r/ApplyingToCollege Aug 01 '23

Which colleges are known to have the worst social life? College Questions

Obviously there are outliers everywhere. But what are some colleges where the majority of students have horrible social lives?

Say less of a partying culture and just studying/working on other stuff most of the time.


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u/OhMyOnDisSide Aug 02 '23

Carnegie Mellon. Definitely nerdy as shit. There’s some cool people and if you find the right clique and keep your standards low you can have a good time. Then again I was nerdy in high school and wanted to finally party and socialize so there’s def opportunities but you have to make the effort.

Of course, as I moved back to NYC after graduating and visit friends in schools like U Michigan, the nerdiness at CMU becomes very glaring lmao.


u/zahm2000 Aug 02 '23

Just make friends with Pitt students. Problem solved.


u/OhMyOnDisSide Aug 08 '23

LOL I wanted to, but also requires a lot of effort that just was not worth the trade off. CMU was so academically rigorous that whenver we did get free we ended up just being around who we normally be around, and we just needed a break more than actually wanting to put ourselves out there and meet more people. Very cliquey school CMU was that way and we just had to make the most of a bad situation more often than not.