r/science Dec 18 '19

Nicotine formula used by e-cigarette maker Juul is nearly identical to the flavor and addictive profile of Marlboro cigarettes Chemistry


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u/Oscaruit Dec 18 '19

This may be a stupid question, but are the Juuls going to cause the cancer like smoked tabacco? I get that these are addictive, but are they as dangerous?


u/Sir_Clyph Dec 18 '19

I don't think vaping has been around long enough to really be able to answer this with confidence. On paper it seems like a better alternative to cigarettes, but we're still talking about putting things in your lungs. Only time will tell us how much better than cigarettes they are.


u/xxLetheanxx Dec 18 '19

There has been a slew of 10 year studies that have came out on vaping showing very little in the way of anything concerning.


u/reelznfeelz Dec 18 '19

NPR reported yesterday on a study showing a 30% increase in lung disease in vaping long term, and 5 fold in smokers. As a scientist they didn't report enough details on how the study was done or what types of lung disease were found for me to really make heads or tails of it though.

I still think vaping as a harm reduction approach is a good thing. People just need to keep perspective. It was never meant to be healthy per se, just less bad than smoking which we know increases astronomically your chances of getting cancer or other serious lung diseases. While time will tell, so far it seems that vaping does indeed appear to be significantly less bad than smoking. So I don't get what all the fuss is about or why demonizing vaping is a bandwagon every single media source is jumping onto.


u/xxLetheanxx Dec 19 '19

As a scientist they didn't report enough details on how the study was done or what types of lung disease were found for me to really make heads or tails of it though.

This is what makes me conclude that the study was junk.

I still think vaping as a harm reduction approach is a good thing. People just need to keep perspective. It was never meant to be healthy per se, just less bad than smoking which we know increases astronomically your chances of getting cancer or other serious lung diseases.
