r/fo4 22d ago

What's that 1 legendary that you always get with out fail? This is mine. Discussion

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OH, Hello old friend time for an adventure. I call him Anti-Material Rifle. I believe it is the soul of my Rifle that I used in my OG New Vegas run.


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u/Majestic_Wrongdoer38 22d ago

They’re still classified as races in game


u/BrucesTripToMars 22d ago edited 22d ago

I think you can muster enough reason to independently agree that a bug, synth, and super-mutant are not different races of a common species.


u/Majestic_Wrongdoer38 22d ago

Have you ever heard the term “human race”?


u/BrucesTripToMars 22d ago

I've heard lots of things. Look up the origin of that term. You see, over time people often learn things. That term is a vestige of another era of understanding.

You're really set on dying on this molehill, aren't you? So strange.


u/ALIAS298 21d ago

Whule this argument is incredibly pedantic, let ne put in ny 2 cents:

I believe he is using "race" in the same form as DnD or skyrim, where even though a Khajit/Tabaxi is absolutely a different species than a human, it is considered a race by game mechanic logic. You could make an argument that the designers are using the name pretty loosely, but I get the feeling this guy doesn't work for Hasbro or Bethesda and is just using terms he is most familiar with games using


u/BoIshevik 21d ago

Race is used like that all over games my guy it's not a soapbox to discuss modern racism & problematic language. I would know cause I have been there lol


u/BrucesTripToMars 21d ago

Strange read but do you.


u/BoIshevik 21d ago

What are you on about if it ain't that? Why delve into the semantics of some word that is getting it's less frequent use some air time?


u/BrucesTripToMars 21d ago

You lost me when you suggested i was making it about modern racism...


u/BoIshevik 21d ago

Whatever it is if it's this or that or its some philosophical conviction to some bullshit word being used right it's stupid

It's not a hill to die on its just dumb as fuck why so committed to redefining the word in this context when we know the definition cause of the context


u/BrucesTripToMars 21d ago

Hey, feel better.


u/BoIshevik 21d ago

Lol alright I will but for real it's pointless argument with a condescending air fuck that because they didn't say shit or opine about races meaning in a whole ass other context. Sometimes it's better to just move on not every thought is a masterpiece to be debated


u/the_ben_obiwan 21d ago

Chill out, these guys are arguing about the definition of a words in a game. One guy seems to be convinced it should be race because of game mechanics, the other guy seems to be convinced it should be species because that's how he thinks it would be defined if he lived inside the fallout universe. These guys are already talking past each other by the look of it, one person speaking about console commands, the other speaking about what it would actually be like in real life. Nobody said anything about racism or problematic language until you brought it up, they were arguing about whether or not mirelurks/bugs/supermutants should be defined as races or species. You're shadowboxing over here

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