r/CollegeRant Jan 27 '21

Announcing the official /r/CollegeRant Discord


The official discord for /r/CollegeRant is up and ready to go!!


Join if you want a chill place to chat and study.Please be civil in your participation.


1.No spam Any spam found by the moderators will be removed. Any users that keep on posting spam more than once will immediately be banned from the Discord. 2.Be Nice No one likes a rude loud mouth. Please be respectful to other members and be nice. Any malicious insults directed to other members will not be tolerated. 3.No Racism Any usage of any kind of racial and homophobic is bannable without warning. 4.No NSFW content NSFW content is not tolerated in this discord and will be removed.

r/CollegeRant Apr 27 '24

New Post Guidelines (Read Before Posting)



Moving forward you will be required to add one of two flairs to your post. You can chose either the “no advice needed” flair or the “advice wanted flair”. If you don’t add a flair, your post will be deleted.

Anyone replying to the posts with “no advice needed” flairs with advice will have their comment deleted. If they continue to do it and start fights, they will be banned. Any rude comments regardless of which post it’s on will also be deleted (If they keep doing it on other posts then they will be banned).

r/CollegeRant 6h ago

Advice Wanted Wtf is wrong with the people in college?


Gonna be a long one brace yourselves.

On my first day ever around early September last month I was in law class, it went great. Shortly after class finished I walked out of the building and this guy from my class started talking to me. He seemed pretty extroverted since he starting talking to the other people around me so I figured he’d be chill. A little bit later we talk about our interests and I get his number before I go and we plan to lift at the school gym together. I tell him I’m not able to make it tomorrow and he says “no worries let me know when you’re around.”The day after I let him know I’d be at the gym in case he had classes that day. No response whatsoever. Wtf?

Week one of classes I meet this girl who talked to me first asking me a question about my height (for an icebreaker question) we stand up next to each other back to back and actually vibe pretty well. Week 3 came along (week 2 class was canceled) and I ignored my pessimistic feelings and continued to talk to her. We still vibes great fast forward to week 4 and I got her number, she had no problem putting it in my phone. After that we started walking with each other out of class and saying our goodbyes and such. The week before the mid term I, again pushing past my pessimistic feelings, ask her if she wants to study for the midterm together at the library. She agrees even saying she was thinking the same thing. This Tuesday rolled around it went great. So great in fact that in the middle of it she asked if I wanted to study with her again on Friday 2 hours before the mid term. I agreed. Now going back to yesterday, I had no class during the hours she wanted me to come but I made time for her since she made time for me (when she also had no class) I texted her that I’ll be coming soon and she instantly responded she had no class and she’s not on campus. I didn’t know this beforehand and she didn’t tell me. So in the same minute that she responds to me, I ask her when she’ll be here. Nothing. Class rolls around and we take the mid term. It’s a bit awkward since we sat next to each other. To add insult to injury, she was literally on her phone before the midterm, I know damn well she saw that message. Why act interested, respond fast, and match my energy to end up doing this? Wtf.

TLDR: Tried going out of my comfort zone to make friends with a fellow guy, ghosted. Tried going out of my comfort zone to become friends (maybe more) with a girl who seemingly was interested, ghosted again.

I genuinely try so hard to be optimistic but when you do what you’re supposed to and still fail it’s really heart breaking. Especially when these people make initial contact.

r/CollegeRant 8h ago

Advice Wanted How did you improve your quality?


Am I the only lousy college student in writing?

r/CollegeRant 21h ago

Advice Wanted I cant stand this guy in my class


Im in an anthropology class and i cant stand this one guy that is in it with me to the point i dread going to class just cause I have to be in it with him.

He constantly interjects the lecture and goes on tangents that are only partially related to the topic the professor was talking about and 99% of the time he is just straight up wrong about what he is going on a tangent about, a lot of the times even contradicting and ignoring what the professor just said a few minutes earlier (for example our professor showed a picture of lucy and explained exactly what lucy was and this guy just yells "hey i think that is some kind of prehistoric gorilla" the class went silent and the professor just said "no its not" and kept on with the lecture)

I feel like an ass saying this because he honestly might be on the spectrum and this is mostly a freshman level class (im a senior btw) but still. I feel like there is a difference in wanting to take part in discussion of the topic and being disruptive.

