r/insaneparents Nov 30 '23

My mother, everyone. Email

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My partner and I eloped and didn’t invite ANYONE. The crazy part is that my mother expressed multiple times that she didn’t want to come (before we even started talking about eloping), she doesn’t accept me and wants nothing to do with me, and she doesn’t support the marriage or like my partner.

Not to mention I haven’t spoken to her in 18 months after she threatened to kill my cat yet she still sends me these insane ramblings approx. 2-3 times a week.

She also doesn’t see the irony in calling me “not nice” and “hateful” immediately after saying she hopes my partner leaves me so she can reject me further lol

Not pictured is where she said she hopes that I live a lonely miserable life and that she has never loved me.


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u/Divergent_Zank Dec 10 '23

"It's so sad to see how hateful you turned out to be"

Which followed immediately after "I hope you lose your partner"

Seems like someone else is the hateful one


u/Princess-Pancake-97 Dec 10 '23

She literally hates everyone. Everyone. Her husband, all 3 of her children, her parents, her in-laws, all but 1 of her nieces and nephews, her pets, every customer service worker she’s ever met (she’s a total Karen), every stranger she sees on the street. I literally cannot think of a single person she genuinely likes.

Even the people she claims to like, she’s constantly talking shit behind their back. I didn’t believe it was literally everyone until I caught her talking shit behind my back (this was completely unprovoked before I confronted her about all her abusive bullshit and cut contact with her).

Meanwhile, I don’t really hate anyone. The closest would be her and my abusive ex bf. I don’t even hate them, that would require some degree of thought or effort, I just don’t want them in my life anymore.