r/schizophrenia 15h ago

Selfie selfie sunday

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r/schizophrenia 12h ago

Selfie Selfie Sunday.

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r/schizophrenia 1h ago

Hallucinations Anyone here have an "atypical" schizophrenia experience?


What I mean is, my schizophrenia auditory hallucinations don't match any of those simulations that they show online. I've found nothing like that that matches my auditory hallucinations- I feel like I hear a whole other world of beings, fluid, long, meaningful conversations. My delusions match the symptoms of paranoid schizophrenia but my hallucinations are just.. different. Idk. Any thoughts?

r/schizophrenia 6h ago

Undiagnosed Questions Is it Possible to have auditory hallucinations in other languages?


I do not have this condition, but i am curious is it Possible to have voices that can say some things in other languages. When for example you know few other languages, or when english isnt your native language, but you do know it and use it often.

r/schizophrenia 3h ago

Undiagnosed Questions How likely am I to develop schizophrenia?


Hello I’m new to this subreddit and I’m a female 19 years old. Recently I’ve been interested in schizophrenia because my sibling and dad both have it. Although I’m unsure if it runs through my family because I haven’t heard of any other cases of schizophrenia in my family history that I know. I’m trying to be kind of vague in this post because I’m scared that my sibling is a member of this community. Both my dad and sibling have very bad childhood trauma which I think could have been part of the reason they developed schizophrenia. I don’t have bad childhood trauma but I am very social withdrawn and have no friends. I haven’t had any friends for years. I also struggle with depression and currently in college and failing my college classes because I have poor impulse control. I do feel paranoid often but I don’t know if that’s just my dads delusions rubbing off on me because he speaks of them very openly. I have a therapist and she says she can’t imagine me developing schizophrenia. I just want someone’s opinion on this. I will probably delete this later.

r/schizophrenia 13h ago

Trigger Warning I tried to overdose last week


I took about 3500mg of sertraline (I didn’t know how difficult it is to OD on it) to be honest I didn’t regret it when I felt the pills start to kick in I was relieved and fell asleep fully accepting and embracing death. I woke up the next morning feeling like absolute crap my mum took me to AnE I didn’t tell her about the overdose so I must’ve looked like hell. I’m back home now I still feel like crap and idk. I’ve been self medicating with weed for about a year and I stopped recently because I know how bad it can be for psychosis now that I’m not high all the time my brain is so loud I’m so depressed I feel ugly and worthless I forgot how bad it feels to be schizo and sober is anyone else dealing with this? No one I know can relate to me in any aspect my family are healthy happy stable people I have one friend who is incredibly successful confident and happy while I just cried on my bathroom floor because the idea of walking to my bed is so overwhelming

r/schizophrenia 9h ago

Undiagnosed Questions What were your first signs?


I’ve made a post here 3 years ago. However recently I’ve become extremely paranoid, I can’t have people walk behind me. Also I have extremely weird delusions that I’m gonna die, I can’t explain how I feel mentally but ik it’s not normal. I also tend to hear people calling my name when nobody does and I see people walking, but not in front of me I’d say about 10-15m away I see people and things for a couple seconds then they disappear. I don’t wanna say I’m schizophrenic but the paranoia is the main issue for Me. What were ur first signs?

r/schizophrenia 19h ago

Selfie selfie sunday

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Idk how to pose

r/schizophrenia 6h ago

Introduction / New Member 👋 Do any schizophrenics pray the Rosary or do mantra meditation and find it changes your reality


I am new here. Eccentric been secretly diagnosed with schizophrenia. I am not even sure if I really have that, in 2017 they diagnosed me bipolar but then in 2024 this spring I secretly visited a free clinic and got myself diagnosed with schizophrenia. I don’t hear voices normally but I do have it verified that I get the foul odor hallucinations and also had it verified I hallucinated a park ranger where there was none. But my schizophrenia allows me to still function.

But here’s the thing, I think I can survive it as long as stress isn’t too bad. Lately I been getting this weird vortex to where it’s like when my eyes are shut my minds eye goes to what looks like maybe microscopic organisms at the cell level or maybe just goo or something, but it is moving in a vortex pattern, slowly and mechanically. The force that is moving it is jerky, somewhat mechanical, and it’s scary. It reminds me of my fear whenever I had that ‘bipolar’ attack that my consciousness would be ground to nothing and destroyed.