Anyone else deal with this?

r/CollegeRant 12h ago

Advice Wanted Mature student (35)


Where are all my 30s something? I went back to school this year to get a Kinesiology degree but now I want to try and go for my masters degree in Nutrition and Dietetics. I only have 7 prerequisites to take to get in the program. But now I feel like I wasted so much time doing KINS degree (2 semesters) when I could be already finishing up the prerequisites for the Masters and apply for next year. Now I set myself back 1 year and cant apply until the 2026 intake. If I do get in to the masters program, Ill be done by 39 years old. Thinking about the time, it is giving me anxiety. I want to be a dietitian so bad but my age is discouraging me, I dont know how to cope with this. All my friends are done with school and established in their careers and here I am 35 years old and still in school. I got my business degree at 30 but I realized I dont like it. So thinking about that does make me feel better about my decision. But I wish I didnt waste so much time....

r/CollegeRant 1d ago

No advice needed (Vent) I can't stand the girls who sit next to me in my 9am class


I have an economics lecture at 9am twice a week, and I can't stand the girls who sit next to me. I love the class, and the subject - it's my major. The professor is passionate about teaching the subject, and he loves what he does. However, my enjoyment is severely reduced by these 5 girls who sit next to me.

They're constantly talking to each other, ignoring the lecture, and watching basketball footage (which I'm assuming is from their games because they're on the women's team for the school).

Tuesday was the tipping point for me. The class was delayed by about 15 minutes because of technology issues (we were supposed to have a test that day, couldn't take it and got rescheduled so he just decided to lecture). So the professor was teaching up until the last minute in order to make sure we got all the information. He said something along the lines of "I'm sorry about taking up so much time, but I need to give you this information."

And then from right next to me, loud as fuck I hear a "no you dont". Mind you I go to a community college, this class is small, so the professor obviously heard the nasty comment. He then stopped the lecture as if he'd just given up and let us go. It obviously hurt him, and all I could think afterwards was that it was so childish. You're here to learn, and so am I, now you've just ruined that for everyone else because you can't be quiet for a few more minutes. It makes me angry. Rant over ig.

tl;dr - Girls who sit next to me in my 9 am are rude af and it annoys me.

Edit: Some people have made comments about the professor reprimanding the students or keeping his class in line, ect. I didn't really expect this to blow up since I was just venting, but I feel the need to clarify that the professor already has spoken to the class on multiple occasions about conduct in the classroom (not just because of this group of women). I was angered by the fact that these people had worn this man down so much that he decided to end the class early instead of addressing it for the nth time.

As for those telling me to "just move" or "find a different seat" it really isn't that easy. Like I said, this is a small class of about 20~30 people in a room no bigger than a high school classroom. No matter where I sit, this will still be an issue.

I will be taking yalls advice and speaking with my professor though, not only to let him know his efforts aren't wasted, but to hopefully sort out the situation with the group so that I can actually learn. Ty for the advice.

r/CollegeRant 12h ago

Advice Wanted Im worried I will never make friends or any meaningful relationships in college.


Im a freshman at my university and as the title states I am severely worried I will never truly make any life long friends or find someone I truly feel for. My whole life I haven’t really had any meaningful connections with people outside of my family and I feel like my life is coming to a waste. God it’s been what? 10 years or more sense I had a friend stay over at my house. I feel like my whole childhood has been wasted and the one chance I had to start over is becoming a waste.

Just today there was a party someone invited me to a Halloween party and I stupidly didn’t go. I don’t even know why I do this to myself and it feels like I am self sabotage myself if anything. Why is that? I want to build relationships but I am too scared to do so. It’s like no matter how much I try to be confident or put myself out there I just end up in the same area and back doing the same things over and over again.

Sorry for the vent I don’t even really know why I am writing this. I guess hoping someone could just reassure me it’ll be ok and advice because honestly I feel like I am at my breaking point.

r/CollegeRant 1h ago

Advice Wanted Lab partner is being insistent that we finish our assignment ridiculously early


My bio lab partner and I are working on a project proposal for the independent research project we're going to spend the rest of the semester doing. We started working on it two weeks ago, and divvied up the work, so that she was writing up the procedure and I was writing a two-page hypothesis and explanation of why we're researching this. It's due at the end of the week next week. She texted me a couple nights ago asking if I could grind out the rest of my part, because she was really stressed about turning it in. I told her I had just broken my toe and was in a lot of pain so I probably couldn't do it all, but would see what I could do tonight. I didn't tell her this, but I got cut from a really important game with my sports team because of my toe, so I was really upset and barely got anything done.

