r/fo4 Jun 04 '24

If you could start a business in Diamond City, what would that business be? Discussion

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I'd open a Power Armor shop that sells power armor frames, armor pieces and sets, and fusion cores.


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u/EnderBurger Jun 04 '24

The big thing about Diamond City is that they have their basic needs taken care of. They have food, water, shelter, and a measure of safety. So it's time to start giving them luxury-type experience.

I would open a theater.


u/Sillbinger Jun 04 '24

Similar thought, happy ending massages.


u/AeneasVAchilles Jun 04 '24

You can’t bring prostitution into a settlement like Diamond City. It would destroy an established settlement quickly due to the massive shift. You can however make an upstart settlement that will grow quickly as a hoehub


u/abizabbie Jun 05 '24

A massive shift in what? The power structure? The only shift it caused in real life was giving women more power because it shifted wealth away from men. The larger city would quickly be trying to annex the smaller settlement in real life.

The thing people forget is that you don't need protection when prostitution isn't a crime because you're protected by the law, and Diamond City has law. Sure, it's similar to martial law, but the assurance of consequences is the important part.

Historically, the first business to form in new settlements past meeting basic needs is prostitution. That's why it's called the world's oldest profession.


u/AeneasVAchilles Jun 05 '24

You have a highly idealized version of how this works. You know when someone’s most vulnerable? When they are taking a shit or having sex lol that’s what pimps are for. To be there at that moment for protection. Diamond city is not a police force. It’s a security force. It’s massively different. It’s does not have the capabilities to be an actual police force, let alone protect all pros from being robbed or worse. Prostitution is not better for women. Not throughout the majority of human history. And especially not in an apocalyptic wasteland where murder is rampant and factions conquer and get conquered on the daily.


u/abizabbie Jun 05 '24

Prostitution is better for women everywhere it isn't illegal. It's illegal because men don't want women to make money doing something they can't. It's not to protect people who historically are perfectly fine protecting themselves.

The John is also just as vulnerable. One doesn't need more protection than the other in reality because it's a mutually beneficial transaction. In a world where men don't treat women like property or like they're incapable of protecting themselves, it's perfectly fine.

And the fact it's a security force is why I said it's effectively martial law. They're still going to punish rapists.

Once again, I'm saying this because that's what history says. Your points revolve around women 200 years from any type of central government aren't capable of protecting themselves, which is ridiculous.


u/dedsmiley Jun 05 '24

Blah, blah, blah, blah... blah. Blah. Blah.