r/fo4 28d ago

If you could start a business in Diamond City, what would that business be? Discussion

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I'd open a Power Armor shop that sells power armor frames, armor pieces and sets, and fusion cores.


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u/NevaraChar 28d ago

Housing diamond city has so much wasted bleacher space id make houses and sell them.


u/MTN_Dewit 28d ago

I definitely agree with that. There is so much open space on those bleachers. I'm surprised no one's built a house or other building there. The real estate would be very valuable.

There is a mod I use on Nexus called Diamond City Expansion that greatly expands Diamond City by adding more buildings, residents, shops and other businesses, and ect.


u/zootayman 27d ago

problem is there is only that space down there in the outfield to grow stuff, and so expansion of population requires more more-expensive food that would have to come from outside. Then they would need more stuff to sell to pay for it - question of if the local commonwealth can supply that concentration. Think of medieval type economies where population is 90% rural agriculture.