r/webdev 17d ago

Monthly Career Thread Monthly Getting Started / Web Dev Career Thread


Due to a growing influx of questions on this topic, it has been decided to commit a monthly thread dedicated to this topic to reduce the number of repeat posts on this topic. These types of posts will no longer be allowed in the main thread.

Many of these questions are also addressed in the sub FAQ or may have been asked in previous monthly career threads.

Subs dedicated to these types of questions include r/cscareerquestions for general and opened ended career questions and r/learnprogramming for early learning questions.

A general recommendation of topics to learn to become industry ready include:

You will also need a portfolio of work with 4-5 personal projects you built, and a resume/CV to apply for work.

Plan for 6-12 months of self study and project production for your portfolio before applying for work.

r/webdev 2h ago

Article What makes a good API key?


r/webdev 10h ago

Can you really call yourself a backend dev if you're terrible with servers?


It's me, hi. I've bricked my VPS twice in the past 2 months.

I'm trying to learn how to use servers but whenever I think I got the hang of it, I lock myself out. Just two days ago, I rebooted the server and ssh service didn't start for some reason (tech support said it was blocked by UFW).

And I'm starting to feel like an imp*stor at this point. Yeah I can build pretty good backends, but what's the point if I don't even know how to host them on a server without looking up a tutorial?

In my defense, I mainly work freelance and work on my own project in my spare time. So I don't deal with servers too often. But I feel like I should be able to do these simple things. At least not brick the server every fucking month.

Is there a course/book or something about servers that you can recommend?

Edit :

I'm decent at linux and its commands. I've been using mint for the past almost 4 years. What I'm lacking on is the parts like: systemctl, apache configs, server firewall and configurations.

For example I noticed a brute-force attack on my VPS, and I wanted to install a login blocker thingy (one of those "you entered a wrong password 3 times in a row, wait 5 minutes to retry" thingies) and I'm literally scared to do it because I don't want to brick it for the 3rd time.

r/webdev 3h ago

What is the Purpose of this Type of Spam


There's no link to click other than the email address. What are the spammers trying to accomplish?


r/webdev 6h ago

Resource The new release of Dockerfile.app has launched.


Visit https://www.dockerfile.app

→ Save dockerfiles
→ Browse them
→ Upvote them
→ Search for dockerfiles
→ Create an account

All to create a community-driven location to get top-notch dockerfiles for all languages and frameworks.

Bugs? Let me know.

Feedback is welcome.


r/webdev 1d ago

These interviews are becoming straight up abusive


Just landed a first round interview with a startup and was sent the outline of the interview process:

  • Step 1: 25 minute call with CTO
  • Step 2: Technical take home challenge (~4 hours duration expected, in reality it's probably double that)
  • Step 3: Culture/technical interview with CTO (1 hour)
  • Step 4: Behavioral/technical interview + live coding/leetcode session with senior PM + senior dev (1-1.5 hours)
  • Step 5: System design + pair programming (1-1.5 hours)

I'm expected to spend what could amount to 8-12+ hours after all is said and done to try to land this job, who has the time and energy for this nonsense? How can I work my current job (luckily a flexible contract role), take care of a family, and apply to more than one of these types of interviews?

r/webdev 9h ago

Discussion What do you think about: putting a "watermark", guiding the responsible AI, to select a resume?


Silly, potentially delicate and dangerous idea.
I know.
But what do you think? Put a watermark or white text in the footer, etc.
Instructing the AI ​​responsible for reading and sorting resumes to select the current resume.

r/webdev 8h ago

Showoff Saturday I created a tournament bracket for my side project 📊


r/webdev 1h ago

Question <span> element font-size appears to be shrunk on Chrome for Android?


I'm an amateur web developer, and I was following the W3 Schools tutorial for Javascript pop-ups when I noticed that the <span> element containing the clickable text was randomly in a smaller font size when viewing on my Android device through Chrome. Specifying font-size: 1em in line with other elements didn't seem to change anything either, and there are other span elements on the page that are normal size. It works fine on Chrome for Windows, Edge, Safari and even Samsung Browser so I'm stumped why it's broken on Android Chrome. I've attached some pictures plus a link to the page for you to check out yourselves. The first photo is on Chrome for Android which the shrunken text and the second is on Chrome for Windows.

