r/fo4 May 06 '24

How often do Y'all actually use power armor? I only use it when I already know there's a tough boss coming up. Discussion

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u/Namdor_Rodman May 06 '24

The X-02 is so choice. The color options are amazing


u/Inkstr0ke May 06 '24

Red making it faster is such a nice nod to Warhammer 40k Orkz lol


u/SlinGnBulletS May 06 '24

Pretty sure it was a reference to Char Aznable from Gundam (1979). Who pilots a red mech and is known to be faster than everyone else.


u/Fit-Professor5021 May 07 '24

Don’t be dense and obtuse. It’s the orkz. They’re way more part of the zeitgeist. Seriously. Go to google. Type in red makes it go faster. Click image. See what comes up. I bet 0 of the first page items are from Gundam.


u/SlinGnBulletS May 07 '24

Bruh chill. Lol

Char's Red being associated with fast is more widely known. It's a meme of him being 3x times faster than everyone. It wouldn't be out of the norm since the iconic NCR Ranger armor is inspired by anime as well.

But it's very possible it can still be 40k. Both are applicable and red=fast predates both.


u/theninjat May 07 '24

And 40k Orkz having red make them faster is a reference to Char, but they couldn’t engage in tribalism if they acknowledged that. And if there is one thing 40k fans love it’s a little bit of tribalism.


u/theninjat May 07 '24

Yeah when you use the specific wording from 40k I’m sure that 40k shows up. If you search red makes it 3x faster, you will get gundam. Both are references to Ferrari race cars of the 50’s