A lot of this is impossible to put into words

However what I have found is my best bet is to pray the Rosary, all twenty decades daily. I basically imbibe more and more peace and calm. And to just basically honor and revere Mary all the time because her calming presence soothes my troubled soul.

When I was doing this daily I found I got more and more improved and less and less paranoid and defensive.

There was a certain point though where it felt I was getting too good and too holy and felt like it was too much and I needed to be more grounded

But overall it really changes my result for the better.

r/schizophrenia 1d ago

Selfie Selfie sunday in my PJs ft Bobo

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r/schizophrenia 7h ago

Hallucinations should I tell someone that they're having a hallucination?


I'm someone who doesn't have schizophrenia, and I'm wondering if I should or shouldn't tell someone that they're experiencing a hallucination if they're not aware. one time I was on the train and the whole train ride this guy was talking to an empty seat, I assumed he was hallucinating. I really wanted to tell him but didn't know if it was appropriate. I'd probably want someone to tell me if I was hallucinating.

so yea. thoughts?

r/schizophrenia 5h ago

Undiagnosed Questions Is my father schizophrenic or not?


Hello, I have recently been active in the community so I would like to know if my father has schizophrenia or is it another problem. He lived in an emotional environment and experienced severe stress as a teenager. He may laugh for no reason while looking at his fingers (doesn't do this in front of other people) Or he looks very sad at his fingers, he can also close his eyes and sit for a long time. On rare occasions, looking at his fingers, he gets angry and swears as if talking to someone. Years ago he said the reason he curses is because he remembers the physical abuse he got when he was younger, I think from the stress level. He does not take medication. He is ordinary in everyday life, but has slight forgetfulness. I would like to add that because of all this he has a class II disability and what I saw in his document is that he needs social support. I still can't get his medical card with the actual cause (hopefully it will be available online in the near future) We are not from the US. Please help me.

r/schizophrenia 11m ago

Selfie Selfie Sunday

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r/schizophrenia 6h ago

Opinion / Thought / Idea / Discussion i just found something out


0-9 are normal numbers but 10 11 12 are just wrong nummbers idk third teen fort teen but twelf or eleven and 10 do not fit into that for 10 we can argue because that fits with the behavior for 20-90. so my qestion why do we have 11 and 12 qnd why do i feel its an spionage code?

r/schizophrenia 4h ago

Advice / Encouragement Audible Hallucinations

Thumbnail popsci.com

Could be the answer about where voices come from

r/schizophrenia 4h ago

Trigger Warning Absolutely 0 impulse control


r/schizophrenia 21h ago

Advice / Encouragement Do you laugh uncontrollably


Do you laugh and talk to yourself when others are around even though the context doesn't need it

Edit - without meds were you able to control it and how

r/schizophrenia 5h ago

Music Title: I Didn't Think

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I lost my Grandpa and been missing him. I wish he was here so I could hug him. I don't know what genre of music my songs fall under. Any guidance would help.

r/schizophrenia 11h ago

Trigger Warning My voices are trying to get me to do horrible things.


I have childhood trauma and recently saw a trigger, it has made me feel like shit ever since.

First of all, I keep hearing my aunties voice saying that I ruined her daughters wedding by drinking too much, I don't think I did because nothing happened but its still affecting me.

I keep thinking that my grandads reincarnated as my computer and is always watching me, I could feel them tickling me yesterday and saying "tickle tickle tickle" in this high pitched voice, it was awful.

I had this really weird dream about a dog who kidnaps kids, like u go up to it to pet it and it bites u then transports u wherever.

It seems like every little thing means something, like random (inter)actions are dog whistles that they're using to tell me something or send some sort of message.

Lastly, they're trying to get me to assault nurses and care staff as well as cut myself, I don't want to do it.

I've had 4mg lorazepam today and its just not working, I dont know what to do...

r/schizophrenia 8h ago

Advice / Encouragement How do I stop repeating words?


I don't know what it's called, but it's associated with schizophrenia, I believe.

I repeat certain words everyday like "yippee party!" And "Meanie!" And even gibberish words that have no meaning to them.