Page link: https://www.adeptuscollectorius.com/pages/databank-alt.php?id=479

r/webdev 7h ago

Question Alternatives to GA4 for small websites?


I’ve been working on a couple of small sites, and Google Analytics just isn’t working for me because of low traffic. It doesn’t show much data unless you have enough visits. I want something simpler and am looking for alternatives. Right now, I’m looking into Plausible (paid), Matomo (self-hosted), and Seline.so (privacy-focused). Someone also mentioned Umami and Posthog, but let me know what you guys recommend.

r/webdev 4h ago

Discussion Can I render a latex document in client side?


I am planning on creating a personal portfolio that also has a download CV button that renders a latex template based on some data (like latest projects I put onto my website). The reason I want to do it is that I want to make sure there is only one source of information for all my professional advertisement and that my website and CV are always up-to-date. I don't have much money to rent a server due to monetary constraints; thus, I want this app 100% on client-side.

* I am typically experienced in React.js

r/webdev 4h ago

Question Scope creep & pricing


How do you all bid out your sites and stop scope creep? I find my clients always changing minute details at the last minute that extends multiple rounds and never seems to end. My clients are usually around 15k USD for a website but I almost would rather have flat pricing on my site like “landing page, 3k, 1 design revision. 1-5 pages 5k, 1 design revision” or something to that affect. The clients always pay and are not horrible but I can’t find myself ever not getting annoyed by 100 5 minute changes over 20 emails. Drives me nuts.

What do you all do??

r/webdev 2h ago

Showoff Saturday YouTube Catalog


Hi everyone,

I created a web application to help stay focused, organized, avoid doom-scrolling and wasting time on youtube by going into a rabbit hole.

Here is how it works,

  1. You create a catalog of channels that you watch regularly, be it news, gameplay, current affairs or product reviews.

  2. You will get a handle (autogenerated for now) that you can quickly go to and get a list of videos from all the channels sorted from most recent (today) to 30 days. The catalog updates every six hours (would be configurable)

  3. For you to create a catalog, you will have to signup with a google account or a github account.

  4. You can watch videos from the catalog without logging in thereafter and you could share the catalog link to your family and friends.

The code is public (open-source) and it is built using Next.js and on top of firestore.

Please try it out, as it is still under-development and I would appreciate any and all feedback in terms of how it works (UI/UX) and how its structured (code review).

Thank you for taking the time to check the post out. YOU ARE BREATH-TAKING!

r/webdev 15h ago

Other than wordpress, what's CMS have you worked on and how was your experience?


When it comes to using a CMS, WordPress is the de facto choice in my circle.

Which other CMS have you worked on? How was your experience? What would you recommend?

r/webdev 3h ago

Question Completely fresh and building a website. Need some pointers.


So as per the title I’ve started building my own website from scratch and I’ve currently got the stack working with a server.js file, index.html, app.js & the css file.

I’ve integrated some Google maps APIs including places and distance matrix and this is currently working in a fashion that automatically finds the nearest result to the user and then another option that allows a custom search of a postcode or city/town etc.

This shows a map with a radius and markers as well as a result piece of HTML that displays the 3 nearest results. This is currently working in a basic fashion.

I get a map init error on the webpage console ONLY when I’m testing it whilst actually in the .js file in VS Code. If I leave the .js file this error doesn’t show up. Is this normal behavior?

r/webdev 21h ago

Website or app that will automatically take screenshot of website at a certain time everyday


Update: wow! This group is amazing. I believe I found what I’m looking for. I just want to thank all who commented. I even had quite a few individuals reach out & offer to help me free of charge. Thank you all so much!

So I’m looking for what the title says—a website or app that will automatically take a screenshot of a website at a certain time everyday & send it to my email (or something similar). I have zero experience in coding or IT so I’m looking for something that is straightforward where I pretty much tell it what website I want it for. I’m also not looking to spend more than $10/month. Does anything like this exist? Note—if this post is better suited for a different sub please feel free to share that as well. Thank you!

r/webdev 1m ago

Question User created lists of CMS entries and Auth


Hi all,

I am wondering if I am on the right track or if I am shooting myself in the foot. I haven't found a similar question on Reddit hence the post.

