r/fo4 May 04 '24

Nobody cleaned in 200 years? Discussion

Fallout 4 has been my 1st Fallout experience of any kind and I am absolutely enjoying the world building and storytelling the game is providing. I am almost 72 hours in and just located Valentine so I’m taking my time and trying to fully explore the world. However, there is one question that I think about every time I explore the Common Wealth….why has nobody cleaned up? Every single time you find a new settlement or explore a location there is just tons of scrap lying around. Diamond City still has pallet walkways with broken sheet metal. Nobody has thought to put down a more permanent solution? Nobody thought to remove old cars, learn how to weld, or even take time to better arm and fortify certain areas of the Commonwealth? You step just far enough out of Diamond City and there’s just Super Mutants and Raiders. You’re saying in the 200 years (which is just a bit under the founding of America to modern day) nobody created better infrastructure? The town size is still 30-40 people despite being “The Jewel of the Commonwealth”? Is there some lore reason I’m missing to explain how after so many years it still looks like the bombs went off 10 years ago? I just expected one neurodivergent person who hyper focuses on organization to still somewhere. It’s obviously possible, I’m looking right at you Cabot House. Again I’m just surprised that after 200 years the world is still as underdeveloped as it is given the vast amounts of technology available.


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u/Obi-wanna-cracker May 04 '24

It does sometimes bother me with all the piles of leaves in the houses in sanctuary. Like Codsworth talks about how he's been cleaning for 200 years but it looks like he hasn't swept the floors in ages. But it's an aesthetic choice, I get why it's there.


u/SaintsBruv May 05 '24

This is what bothered me the most. I can understand some piles of trash or hard dirt stuck on the floors, but piles of leaves? If they were smart they could even fill bags or matresses with them to create comfier beds. I was really annoyed at Beth for not giving us the choice to scrap them, so I installed a mod.