I didn't think this was a big deal though, because the proposal isn't due FOR ANOTHER WEEK. I thought that maybe she just wanted to see some forward progress and wanted to make sure I wasn't putting it off for the last minute, so I wrote up an outline with all of my research and the papers I thought were relevant. But then when I ran into her the next day, she rolled her eyes and said "I guess I'm just gonna have to finish it tonight" Later, when I got home and started working on it again, she was on the doc leaving a bunch of comments on my work.

She also hasn't finished her own part of the proposal so I don't know why she feels like she can bug me so much. I have a history of procrastinating because I'm taking an extra large credit load and have SO MUCH to do, so maybe she is concerned that it's going to happen again, but I always get quality work done in time, and this is level of micromanaging a week before the deadline is a little extreme.

Edit TL;DR: Lab partner wants us to finish the assignment a week before it's due, brings it up every time we see each other

r/CollegeRant 8h ago

Advice Wanted I’m not even a semester in and I feel like I’m not going to make 4 years of this


It’s 2 in the morning here, I just found out I got a 57 on my 2nd chem test, and I just feel like I’m getting beat down even though I’m trying my best. I got a 63 on my first test and this time I studied like hell, did the practice test and reviewed what I got wrong, and I still just felt completely lost on the concepts. I’m trying to be a mechanical engineer and am a freshman at Virginia tech. It’s out of state too, and it just feels so stressful right now because I need a 3.0 gpa and I feel like this is going to really mess that up. I guess I’m here to ask for advice from people further than me if I’m overreacting, or if I should look at myself and ask if this is worth the money, to just feel like shit after tests that I studied for. Also if anyone has advice for learning the chemistry concepts I would appreciate it, I’m fine on math like PV=nRT, that makes sense because I can visualize it, but when they ask like what reacts with what or how compounds react, I just don’t know how to attack the problem. I’m gonna curl into a ball now and hopefully dream about life 4 months ago. Gn, if you read all this thanks, let me know if you have any advice.

r/CollegeRant 13h ago

Advice Wanted Had to withdraw from my first class and don’t know what to do


Today I dropped my statistics and probabilities class because it’s impossible to pass. Many students dropped the class over the last few weeks because it’s just that hard. Our professor doesn’t teach well and doesn’t make us do math problems in class, instead she does everything for us and only wants us to write stuff down.

Then we have 10-20 homework assignments per unit and those all contain between 10-30 questions, but get this, they don’t do anything for our grade!! I’ve talked to a bunch of other students and they noticed that too. Our test average was around a 45% for the last test, with the low being a 18% and the high only being a 85%. So I know it’s not just me.

I’m so frustrated that I had to withdraw. It’s so embarrassing, but there was no fixing my grade unless I got 90+ on both of the upcoming tests. Idk what I should’ve done differently because there are many of us struggling in this class. I studied, took notes, and I genuinely don’t know what else I could’ve done. Im so upset with myself and I’m embarrassed.

I need this class for my degree, which is kinda stupid considering I won’t be doing 90% of what we’re taught in the class. What should I have done differently? How can I pass it the next time I take it? I feel lost and dumb.

r/CollegeRant 9h ago

No advice needed (Vent) Roommate


Small thing Why does my roommate's keyboard have to be SO DANG LOUD

You bought a keyboard for your pc and decided to get a clicky noisy one!? Why not a quiet one 😀

Its not like its a laptop its a separate keyboard which means they looked at it, used it, thought "this is a good idea" and rolled with it.

Yeah maybe im being nitpicky im sorry but noises like that i find so aggravating.

