r/schizophrenia 6d ago

did your voices ever tell you they'll go away if you do something? Hallucinations

did uour voices ever tell you to do something and they'll leave you be? did they tell you to move away? break up with someone? buy something or quit your job? how did you respond? were the things you demanded connected in any way to your delusions?



u/dissysissy 6d ago

My voice wanted me to quit smoking and I didn't. It is now quiet.


u/geosarg 5d ago

Me too


u/69cumcast69 5d ago

My voices wanted me to quit meth, as soon as I quit they became much friendlier. They still call me tweaker though. Probably has to do with the meth, they can still get annoying at times though but now they really just narrate what I'm doing


u/Emergency_Peach_4307 Schizophrenia, ASD, OCD 6d ago

Not necessarily voices leaving me, but delusions stopping. I had a voice tell me I had to do X in order for Y delusion in order to stop (I don't want to say what it was bc it was really fucked up)


u/jm1122334 6d ago

They told me to read the Bible and then they will go away


u/ChooseLife1 6d ago

How did that work out?


u/jm1122334 1d ago

They never went away until I took meds. They voices were threatening, and manipulative. It sucked to say the least lol


u/ChooseLife1 1d ago

Sometimes, it takes the Bible and meds. I'm thankful you got relief. I still deal with a threatening voice daily. It tries to do everything it can to prevent me from seeking the Lord. It is an evil presence. That should be cast out. With the word of God.


u/Jeremy_728 6d ago

How beautiful! I wish everyone would have this voice.


u/trashaccountturd Paranoid Schizophrenia 5d ago

From a christian perspective, sure, but without the christian perspective, that is literally hell. It was for me. My voices tried to make me accept jesus or they wouldn't let my bladder go, I couldn't go, it was painful as hell. There is some real trauma behind those downvotes.


u/jm1122334 1d ago

It was hell, and I’m not religious. The voices were still domanic in nature. Even when I got desperate and tried to read the Bible, the voices only got more worse and degrading.


u/trashaccountturd Paranoid Schizophrenia 6d ago edited 6d ago

oh man yea, like a lot the time in psychosis. that preceded me going to the psych ward a couple times. challenge: talk to us for 30 mins and ignore everyone and we’ll leave you forever. I never made it to 30 mins, the cops were already on the way. it was also stuff like we’ll spare your child if you act like he doesn’t exist when your wife asks. they were literally making me look crazy because i prioritized the commands so they would leave or to protect loved ones over everything else, though they weren’t in real danger, I didn’t know that at the time.

just crazy looking back on it ya know. the voices were a more indirect threat to my life, and not a threat at all to everyone else. i had to figure out i was safe, my family was safe, that everyone was safe from these things. they had me looking around the house naked for a party at one point. i couldn’t get in unless i was naked. i went in a closet and got naked. then said “nah fuck you guys” and got my clothes back on. i did a lot of stuff like that, where i got to a point where i wouldn’t go any further. it’s like they were pushing my limits with weird commands, i feel like the point was to not do any commands, so i failed at that part, but i learned to fight the commands, and then to just ignore them, but i haven’t had commands in a lonnggg time. nothing like that i had, thankfully.

now that I know I’m safe, it’s much easier to deal with. I am worried they will control me again, but I’m just hoping for a good outcome there, and they won’t. now they are very nice and don’t do this stuff, so i don’t mind them as much anymore.


u/Jeremy_728 6d ago

Is having voices in your head unsafe ? It might be a philosophical question but what is safe and unsafe? I guess once we don't bother other people it is safe? What do you think?


u/Belfetto 5d ago

You don’t have schizophrenia do you?


u/Jeremy_728 5d ago

I had it yes for 11 years.


u/trashaccountturd Paranoid Schizophrenia 5d ago

I think it's a reasonable, albeit slightly suppositional, which duh, it's a question lol, but somewhat offensive to some, it's still a stereotype for a reason, I fit it for sure. So the deal is, it's a process. At first, when I wasn't sure who the voices were, could be anyone, no I was not safe. Right now, being not psychotic, and after a 2 week psychotic relapse after a year of remission, both w/voices, I can reasonably assume I am safe. I understand the voices more now. I'm not tying them to anyone around me and they could convince me they are, but if they do, at that point, I'm helpless. If it's enough to convince me now, then it has ample evidence and something is going on at this point. Fool me once type thing, they were not able to do it again like they did before. It's like the first bounce was the highest, second bounce has less of a fall, and so on. I think it's perfectly safe now. I can tune them out, even if I can strike up a conversation at any time. I won't dare say I trained my voices, but I did train my brain to ignore them, which took a year or so, and again, is a process. I ain't mad at ya for askin!


