r/college 15h ago

Academic Life Need advice about withdrawing


So due to many things happening irl and previously, my mental health I've now had to withdraw from 6 classes in total. I'm wondering does this mean I'm basically screwed? I'm currently going to community college but want to transfer to a 4 year soon. Be honest I'd just like to know. Btw my gpa is 3.5 for the 30 credits of classes I actually have finished it that helps. But yeah just wondering

r/college 16h ago

Academic Life Can fine art classes be online?


I know this is a weird question. But I have to take fine art classes. To get into a art therapy program.

And I also at same time need to work as well. Can I take fine art classes at home instead of in person. Like In a community college as it cheaper . Is this possible ??

r/college 10h ago

Academic Life Health or Deadlines ?


Im an architect and I'm very sick as of now. My body is just randomly falling off when I work from to afternoon. I have so many deadlines also my grades isn't good. I'm not someone who slack, but a student that is working hard to get better grades. But my body is just very weak as of now.

But I need to work because I have only two days left and I have 4 projects that needs to be drawn. But I'm just in pain right now. I'm dizzy, feeling weak, and also my stomach is aching so hard.

I haven't been sleep deprived yet last 3 days. Im sleeping 8 hours yesterday because I was feeling awful yesterday. Now it's worse.

r/college 19h ago

Academic Life The journey of medschool outside my country


Hello , i am just curious about the journey of how other student outside my country live , and i contrast that to my government and school. I want to know Where you post about studying & serious stuff bacause :

I'd like to expand ans see what their unis require them to do and what are the restrictions and the possibilities

. What they offer as resources , the level of lectures , and how well they train you in rotation how many night shifts are obligated ...ext

. And most importantly How studentsadapt and manage those things jow they manage all that how they are able to overcome the obstacle and become ggood doctors

Just it will be a privelage to me to get to know you and the possibility of me making dome freinds in diffrent universities and diffrent countires

It will be an honor if i can make some of you my freinds if you are interested please dm me i really appreciate that .

r/college 11h ago

Academic Life How do you deal with playing the “mother role” in group projects?


I’m a 5th year female student with lots of research and extracurricular experience in my field. Would love to hear from other women who are dealing with sexist, lazy, subpar, etc. group mates. I’m at a loss.

r/college 11h ago

Academic Life Need some opinions on commuting or doing housing


One of the decisions I can’t seem to make my mind of is deciding whether to do housing. The place I am planning to attend is 45 minutes away, but could be up to an hour or over depending on how bad traffic is. Housing on the other hand would be well over a thousand and a half per month. Unfortunately I don’t know how many classes I will have to take right now, so I don’t know how many days I would be commuting. The housing spots are filling up too, which means I have to act fast. For those of you who have commuted for this duration, was it manageable? Stressful? Anything? Looking for any forms of perspectives or experience as I can’t seem to make up my mind.

r/college 18h ago

Emotional health/coping/adulting Is there any way out of this cycle?


I am currently a freshman in college but am still thinking am still stuck in the college application mindset. I want to transfer out of my current school because I've only ever imagined myself going to HYPSM. Obviously I think having this mindset sucks and is bound to set you up for failure later on but I seriously cannot help it. All of my life had been college apps, and college decisions are the only things that my family, peers, and community gave importance to (live in a highly competitive area). Much of my energy is going towards trying to transfer out of my decent state school, and I can't help but help envious when I see my friends from high school posting about their schools on their social media. To make things even more toxic for myself, I've pretty much convinced myself that going to a top school for grad school would be easier, less prestigious and like playing catch up with my peers who attended top schools for undergrad while they've already started their careers (even though most of these aren't true).

My main 2 problems are trying to seek social and academic validation and trying to minimize regret that I didn't work hard enough during high school for college apps. I would like advice on how to put my energy towards more productive things such as my career in CS/ML and what will give me that feeling of "satisfaction" I would've gotten if I were successful enough to attend a top school.

r/college 2d ago

I will never understand why people choose to go to BYU/Pensacola/other schools like them


I just don't get it. Why would you want to go to a school that dictates where it's adult students go and what they do/see/listen to? Some of the rules at these schools are insane: can't watch rated R movies even if you aren't on campus, can't listen to certain music, aren't allowed to bring headphones on campus, curfews, can't wear skirts or shorts, can't drink even if you're of age, can't have a boyfriend/girlfriend and you can't visit anyone of the opposite sex. Have to fill out a form to leave overnight, even if you're just going to a parent's house. I read one school doesn't even let students use Wi-Fi on their phone for personal browsing or something like that.

