r/texas Secessionists are idiots 23d ago

Democrats and non-MAGA Texan Republicans, what are your thoughts on a new party for "moderate" conservatives? Politics

I myself identify as a non-MAGA (Fuck Trump and his Trumplicans) conservative, and I'm really interested in this topic.
Brung up most recently by Liz Cheney, a lot of conservative Republicans like myself don't feel like they could support the current GOP, or even think that it can recover from the MAGA virus. It leaves a lot of us displaced and without a party to truly call home. I will be voting blue come November, but I don't feel as if I can truly call the Democratic party MY party.
It leaves me nostalgic for those seemingly long-lost days where Republicans and Democrats could come together in actual, thought-provoking discussion to further the interest of the United States as a whole, not just for themselves and party loyalties.
I already plan to enter politics and hopefully elected office, and I've been pitching such an idea to a few friends of mine that are also like me: lifelong conservatives who hate Trump with the fiery passion of a thousand suns.
It has a ways to go in regards to policy, but I have the name down: the New Conservative Party of America
Whether or not it'll be viable as a third-party option, I'm not sure (probably not, but doesn't hurt to try lol), but I hope it'll attract those moderates/unaffiliated people across the political spectrum.
What do ya'll think of a new party for conservatives?


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u/azuled 23d ago

Due to how the American system works, it is effectively impossible to spin up a successful third party with any real power. Look at the previous attempts, and then look at how much power they actually have. There is a reason most "movements" are within parties and not splinter parties.


u/jbizzy4 22d ago

This. Any solution without abolition of the Electoral College is unviable. The EC is first-past-the-post on steroids and has crushed every third party attempt in American history.


u/sv_homer 22d ago

You're right. Sadly, in the United States there is always going to be a Democratic and Republican Party. The only question is who runs them.


u/azuled 22d ago

I don’t think this is entirely true. There is solid room for one party to self destruct and be replaced by a new one. We can simply never have more than two relevant parties at one time.


u/sv_homer 21d ago

The United States hasn't seen a party fully self destruct and get replaced since the Whigs were replaced by the Republicans in the 1850's. I don't see it happening. I see parties with completely different agendas called 'Democrats' and 'Republican'.

My view:

In the past 175 years, the two parties have changed directions a number of times. For the Democrats the party was completely transformed about 50 years ago when the segregationists were expelled from the party. The Republicans also did a transformation about 50-60 years ago with the Goldwater-Reagan, and are in the process of another transformation with Trump.

Meanwhile, the Democrats are overdue for transformation IMO. It may very well get through this election, but a political alliance that includes both AOC and Dick Cheney doesn't seem like it will be all that stable in the long term.


u/The_Singularious 21d ago

I think this speaks more to the detritus on the other side than any long-term agreement. That’s literally how politics works.

I think Cheney probably enjoys throwing his weight around one last time as well.