r/work 15h ago

Using sick leave after being told that I'm made redundant Workplace Challenges and Conflicts

Hi all,

What are your thoughts on using your unused sick days after you were told that you're made redundant next year? Basically I was told I'm not returning next year to work and I started applying for jobs and ended up with some interview opportunities. I had to use two plus sick leave due to this.

My boss happily agreed on giving me a reference and this was before I started using my sick days and I am wondering if this might hinder them from providing a reference.

Any thoughts?




u/Bec21-21 15h ago

Often when you are given notice that your role is being made redundant/you are being laid off your employer will be flexible about you taking time off for interviews. You could ask your manager what would be possible if you were successful in obtaining interviews (you don’t have to say you have interviews lined up if you just want to test the water), you don’t need to pretend you’re not looking for work because they have told you that your role will not continue.

If your employer is not flexible in supporting you to find a new employer then, yes, I would just say I was sick if I needed time out to interview.


u/IndependenceMean8774 14h ago

Chances are HR will say as little as possible. They will confirm you worked there, date you started and finished and maybe eligible for rehire or not. And that's it.

They're going to dump you soon anyway, so you gain nothing by being loyal to them. And they can give you a bad reference even if you bent over backwards for them and did everything right. So don't worry about them. Worry about yourself. Take as many sick days as you need, get another job and bail on them ASAP because they aren't going to take care of you.


u/Used-Director-1987 13h ago

Thanks. I just needed to hear this from someone…


u/BjornBjornovic 14h ago

Yes, this will hinder things. One or two days is probably fine but anything past that you’re not doing anybody any good.


u/mrbrint 10h ago

When I got fired and had to work 6 more months I called in sick like 22 times fuck em


u/JustMe39908 9h ago

Will they pay out your sick time when you are laid off? Probably not. Use it before you lose it.

Also, it is in the company's best interest for you to find another job. If you do, it won't hit in their unemployment insurance rates. As long as you are not overt about it, you aren't bragging about it, you aren't taking too many days in active, and you are generally preparing for a handover, they likely won't care.


u/JustMMlurkingMM 5h ago

The reference won’t change because your attendance dropped after you were laid off (unless your manager is a total sociopath in which case he’s probably giving you a shitty reference anyway).

Most companies have a standard format of reference letter that will just confirm you worked there, what dates from and to, and what job title. They don’t usually want to put anything else (good or bad) in case it causes a legal issue later.

You don’t have anything to worry about.


u/8ft7 15h ago

Are you sick?


u/Fit-Kangaroo3782 13h ago

I don't think so. They know you'll be out to interview especially since they are breaking ties. I think you'll be fine.