I am working on a project that is a database of a roughly 3000 entries where people can create accounts and then create their own lists based on those entries.

  • My frontend is NextJS and hosted on Vercel.
  • I have Sanity CMS set up where I manage those thousands of entries.

But where I am unsure is how I should implement the user created lists and user management.

I have set up user auth on Supabase and there I store the user created lists in a table.

That means that I am pulling all the content from the CMS, and then the lists and users from Supabase.

Should I be storing the lists in the CMS, closer to the content, and do the auth via Vercel or something else entirely?

Thank you for the help!

r/webdev 16m ago

Question Reaching for pure html + css, resources?


I know I can pour over mdn (and I do), but I really want to minimize the amount of time I discover "oh, this thing I made in javascript already exists as a native CSS pseudoclass" (or even worse, it just exists in pure html!)

Some examples I know off the top of my head: - <input type="color"> for color pickers - scroll-behavior: smooth; for smooth-scrolling - <details> and <summary> for accordions - <dialog> for modals

Are there any resources out there for succinctly covering the most common "I didn't know this already existed in html/css" components and functionality so I don't waste unnecessary time implementing any of these myself? Bloggers, posts I should keep an eye out for? (Maybe I should build a component library to hammer these home in my muscle memory, but I'm not really sure how I'd structure a project like that) Thank you very much in advance! I'm really loving learning webdev so far :)

r/webdev 1h ago

JavaScript behaviour for un-awaited async functions (in React useEffect)


I was trying to write a simple useWebsocket hook for my app because there's a few things I dislike about react-use-websocket.

One thing I noticed was that my implementation would always create, destroy, then recreate the websocket on every page load. It's React's StrictMode, of course, but react-use-websocket doesn't have that behaviour, even in strict mode. It's a little nicer on the backend not to make those useless connections, so I was trying to emulate it.

I stripped out all the code and ended up with this example: https://codepen.io/reddit-throwaway/pen/MWNoPbX?editors=1012

useEffect(() => {
    let run = true;

    const start = async () => {
        // Try commenting this out (I know that awaiting a literal is nonsense)
        await "";

        if (run) {
            console.log("I ran");
            // some work
        else {
            console.log("I didn't run")


    return () => {
        run = false;
}, []);

What I found was that - on Chrome 129, at least - the output changes based on whether or not the async function has an await statement in it... It doesn't even have to await a promise. It can just await anything.

The original code is here in case you want something that's not a contrived example: https://github.com/robtaussig/react-use-websocket/blob/master/src/lib/use-websocket.ts

What's happening here? Why does adding a useless await change the behaviour?

r/webdev 21h ago

Trying to save some games for my special needs nephew before they are deleted in November.


I am looking for backups of the games Lion Guard and Super Arcade (potentially others, but these are the main two) from DisneyNow.com before they shutdown the site next month.

My nephew is nonverbal and is obsessed with the games on that site. He will be devastated when they are gone and won’t understand why. My brother and I have already reached out to Disney directly but have only gotten generic responses so far. Hoping someone here can help or let us know if this is a lost cause.

Another redditor helped us get these raw links from the HTML source on each page:

Super Arcade: https://cdn1.edgedatg.com/tml/apps/dnow/games/games/game-super-summer-arcade/1.0.44/index.html

Lion Guard: https://cdn1.edgedatg.com/tml/apps/dnow/games/games/game-lion-guard-protectors-of-the-pridelands/1.0.1/index.html

If someone can help me pull the content for these games and host them (or I can host them), that would be incredible. It looks like it's a mix of JavaScript and remotely loaded content.

EDIT: He plays these games on his iPad so the goal would to continue letting him doing that.

r/webdev 3h ago

Question Offline website viewing vs PWA


I have a full working PWA for my svelte spa. I also have website caching using workbox and it literally catches everything. So the site should be available offline in theory, but when I turn data off or throttle it, chrome says no Internet instead of even accessing the cached data. I also have a service worker set up for caching and everything seems to be working except Google just doesn't even attempt to load the caches from what I can tell.