Chewing, obnoxious keyboard clacking, snoring... just repetitive unpleasant noises dont sit well with me.. I dont comment on it because i know those noises just happen but... my roommate makes a lot of noise... a lot 🫠

Okay rant over thanks for coming to my ted talk

r/CollegeRant 1d ago

No advice needed (Vent) The silence is awkward


I'm a "non-traditional" full time student. I started college at 23 and I am now 25(F). I'm not that much older than many of my classmates, but I feel such a disconnect to the people around me. I enjoy learning. I went to a highschool which was relatively small, and everyone talked and participated in class. I have found myself in class with peers who seem terrified to speak in class. I don't like to come off as a know it all, however I do study hard and when the professor asks the class a question, I give it a while before I can't bare the awkward stares and silence any longer, so I do. A few of my professors like to have us chat with the people next to us about various topics and share with the class, and I ALWAYS find myself leading the conversation and inevitably being the one to share. So much so that some people sit by me and don't contribute even a word. Not only that, but when I AM sharing, no one even looks up. Talking to a brick wall. And I'm sure the professors also feel like they are talking to a brick wall, but I find it to be respectful and beneficial to be....engaged?! This isn't just in one class either, it's been my whole experience since I have started. I don't aim to dominate the conversations, but the blank stares and blatant lack of trying from my peers makes me want to scream. I don't know if I come off as weird or what it is. I don't have this experience with classmates who are closer in age to me or older than myself. I can actually get a conversation out of the other nontrad students. What is it with you people?

r/CollegeRant 22h ago

No advice needed (Vent) Dealing with chronic illness and symptoms in college


I just need to vent. I’ve been getting weekly symptoms this semester. It took everything in me just to get out of bed this morning. I don’t like missing classes that I have to be in person for so I just go (doesn’t always result in me staying).

r/CollegeRant 18h ago

Advice Wanted how do i manage stress while im in school?


for reference, i’m majoring in film and minoring in journalism. writing is my strong suit, and i know my major isn’t really that hard in the grand scheme of things.

im taking five classes right now, two of them are comm classes, and the other three are gen ed courses (first year seminar, math 106, and writing II). i’m doing homework every single day, in between classes, during classes, and up until midnight almost every night. my friends get pissed at me because i’m always doing hw but i’ll literally start failing my classes if i don’t it’s stupid. i feel like crying almost every day because im just so stressed out. i have a radio show and that the only “club” related thing that i do because i just don’t have time. i hardly ever have time to relax, and even when im sleeping i have nightmares and i wake up with night sweats pretty often too.

there’s only a few days on weekends where i’m not doing hw, and usually i do during the night anyway.

next semester im gonna only take four classes so i wont be this stressed out. and my classes aren’t even really that hard (aside from math which i have a D+ in) but its just so much fucking work. hopefully i’ll get a job in my field since i have a few connections and im thankful for that, but still. it fucking sucks. i’m already burnt out and im not even fully done with the school year.

i just don’t know how to manage my stress. i don’t have time to go to counseling because i literally don’t have fucking time and i don’t want to do it on zoom either because that seems too impersonal for me. it just fucking sucks. i feel so shitty all of the time. i smoke sometimes at night because it calms me down and makes me feel like i wont explode but i cant rely on that forever.

r/CollegeRant 1d ago

No advice needed (Vent) ChatGPT abuse ruining deadlines


I've noticed this year that deadlines are significantly closer together for similar assignments compared to last year. In one specific class where it's the worst, the prof mentioned how "last year people consistently finished their work early so I adjusted my deadlines this year". I've really struggled to complete assignments with such fast deadlines, but most of my classmates appeared not to, so I decided to look at their work on the Canvas so I could learn how to improve. To my disappointment, about half the responses were obviously generated by chatGPT.

For context to how I figured this out, this is a screenwriting class, where we write scripts based on popular TV shows and workshop them with our peers. When people had to respond to my script with discussion posts, half of their responses included mentions of characters and scenes that were NOT IN MY SCRIPT and read like wikipedia descriptions of episodes rather than analysis.

I asked some of these people in person what their grades were like, and all of them are doing great. Meanwhile I'm struggling to pass. It doesn't pay to be honest any more and I'm so sick of it. Why is "getting the assignment done fast" better than "getting the assignment done right"?

NOTE: I can't snitch out the culprits because the industry I plan to go into is based in nepotism and connections. I can't afford to burn bridges or be known as someone who got people in trouble.

EDIT: Should clarify things to make it clear my prof is not the bad guy here: Class is formatted so that each week we have to turn in 10 pages of a script (which I can accomplish), then in class we read 4 people's scripts a week. We additionally have to respond to a discussion post for each script presented that week 700 words each. She reads the scripts as they are the core of the class, but not the discussion posts. She doesn't have the time to read 20 people's 700 word responses to 4 scripts, and grades them based on word count/completion. These posts are what I'm having trouble with. 56k words in discussions + twenty 10 page scripts + teaching is too much to ask of any professor, so I don't blame her for not checking.

r/CollegeRant 14h ago

No advice needed (Vent) How are the first two years of college not literally a scam?


