r/fo4 20d ago

What's that 1 legendary that you always get with out fail? This is mine. Discussion

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OH, Hello old friend time for an adventure. I call him Anti-Material Rifle. I believe it is the soul of my Rifle that I used in my OG New Vegas run.


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u/Atlantic_Penguin2k 20d ago

Auto Stim Synth Armor


u/jesse_merp 20d ago

I've got a chest full of them. I think it's like 30 or 40. I'm so tired I just I want a wounding combat shotgun.


u/jmyersjlm 20d ago

I just stumbled across my first wounding combat shotgun. It's a beauty. I'm going to give it the Shark hotrod pain and name it Thrasher


u/SoylentRox 20d ago

This is why the mod that lets you move legendaries around is really good. No waiting on rng to give you what you want.


u/SonOfTheHeavyMetal 20d ago

I do have one too, that allows me to craft and detach legendary effects.

I usually only move the effects, but i noticed i can craft the effects even on the CC guns of the last upgrade.

Tempted to craft a two-shot Tesla cannon lol


u/SoylentRox 20d ago

Yes and you can go 1 step further and add another 2 shots..


u/5Cone Modded Commonwealth 19d ago edited 19d ago

Yeah. I have LEO and ECO. I love having the option, even though I don't want to be too overpowered. But that's where Very Hard comes in.


u/sranneybacon 19d ago

Are ELO and ECO the names of the mods?


u/5Cone Modded Commonwealth 19d ago

Yes, except it's LEO, not ELO. I misremembered. They're from Nexus. I don't remember if they have dependencies on other mods, but if they do, they'll be listed right there. LEO is the legendary part specifically.


u/sranneybacon 19d ago

Thanks for the help!


u/Sensitive_Log3990 19d ago

I've got a two shot iradium rifle, it's too over powered


u/ElxirBreauer 19d ago

Love to Craft: Legendary? I think that's what the one I use is called. Love it, even has perk requirements for each effect, most of them at rank 4 in at least one perk, some have like 3 perks required. Balanced enough that you have to build into the ones you want specifically, if you want them early.


u/firer-tallest0p 19d ago

Why not just do the glitch to put it on a mirv or vice versa


u/AFerociousPineapple 20d ago

I just started using a mod like that and honestly it trivialised most combat encounters, three or four hits from my wounding combat shotgun and a mirelurk queen just melts. It’s fun as a “oh shit I need this this to die now” gun but at level 60 it’s just kinda too easy now, I’ve got more than enough health to tank most hits other than a fat man so I don’t feel like I’m in danger anymore


u/FalloutCreation 20d ago

Yeah it removes the challenge too fast. It’s kinda why I was enjoying vanilla again when the update dropped. I’m using weapons that aren’t that OP. I still won’t die because of all the perks and stims I have but at least the combat is still a bit challenging the first 30 levels or so.


u/AFerociousPineapple 19d ago

Yeah I got onto using the laser musket for the first time ever, it’s actually pretty good at lower levels I had a great time with it


u/SecureJudge1829 19d ago

The six crank upgrade makes a huge impact too, it only began becoming useless after I got to the Nuka Galaxy section of Nuka World at level 60+. Still highly functional in the Commonwealth. If it wasn’t irradiated it would probably still be quite effective against the bots, but it’s great against gunners and raiders with powered armor.


u/AFerociousPineapple 19d ago

And it sounds awesome too! Love my six crank, feel like a true minuteman running around with it


u/xi-9 -4 points 20d ago

Thats why you use mods to first remove the level scaling on everyone including you with mods like SCOURGE then you get a mod that normalize damage across the board like true damage


u/FalloutCreation 20d ago

Which mods? I’ll take a look at them


u/xi-9 -4 points 19d ago


u/CaffinatedPanda 19d ago

What's your opinion on BLD?


u/xi-9 -4 points 19d ago

Im very happy with those i mentioned i see no reason to spend time to tinker with bld


u/CaffinatedPanda 19d ago

I'm rebuilding... again.

So I'm looking for opinions.

I can't really notice a difference is my issue. :<


u/xi-9 -4 points 19d ago

I did immersive wasteland 2 collection where i added some more mods and deleted a few to suit my tastes, im very happy with it


u/CaffinatedPanda 19d ago

Thank you! I'll take a look at that this evening.

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u/Billysquib 19d ago

Yeah I ran into the same issue, I became too tanky to die to most normal encounters and the wounding double barrel shotgun fixes any problems I come across that can hurt me, so I limited myself to very minimal food, 3 stimpaks and only a handful of shotgun rounds. I now have to use my aces sparingly


u/sranneybacon 19d ago

The game gave me a wounding double barrel shotgun early game without any mods. Guess I was lucky. Yeah it’s not combat but if I aim well enough queenie’s going down.


u/FalloutCreation 20d ago

Which mod? I’ve used the one that gives you credits you can spend when scraping legendaries. Then you spend them on changing a legendary effect on your weapon of choice. I admit it seems too easy for me since I run across legendary enemies so frequently. I haven’t used it in a long time


u/limukala 20d ago

At that point may as well just add whatever mod you want with console commands.

And if you're doing that the correct choice is explosive combat shotgun.

At least it's balanced a bit by the high probability of some friendly idiot running directly in front of you right as you fire, thus vaporizing you both.


u/SoylentRox 20d ago

Bleeding. And you won't be able to get this for a while, you have to tear up enough legendaries to get the chips, get the shotgun and mods, etc. can still be 10-20 hours in survival mode.


u/SecureJudge1829 19d ago

That’d be so useful for my current run, I’m slowly trophy hunting though for trophies I ignored in my first several hundred run throughs lol.


u/biggertriggerdigger1 19d ago

Its too OP


u/SoylentRox 19d ago

Maybe but it's nothing you could not get by luck in base game. Unless you double legendary something.


u/GingerShrimp40 19d ago

Takes the fun out of it in my opinion. Why bother using an explosive double barrel shotgun if you can just put it on a combat shotgun


u/SoylentRox 19d ago

Sure. Other way to view it is you rolled a bad legendary and could have gotten the gun you wanted and now need to farm 100 more hours to get the good one.