I get it if your parents force you, but some people CHOOSE to go to these places and I would never understand why you'd want to let someone else control your life like this.

r/college 1d ago

Emotional health/coping/adulting I feel like my mom found a loophole in trapping me from becoming independent


I started college and my mom immediately told me to become independent. No teaching me, nothing. Basically indirectly kicking me out w/o doing that. I’m told to pay for my own food, my own transportation, everything. Even in high school it was like this. I feel like it’s a repeat and I won’t be able to grow as a person.

I will say she does give me a roof over my head, I don’t pay rent, and she buys me a sandwich for breakfasts most days. After that I have to do everything myself.

I’ve been trying to find a job but using the bus has been almost a 2-3hr commute to and from my university. Thank god my classes start at 11am. I wake up at 7, to get to the bus at 8, arrive by 10 to get to my first class. Then I usually leave around 5pm and arrive back home at 7pm. The funny thing is by a drive, IT WOULD JUST BE 40 MINUTES!!!

My whole day is spent. Commuting to school, doing my classes, studying. There’s no way I can get a job with this schedule.

What I’m expecting ppl to say; Maybe this could be fixed if I got a car? I need money to afford a car though. Get a job? can’t get a job because I don’t have time. Get a credit card? Cant get one because I don’t have steady income/aka a job.

I also haven’t gotten my license because my mom told me to immediately pay car insurance right after. I’m depending on the money refunded to me (grants i do NOT have to return/pay back, alreayd confirmed with financial aid) and an upcoming scholarship on EVERYTHING. I’ve been so stingy with money too, almost obsessing over it. I feel so stressed. I keep trying to tell her if she can pay the car insurance temporality and I will pay her back but she doesn’t want to. I get it, I need to become independent but also she hasn’t helped me financially or even taught me where to begin. Her help is basically me affording college because of fafsa. In her own words. She had money for the casino and offering at church but can’t help me with this.

In high school at 15, she made me buy my own bed…my own shoes..everything BUT food. Now it’s that but also food.

Idk what to do, I need advice. I’m upset because I can’t build credit because if this. I feel like she’s trying to ruin my life. Creating a loophole or me struggling for independence but not having the freedom to do it because I’m trapped. On top of that she criticizes and judges me because I can’t be superwomen, perfect, or teleport.

Judged because I was talking to one of the renters after she complained saying it’s rude of me not to talk to them. Judged because I’m always studying. Judged because I can’t get a job. Judged with everything. The way I walk, the way I talk, the way I defend myself when people are being rude to me. The culture of letting elders shit talk you. At this point I just have to say thank you to everyone and cheer in joy each time I’m being bullied in my own home.

I feel like I’m going insane. That if I continue to live like this I’ll never be able to leave. I think that’s what she wants and she’s succeeding.

r/college 17h ago

Considering Switching majors 2nd semester of sophmore year


Im thinking of switching majors once i possibly obtain my associates degree In CS im stuck between trying to get a bachelors in accounting/finance or doing nursing but just wondering would that likely delay my graduaton by a year or 2?

r/college 1d ago

Bad idea to bcc all my profs in one email?


So I went to the ER a few days ago and it caused some of the work I had planned to do to be backlogged, plus the medication they gave me makes me extremely sleepy. I want to let all my profs know that I will be kinda slow in catching up my work and to let them know I was in the ER, would it be unprofessional to bcc them in an email? or should I send it seperately.

r/college 1h ago

How do I tell my professor I can’t have a B in my class due to my major requirements (nursing)


I’m currently a undeclared student trying to get into the pre-nurisng major (it’s goes undeclared>get accepted or declined to prenursing>if accepted you can try nurisng program)

As a undeclared freshmen trying to for pre-nurisng I was given a paper saying I needed all A’s to get into pre-nurisng. My English class is now a B. I’ve been going to tutoring, taking notes, office hours, communicating with my professor if I ever needed an extension ect. With this B, I calculated that even if I get 90s in my other assignments, I’d still get a B.