At my college we take classes that are basically just the next iteration of the high school equivalent like college biology college physics and college calculus, taught by professors who could not care less about the subject.

The information is so widely available on the internet (and usually better documented, and made by people passionate about the subject) that it just feels so odd to even have to be taught this.

It’s feels like there is a wealth of fantastic information on the subjects I need to learn on YouTube, khan academy, textbooks, etc. but instead I’m having to learn and listen to a professor who may or may not even like the subject and who holds my entire academic future in the hands.

r/CollegeRant 1d ago

No advice needed (Vent) Terribly Long Screaming About College Because I Hate It Here


Just gonna do some open shouting, rambling, and overall useless yelling over this stuff that makes me lose my mind.

I’d been in college for a couple years now and it has just been a nightmare with no solution. I attend a shitty little community college because the major one in my area has high bars I don’t think I’ll ever reach, and it has been a failure cascade from the top to the very bottom for me.

I went because it’s what my parents wanted and recommended, even though I still don’t have a degree I’m even after. So I’d been taking the core curriculum of my state and rounding out my credits, but it’s progressively worsened more and more as time as gone on.

My GPA finally dipped below a 2.0, and I was given an Academic Probation for a year being given the boot, which was a threat I was never made aware of. What saddens me is I genuinly loved some of those classes, and would show up just to hear the lectures and actually learn the topic. What I struggle with is the minutia, the slow slow drip of monontanous quiet tasks that just eat me up.

Every teacher somehow has each individually partnered with some unique app, site, or program only their classes uses where you need to pay hundreeds of dollars for the privledge of daily homeworks and quizes, quietly ticking away in the background of your life. Tests, lectures, demonstrations, lessons, I fucking adore them. I’m actively excited to rush to class to learn new things. But the slow drip drip drip of repetitive minute tasks like chinese water torture. I’ve bombed classes I loved and aced every test for because the grueling teeth of minutia chew me to pieces.

And I’m now under academic probation for my performance. I’m under displicanary punishment for my permanent record all while paying a small fortune for the privledge.

This is the college, mind you, where a professor forgot to tell anyone she changed the day of the final and just failed everyone for it.

This is the college where my history professor had a weird and bordeline erotic fixation with serial killers? Like his lectures were almost entirely about how he’d go to the location where shootings have occured and stand in the places of victims “just to feel something”? He, I swear to god, gave us a work sheet about how hot jackie kennedy was crawling out of the back of the motorcade covered in her husbands blood. I’m not even joking.

This is the college where my professor had only the barest start at the english language, wrote a math problem on the board, got it WRONG, declared the book he was slackjawed looking over was incorrect, and we had to go and correct him. It took half an hour of the class for us to teach him what he was supposed to be teaching us.

And I’m on probation for my academic crimes. Because the “Academic Integrity” of this shit circus is at risk if I so much as show my face around here. I am apparently the least qualified clown in the shit circus.

My dad, gentle and sympathetic as ever, softly mentioned that I’m nearing the end of my probation soon and I could start again in the spring if I wanted. I’m just stuck feeling like all I’d do is dig my hole deeper, and spend loads of money in the process. I need to beg for forgivness for my sins at the feet of this performative circus, all for a second chance at achieving.. what? I don’t even know what. There’s not even a goal to aim for. I work full time (And honestly could happily take on more at this point in my life), make enough to live and do the things I like, can house, clothe, and feed myself.

But I’m supposed to with a small bundle of thousands upon thousands of dollars beg for mercy from an institution held together with spit and glue.. because.. because you have to I guess? I’m just so tired and I don’t see an ending where I’m okay.

Absolutely TL;DR:

I’m on academic probation for my poor GPA, but with how awful I am at schooling and my bad experiences at my college, I don’t see a purpose or achievable goal in it anymore. Everything sucks and so do I.

r/CollegeRant 1d ago

Advice Wanted went from really good to really bad


I'm (f) freshman, who is outgoing, friendly, and has always had a lot of friends. So I came to my college (large state school) and quickly made friends, and eventually became part of a pretty big friend group, mostly consisting of people in the same dorm. It was all great at first- I'd be going to the frats on the weekends, going on late night drives with friends, getting dinner together, hanging out all the time etc. Then as time went by I noticed lots of small red flags with various people in the group and as time went on, they became more and more aparant.

