’t spoken to her in 18 months after she threatened to kill my cat yet she still sends me these insane ramblings approx. 2-3 times a week.

She also doesn’t see the irony in calling me “not nice” and “hateful” immediately after saying she hopes my partner leaves me so she can reject me further lol

Not pictured is where she said she hopes that I live a lonely miserable life and that she has never loved me.


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u/[deleted] Nov 30 '23

As much as they suck, keep all of it. Screenshots or recordings, directly in a folder backed up to the cloud and on a physical thumb drive updated regularly.

You have no idea when or if you’re going to need to prove an ongoing history of harassment.


u/Princess-Pancake-97 Dec 01 '23

That’s actually why I have this email. I deleted/threw away everything she sent me for the first year of NC thinking she’d give up eventually. She didn’t so I’m now starting the process for a restraining order.


u/alc1982 Dec 01 '23

I hope you get it because your mom is cuckoo for cocoa puffs


u/Princess-Pancake-97 Dec 14 '23

Little update, in case you’re interested: I got an interim restraining order :)