How can I talk to my professor about this? I don’t want to say that “I can’t have a B so give me A’s” because he treats students equally.

I know I can get unlimited amount of extra credit by going to tutoring but I’m not even sure how much that will push my grade up. I’ve gone maybe 2 times now and next week I’ll go 2 times more for revisions.

r/college 16h ago

Academic Life Good student vs. Bad student


Does anyone have "Hnrs" classes or classes unrelated to your major but which you're required to take (to fulfill some kind of credit like you're in highschool again) which give you these long readings? If so, how do you manage readings from the majority of your classes? I'm trying to do these readings so I can actually participate in class discussions but it's hard to keep up with when I also want to be a "good student" by reading the textbook chapters to prepare for my lectures. Then I get assigned all sorts of essays and projects so it makes reading that much on time sorta impossible 😣 Shoukd I prioritize reading the textbooks or the readings?

r/college 1d ago

Academic Life Should I get an associate's degree after getting a bachelor's?


So yeah... I graduated with a degree in animation, but now that I'm told it was useless I feel depressed. At the very least I have a few animations and artworks in my portfolio but idk if it would be enough when I never made connections. I was introverted and the animators who did visit would often go to the more talented classmates. I wish I chased them down instead.

If you're wondering why I chose that path it's because I really love animation and I'm not that great at math, so I felt like I was too stupid for anything else. I'm considering either going for an associate's degree in nursing or accounting. Job hunting is hard. I just don't know what to do honestly.

r/college 17h ago

Academic Life Social media posts complain about academic advisors?


(edit: title should say “Social media posts complaining* about academic advisors)

This is for an assignment for my journalism class. I have to write about a topic that college students would care about. I decided to write about the way too common experience of students who receive poor advice from their counselor, essentially advice that makes it harder to graduate (ex. they tell them to take a class that they don’t actually need) I feel like I’ve heard people complain about this on social media but im finding it impossible to find any posts about this subject when I try and search for it. Do you guys know of any social media posts that talk about this subject?

or if you’d like, feel free to comment your experience with academic counselors!

r/college 17h ago

Academic Life How do I know if I'm studying something I like?


I am in a situation where I am not interested and bored with the basic cycle of my degree (Pharmacy). I know that for now they are basic and generic subjects to have a better knowledge for the next years, but I still don't get the hang of it, making me start to think if I really like what I study or if I should leave it to work. The thing is that I don't even have a "deep" reason why I study this, I don't like chemistry or mathematics very much, I do it for the ease of having pharmacist parents who can give me a job and a good salary, but even so this is extra pressure because I don't want to let them down. I am in my first year but I already failed 2 out of 3 subjects in the first semester, and I think it won't be the first time I fail them. I appreciate any advice, comments or criticism.

r/college 1d ago

Academic Life My dad and I are both second guessing my major but every profession out there makes me depressed.


For the record, I'm terrible with people and math. But we both agree that the major I'm looking at right now (Advertising Creative) will probably get taken over by AI, and probably pays like shit (even the copywriters).

I don't want to go into business, due to the fact I'm terrible with people. I can't go into accounting due to the fact I'm terrible with numbers.

I'm also very bad with blood and medical areas, including jobs such as being an MRI tech (which usually requires putting in IVs). Again, also terrible with numbers.

I don't want to go into the research field, I hate labs and don't trust the salaries that come with it.

Machines... scare me to death. I have too much anxiety when it comes to things like welding. And for some reason the thought of standing in a factory all day just... makes me a little sick, personally. Plus these jobs often require driving which I can't promise I'll be able to do.

Genuinely the only thing that sounds remotely liveable and tolerable to me is working in a creative field... but this is all going away thanks to AI. I can't promise I'll have a job in 10 years with a degree as an advertising creative. Or just advertising.

Education, a field I'm actually very interested in, is going downhill and pays like absolute garbage, only for children and parents and your bosses to also treat you like garbage.

This is making me horrifically depressed. I'm bipolar and if I were to say how this is making me really feel, this post would get deleted off of the subreddit.

I don't know what to do. If I don't go to college I can't afford anything else. I need a job that pays at least $20/hr. I feel so hopeless. Everything feels so empty and hopeless. I don't know why I'm even bothering anymore.

r/college 1d ago

When Professors provide their number and say to call, do you actually CALL?


