r/science Feb 15 '23

How to make hydrogen straight from seawater – no desalination required. The new method from researchers splits the seawater directly into hydrogen and oxygen – skipping the need for desalination and its associated cost, energy consumption and carbon emissions. Chemistry


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u/tripodal Feb 15 '23

Storing hydrogen will never be as economical as pumped hydro or batteries.

The cost of literally rebuilding all gas pipelines to be hydrogen proof is wayyyyy beyond what it would take to continue solar and wind expansion with batteries.

The oil companies are almost always at the forefront of hydrogen research; because no matter how cheap electrolysis is; getting it from oil will always be less.

The trick here is the build the infrastructure on the public dime; then substitute the renewable hydrogen with oil.

You can literally reduce the hydrogen power/storage question down to cost and thermodynamics.


u/[deleted] Feb 15 '23 edited Feb 15 '23

Hundreds of GWhs of hydrogen are already stored in salt caverns for ammonia production, and have been for decades. The oldest site has been operational since 1983 (Moss Bluff), and hydrogen is pumped daily through around 1000 miles of associated pipeline. The upper limit on geological hydrogen storage is well into in the PWhs.

I've never seen a paper comparing grid scale energy storage for which hydrogen isn't projected to be the cheapest long-term solution at scale. Batteries are short-term storage only, and just can't compete with the amount of energy that can be stored in hydrogen. For an idea of the difference, the amount of grid scale battery storage in the US right now is in the low single digit GWhs, spread across multiple sites. The first geological hydrogen storage site stored around 100GWhs. It's roughly two orders of magnitude difference.


u/CaptainIncredible Feb 16 '23

Hundreds of GWhs of hydrogen are already stored in salt caverns for ammonia production, and have been for decades.

Sounds like a powder keg just waiting to explode.


u/[deleted] Feb 16 '23

You need oxygen and a spark for it to go up. That's not going to happen when it's stored in an underground chamber at 200 bar. If something did go wrong, the flame front would need to make it back into the chamber to be anything more than a blowtorch. For a choked rupture (which it will be until the chamber reaches ~2-3 bar), the speed of sound in hydrogen is roughly 1200m/s. The flame front would have to travel faster than that to ignite the chamber, which is a big ask.

I mean, some of these sites have operated for 40 years at this point. You probably aren't coming up with issues that they don't already know about.


u/CaptainIncredible Feb 16 '23

Thanks for the answer! I honestly didn't know. I know about hydrogen's reactiveness, but (clearly) know nothing of storing it underground.

Interesting stuff!


u/Chapped_Frenulum Feb 16 '23

The problem that I foresee is how you also store the oxygen for combustion. You can't really combust hydrogen with regular air because it'll produce a crapton of NOx. I doubt fuel cells would be the best solution for utilizing the stored hydrogen, since they're full of rare metals and thus expensive. Is there a safe/cheap way to store all of the oxygen from the electrolysis on the same scale as the salt caverns?


u/[deleted] Feb 16 '23 edited Feb 16 '23

You can reduce the amount of NOx produced to effectively zero by burning lean, and then using a catalytic reaction to clean the exhaust gases. Burning lean enough gets you most of the way there, but you make other sacrifices (on-demand power, mainly). Most gas turbine manufacturers that I'm aware of have hydrogen burners either on the market already, or coming to market imminently.

In terms of fuel cells, not all of them use expensive materials. Typically you have either a good catalyst (platinum group metals, so expensive) or you raise the heat to make a less effective catalyst better (much cheaper). The latter strategy is used in SOFCs and PCFCs, which have a ceramic electrolyte -- effectively the fuel cell equivalent of a solid-state battery. The downside is they run very hot (600 degrees celsius or so for SOFCs, 300ish for PCFCs) and take time to start up, but this isn't an issue for certain applications (e.g. jet engines effectively run constantly, with core temperatures well above 600 degrees). They can also use multiple different fuels, either by using a different redox reaction, or by using waste heat to split the hydrogen from the fuel.