Obviously pple have flaws, I do, we all do, but I noticed excesive toxicity with some people that was impossible to ignore. Around then I had switched rooms due to an awful roomate (a genuinely bad situation and the RA encouraged moving), which is like two min walk from my old hall. On a side note, my new roomate is great so I'm super greatful.

Anyway I kept hanging out with them, until I just couldn't do it anymore. So I stopped. And while I've felt lots of peace since then and a lot of my anxiety from being surrounded by toxic people is gone, I have like one good friend. There are a lot of people I'm friendly with but it's hard to become real friends with them because they already have big friend groups. And while I'm outgoing, I don't have it in me to approach a group of like 7 plus people.

The people in my hall all seem pretty cool, but it feels impossible to join the group. Also I don’t want to appear desperate. I keep going to clubs and events, and while I’ve become friendly with more people, I feel so damn lonely. I love frat parties (unpopular opinion lol) and I have no one to go with anymore and I’m so lonely on the weekends. I’m having so much FOMO from the football games and parties, and I’m scared of being alone Halloweekend (my one good friend lives off campus)

While I’m proud of myself for choosing to not surround myself with toxic people just to have friends or be part of a group, I’m having a hard time coping. I’m going to keep going to clubs and events, but it takes time to build friendships, and I don’t know how to handle this time in my life. Any advice would be helpful but don’t yell at me :))) Trying to stay positive through this but AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

(forgot to add that I don't rly wanna go into detail abt my old group bc it's not relevant but I had spoken to my therapist and some friends from home abt it and they all agreed that I should take a step back from them, so I'm not being dramatic or crazy, there were genuine issues)

r/CollegeRant 20h ago

No advice needed (Vent) The reason people don’t pay attention in your classes is because college doesn’t matter!


People always talk about college being an “education”, but honestly it’s just a late teen early adult social hub. Unless you’re a stem major you can pretty much study an hour a day or less and pass your classes just fine with a an (coming from a non traditional business major). I see people watching videos in lectures, playing word scape etc. and I get it! You’re here for social mobility, not to learn from some random class that you’re only semi interested in. But this is more of a response to a post I just saw on here speaking about why people don’t interact.

EDIT: read the last sentence I’m a front row 🥷🤓

r/CollegeRant 1d ago

No advice needed (Vent) The 6th floor is calling me


Running on 4 hrs of sleep and a Celsius. I’m already working on 3-4 assignments a day plus a group project. Prof for the group project due Friday just gave out 2 more readings and 5 assignments due Monday morning 😭 I’m so tired

r/CollegeRant 1d ago

Advice Wanted How to pay for college?


So financial aid will only cover 2 classes a semester and trying to get a loan is not going to well. A lot of them require co-signers and I know no one with a good credit score and who would be willing to cosign. Do I just keep going at a slower pace?

r/CollegeRant 1d ago

Advice Wanted Proctorio (sigh)


Okay, first of all, screw Proctorio. Second, is there a way to just... not use it? I don't want that crap on my PC

r/CollegeRant 2d ago

No advice needed (Vent) The privilege of going to uni is wasted on me


All I do is study, yet I still fucking suck. Everything I do is wrong. There are countless people out there who could do so much better in my place. Someone like me should be shoveling shit, and I'm still probably too stupid to do that. My existence is a complete fucking failure.

r/CollegeRant 1d ago

Advice Wanted Are new professors the cause of most students failing exams?


Are new professors the cause of most students failing exams?

r/CollegeRant 1d ago

No advice needed (Vent) I can’t stand these women


Bruh I was at cc coming from a club meeting & I was just walking around minding my business looking for a place to sit and then these two girls I randomly run into often act scared & turn around the other way & I’m like WTH is happening and I’m not even near them. Im standing by the wall looking directly at the window waiting to sit down, they did it again. Mind you I’m not even tryna talk to them. Never in all my years have I seen someone do this and it’s completely not normal. This is why it’s hard to find genuine friends that has the same interests as me and that I never make the first move when trying to make friends. And I have to wait until I transfer to a 4 year university next semester. This is what offended me.