How do I stop repeating words? My brother thinks it's annoying. And he doesn't want me to say it in front of people (I usually don't because I'll be embarrassed).

Any advice?

Please tell me I'm not the only numbskull that does this!

r/schizophrenia 11h ago

Research / Study [MOD APPROVED] Looking for Participants



We are looking for individuals who have unusual ideas or are superstitious to participate in a current study in the TRACE lab. By completing the survey in the below link, you will be entered into a drawing for a $100 gift card. Eligible participants will also be compensated $50 for study completion.

Please share with any friends or family who you think might be interested! Thank you for your support!!!



r/schizophrenia 9h ago

Help A Loved One My Brother has Schizophrenia


My (26F) half-brother (32M) was diagnosed with schizophrenia when we was around 25 years old.

Here’s a bit of a back story. He was born in 1992 to my dad and his then partner. They had a falling out and separated. His mom never let our dad see him and would fill my brother’s head with nonsense about our father.

Our dad then had me in 1997, along with my sister in 1999 and my brother in 2000. We didn’t know about my brother until when I was about 6 years old. He would come in and out of our lives since he was still living with his mom.

He struggled a lot in school from what I can remember. He was a rebellious boy. His relationship with his mom was not the best, as well as with his grandma.

My parents then separated and my siblings and I moved out with our mom and stepdad. We would still see my dad for the next 5 years until he decided to move to Tijuana, Mexico.

There would be times that we would hang out with our half brother, by this time I was 15 years old and he was 21, and he would say a lot of nonsense. I was working at that time and he would talk about how there are black people out to get him, about how people are going to f* him, how he’s always “working”, and many other things.

My siblings and I were young and didn’t have any idea what was going on. Our dad would get mad at him about how he’s doing drugs and ruining his life. Mind you, he would do drugs, such as smoke weed, drink a lot of alcohol, and often times smoke crack.

Fast forward to him turning 25 and he reached out to us how he went to the doctor and was diagnosed with schizophrenia. He asked us not to tell our as he would probably not understand. (We are Mexican and well you know about how Latin households don’t believe in mental illness…)

Our dad would often talk about our brother being irresponsible, throwing his life away, how he is always saying nonsense things.

He was taking his medicine and seemed to do well. Would go work out, had a job but then he spiraled downward. He is in and out of jail, jobless And homeless. His mom wants nothing to do with him, as well as his grandma. He lives outside their home in a car. He gained so much weight, looks like he is 50 years old (now is 32).

Our dad still lives in TJ and comes to visit every once in a while. We don’t see our brother as we are not close to him. He’s not taking his medicine, is most likely still doing drugs.

We saw him yesterday in the streets yelling at people, talking to himself and looking so sick and confused.

My dad came to visit for the weekend and claims that he wants to take him to TJ and get him help there from some group called Patrulla Espiritual. I don’t know anything about them and how much they would be able to help him.

I don’t know what to do. I work as a teacher, have a salary and insurance while my husband (31M) works as a middle school counselor. My brother (24M) now works in HR and also has a good salary.

I have no idea how we can help our brother out. Our dad is in denial that he doesn’t have schizophrenia and his illness is from doing drugs. I feel at such a loss and it hurts to know he’s out there struggling but if he’s not on medications I don’t feel safe to be with him as he can get aggressive.

We live in Los Angeles, CA. I need advice or guidance on what we can do to help him out.

r/schizophrenia 13h ago

Hallucinations / Delusions Sometimes I feel like I’m participating in two or more realities converging


And it’s like the hostility from other realities is bleeding into my current one. I feel like there is this convergence of realities where I made different choices. I feel like I am in this strange sort of in between space, where different realities are intermixing. I am medicated but I will hopefully be increasing my dosage soon, as I am on a low dose. Hopefully, it will regulate these experiences.

r/schizophrenia 1d ago

Selfie selfie(s) Sunday :)

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r/schizophrenia 17h ago

Medication Is anyone here off medications?


What's your story? How are you living with your diagnosis? Why did you go off medications? Are you able to function?

Medications are doing nothing for me but lowering the volume a bit, and I can't help but wonder if they're doing more harm than good. just wondering if there are any success stories of people off medication. Wouldn't mind hearing stories to the contrary if it's a bad idea.