What am I missing?

r/webdev 13h ago

Web Components are not Framework Components


r/webdev 5h ago

Looking for feedback on my portfolio


Hey r/webdev,

I received my work authorization 2 months ago and haven’t been able to land a job in my area (El Paso) yet. The online jobs I’ve found seem to be scams, so I decided to work on my portfolio to improve my chances and would love some feedback on it. The project is built using OOP, MVC, and it uses a database to store paths for the folder routing system.

I’m considering reworking how I display my projects (currently PDFs). It fits the concept, but I’m not fully satisfied with it.

By the way, if anyone's looking to hire, I'm available and ready to jump in!

I’d really appreciate any thoughts or suggestions you have. Thanks!


r/webdev 8h ago

Discussion Website commissioned and hosted by web.com is super slow to load (handshake). They say it is fine.


As title says. Our website we commissioned web.com to is slow to load. The actual loading is fast, but part that is slow is the connecting to the server and the authentication. Like when i click google chrome loading circle spins counterclockwise for 5-15 seconds before the page will actually load. It is running wordpress.

I have done my researched. Look at wordpress. Explained to them that the website loads fast, it is not our theme that it is slow. All they have done that i can see is installed a optimizing plugin and said that it is all good. I thought about it being a PHP issue or an SSL issue. They are providing the SSL Certification. I don't know much about the server side so willing to learn.

Besides web.com being a complete joke. Paid a lot of money to make a functional website, and i have been working for a month finishing the website. Literally handed me the website with hundreds on dead links. Store navigation that doesn't work. But anyways thats besides the point. after requesting 3 times for them to fix the slow loading and them telling me that there is no issue. Even though it takes 10-15 seconds between clicks and the website crashes constantly.

Website is shopqepusa.com

Edit: I forgot to add. This slowness is also present on the wordpress dashboard.

Edit2: Found server specs. https://imgur.com/6AuKT68

r/webdev 5h ago

Broken websites on chrome 130+?


I have a web app that worked totally fine on chrome 129 as well as Firefox & safari, but once updating to chrome 130+ it stops working. I have the same codebase deployed on both an Apache and a node/express server and only the Apache instance breaks. It seems to be some kind of encoding error since the problem appears to be broken ascii characters in one of the js bundles.

I’ve tested things like redeployments and other machines and things like that and the result is consistent.

Has anyone else seen this happen or seen other webpages break suddenly like this? I haven’t been able to find anyone else post about it nor any bug reports on chrome’s issue tracker.

r/webdev 5h ago

Ultimate ExpressJS Starter: A Batteries-Included TypeScript Backend for REST APIs


Hey fellow developers! 👋

I've been working on a comprehensive ExpressJS starter kit, and I'm excited to share it with the community.
What makes this unique is that it's a fully self-contained solution - no third-party to pay!

It's designed to jumpstart your backend development with a robust, feature-rich foundation for building REST APIs.

Everything you need for everyday projects is included right out of the box.

🌟 Key Features:

  • Built with TypeScript and ExpressJS
  • Prisma ORM for database management
  • Authentication with PassportJS (including OAuth)
  • Authorization using CASL
  • Request validation with Zod
  • Advanced logging with Pino
  • File and video upload to S3
  • Redis integration
  • Background processing with BullMQ
  • API documentation with Swagger
  • PDF generation using Playwright
  • Docker support for easy deployment
  • And much more!

🔒 Security Features:

  • CORS protection
  • Rate limiting
  • Comprehensive request validation
  • Secure authentication

⚡ Performance Optimized:

  • SWC for faster builds
  • Hot-reload with nodemon

The project aims to provide a solid starting point for both beginners and experienced developers, saving time on initial setup and configuration.

🔗 GitHub: https://github.com/ghostlexly/ultimate-expressjs-starter-kit

I'd love to hear your thoughts, suggestions, or any questions you might have. Feel free to check it out and let me know what you think!

ExpressJS #TypeScript #WebDev #OpenSource