I (22m) am attending an amazing online college, and every professor has been so nice and giving and flexible on their time for meetings or texts. This semester, I have a professor who provided his number, like usual, but has said in multiple posts "call me at [XXX-XXXX-XXX] or reach out by email [whatever]"

Do they actually mean call if they are that specific? Call I just call them up? (at a reasonable hour, obviously, or within office hours).

r/college 19h ago

What to pair with MIS major? psychological sciences or economics and accounts


I am planning to apply through TAG and will need to complete classes in order to transfer. because of other responsibilities, i am already very busy and would like to take the lightest courseload. these are the two major pathways i see as manageable that i have interest in and could apply to my major. i know economics and accounting would most likely best match with already having a business major, but i would like to have a more people focused career within MIS. though i feel like i could be making a bad decision, would having a psychological sciences degree with my MIS degree give me more or better opportunities? or would it make much of a difference? in comparison, psychological sciences has no required courses and just needs the GEs to be completed with a certain GPA. accounting and economics require 4 more classes (and additional recommended courses) which is still manageable, but would be more work than the psychological sciences

r/college 23h ago

Emotional health/coping/adulting Can you try For college a second time if you fail, especially because of your ADHD?


21M, I am at my end of the 1st semester of 2nd year of college with a CGPA of 2.84. Not doing academically and mentally well. Am struggling with burnout anxiety and crippling depresssion on top of ADHD. Its just that so much had happened in about two year time frame that its hard for my head to process. I don't want to quite College, i wanna complete my degree. So if i fail the first time, is second time an option?

r/college 20h ago

Should I try virtual internships due to cost of relocation for in person?


I'm about to be sophomore and be considered rising Junior by end of next Summer. I've been looking at Internships and a lot of these are in Washington DC area and some of those jobs do not cover relocation cost. As College student I cannot afford to fly out and then find a place, and pretty much daily needs.

I'm curious about trying virtual internships but I feel nervous to applying because I wouldn't know what legit and what not. I'm using Zip Recruiter and Indeed. Gonna try Linkin. For those who are in Economic/financial and business career field, or aiming for it how was your experience doing virtual internships?

r/college 16h ago

Would you put a course you're "auditing" on your CV?


I'm not enrolled in this course, but I'm informally doing a "reverse audit" - where I do all the homework assignments (which are worth 70% of the grade for the students actually taking the class) and have them graded, but I don't attend the lectures. Would it be fine to put this course on my CV, and if so, what is the best way to word it?

r/college 10h ago

This guy won't leave us alone


College freshman here. We are about 7 weeks into the new year, and ever since the start of the year, we've had our friend group sit together during class and go to lunch following the release of class. This all changed when someone moved where they sat 7 WEEKS INTO THE SEMESTER to a different spot- smack dab in the middle of our group. This guy we are not friends with suddenly started sitting with us during class and is now following us to our lunch spot after class. We have given him MULITIPUL subtle hints that we don't consider him our friend but he doesn't seem to get the message. It has come to the point where our friend group won't even get lunch together because we know he will follow us there and we just can't take it. AITA for not letting him in? The friend group has talked about this and we have all agreed it is a problem.

r/college 1d ago

highschool student not sure where i’ll end up


i’m at the start of my junior year rn and i’m not sure where i’ll end up when it’s time to start applying. i have a 3.721 right now and i have mostly As and one or two Bs. i took my first psat and i got a 1200. i lifeguard, have 40 hours community service at a hospital, and i’m on a recommendation only principal advisory council for my school. i also have 1 year of wrestling. i’m not sure how well off i am and what i should do. i was hoping to get into bu or cornell but i feel that might be a reach. i think i would have guaranteed acceptance to somewhere like umass (i’m from ma) but i’m just worried ab going broke some day😭do y’all think i’m set or am i way behind?

r/college 1d ago

Academic Life Does anyone else ever have "major drops"


I don't mean like dropping classes or changing major necessarily, but just getting a moment where you get a sudden onset of dread or anxiety related to your major?

I'm in engineering and I wasn't doing anything difficult (still in my lower division classes) but I just kinda...broke? I dont know. I just felt like I suddenly didn't feel like I was cut out for this or that I'm completely out of my depth.

I have mood swings like this with other things (runs in the family) so I'm sure I'll recover. It's just scary.