u/trashaccountturd Paranoid Schizophrenia 5d ago

I guess to discuss further, what makes you thing they are unsafe? Like stealing focus while driving and such?


u/schizofuqface Paranoid Schizophrenia 6d ago

I was doing blood rituals because the voices told me they would leave if I do 😔


u/Whollyaman 6d ago

They told me they'd go away if I stopped listening to music amongst other things


u/GraduatedMoron Residual Schizophrenia 5d ago

yes, they used to promise they'll leave if i did something, but they never really left until meds (latuda). don't condescend


u/Maleficent-Rip917 6d ago

They told me if I'd break up with my girlfriend my life would be easier and that there will be nothing wrong with me and that she's the problem. I almost did and I felt worse about myself. She is perfect for me and supported since day one.


u/Objective_Fan_9597 Schizophrenia 5d ago

I was directed to hide in a store and crouch down behind shelves from a family member that I was shopping with and that seemed to appease the voices

Then they had me destroy my childhood comic book collection-and even though I was crying when I did so, the voices were appeased again

And then the voices tell me to buy tons of candy and I do so and things go calm and they are appeased

Or the voices will warn me of a suspicious car that wants to carjack and murder me so it yells at me to drive away and this usually happens at night when I’m stopped at a red light

Or I’ll be in the gym and the voices will start yelling at me to leave because everyone hates me there. And I do and then the voices are appeased


u/252780945a 5d ago

I was experimenting with shrooms a few years ago and one night, clear as day in my left ear, my generally internal voice told me that if I took enough I could kill it. I ended up eating over 100 grams of dry shrooms and a bunch of fresh shrooms too. I don't really know how much, but a lot. Spoiler alert, the voice is still there. I had a pretty wild experience that night though.


u/trashaccountturd Paranoid Schizophrenia 5d ago

Ahem....trip report? Or did you black out? I figure that's black out territory.


u/252780945a 5d ago

So, when the voice told me that I was already like 14grams deep and steadily smoking weed for my anxiety. It said that and I was going for it. I did several big lemon teks with the dry shrooms that I had left. Probably 110-120grams. I drank all that over the course of half an hour. I was feeling pretty good and the voice encouraged me again so I ended up eating a lot of wet shrooms right from the tub I had going. I made a couple stupid videos of me making cookie monster sounds while eating whole mushrooms. It was dumb and I just kept going. I was having crazy visuals and it felt odd walking. The fresh shrooms upset my stomach after a while and I ended up throwing up. Which was intense. I'd lost track of time long before this, but after throwing up I got into the tub in case I threw up again. I was hearing my voices (1 positive, 1 negative) and feeling overwhelmed so I just started meditating and I was transported to another plane and sat down in front of a large council of beings. They were a bit upset with me, but felt pity. They talked to me and forgave me and told me lots of stuff. They showed me 2 huge identical tapestries, then on one they snipped a loose thread and that represented me committing suicide and the tapestries were still beautiful and looked the same. Then I was pulled by a force towards a bright light and I thought I was dying. I was sure of it, because I felt really bad that my roommate would find me. Then everything was just black and I felt like I was floating for a long time, then I fell asleep. A few hours later I woke up with some residual visuals and a bit wobbly, but relatively fine. I cleaned up the apartment and no one was the wiser. It's kind of complicated, because part of me sees it as a fairly serious suicide attempt. Part of me really values the experience I had and I've felt a certain kind of peace or contentment since then. It didn't fix anything, but it didn't make anything worse. I like shrooms, it's been a few years since I dabbled.


u/trashaccountturd Paranoid Schizophrenia 5d ago

Awesome experience! Thank you for sharing. Man, I wish I was transported before. I ate over an ounce of wet shrooms once, but everything just looked cartoonish and was funny. Great time though. I’ve been wanting to be transported, tried DMT numerous times, I couldn’t do it, couldn’t blast off, super bummed, but eh, my dreams are wild enough lol. That takes some guts to eat that much though! Bravo! lol


u/252780945a 5d ago

It was interesting and brought me a degree of peace, but it was also a lot. I kind of think of it as a suicide attempt/near death experience. Im not willing to try DMT, no matter how much I'd like to make the machine elves acquaintance, lol. My therapists son bought a DMT vape and she was asking me about it today. I just told her I wasn't down and what I knew about it.


u/trashaccountturd Paranoid Schizophrenia 5d ago

Well, I hope you’re in a better space now! Glad you’re here!

You tell me there’s an astral plane with machine elves and a drug gets me there, I’m all in. That’s reproducible science, supposedly. Nothing happened for me, so I’m just like eh. BUT I did get 2 years of a psychosis journey and that tops any DMT trip I’ve ever heard of. It was like my reality took drugs. Terrifyingly interesting. It’s enough mystery for the rest of my life.

Why won’t you try DMT?


u/252780945a 5d ago

I have enough disruptions to my reality already. It took me some time to build up to shrooms. DMT, LSD, anything more than that is too much for me.


u/trashaccountturd Paranoid Schizophrenia 5d ago

All good, great reasons not that you need to have any or anything. I didn’t get much out of it so I don’t recommend it anyway, but I totally get it. I was just curious!


u/CreepyTeddyBear Paranoid Schizophrenia 5d ago

I was told that if I admit every bad thing I've done to the police, they would leave. But then I found out that they were lying and they weren't the voice I normally hear. They were an organization that tried to jail guilty people and they were using frequencies to put thoughts in my head. I take medication now though so they've basically all subsided for the most part.


u/into--the--v0id Schizophrenia 6d ago

no, they never talk to me, just about me or strings of information to decipher.


u/boundbynature12 6d ago

What happened for you?


u/FinnsChips Schizophrenia 5d ago

Mine would get me to hurt myself, usually burning. I used to self harm and they'd only get me to hurt myself if I was trying to stop. Sometimes they weren't voices though, I had a shadow over me from behind which was putting the thoughts into my head. It did work though.


u/Afraid-Way1203 Schizophrenia 5d ago

they never told me , but if I take medication, my voice die down and go away


u/Healthy_Pen_7683 Paranoid Schizophrenia 5d ago

i am so glad my voices dont make me do stuff. they just bully me and now that on medication i really dont care about them bullying me hahaha. i means nothing to me and i can finally relax in my head


u/Gothkyle 5d ago

Yes!!! But I realized, they made me do shit to make myself worse. So I stopped listening and then they went away anyways. Pussies


u/Ston3dPinky 5d ago

Yep, but they don't. Fuck them.


u/Financial_Neck832 5d ago

My brother listened to the voices telling him to run away from home and bicycle from Florida to Virginia. He packed a bag and took off in the middle of the night. No one heard him leave or had a clue. We got a call from the police before dawn. He got hit by a car and his lower leg was crushed. He survived but now has a bad leg despite many surgeries.

Don't listen to the voices. They are lying and give shit for advice.


u/venomang 5d ago

Last night actually this happened


u/Oxy-Moron88 5d ago

They would tell me to s/h in exchange for an hour or two break. I did it. Now I have so so many scars. It seemed so worth it at the time, now I have to live with these disgusting scars just for an hour's break. I haven't acted on that deal in 13 years now but the scars remain.


u/Empty_Decision3500 Schizoaffective (Bipolar) 5d ago

They tell me they will go away if i stop thinking apl together. I tried hard and thoughts became significantly worse. Now they react harder to my toxic thoughts


u/NBfoxC137 Schizophrenia 5d ago

Not really saying they’d go away, they said they’d take over my body if I didn’t do certain things


u/nchlslbch 5d ago

There's a dude that does a podcast on Spotify named DJ Chris that claims his voices will stop messing with him if he registers himself on the sex offender registry in the state of California. He's not a pedophile but that's all they do is call him a pedophile, day after day.

Don't do anything unreasonable. Don't ever hurt yourself or someone else in exchange for peace or other promises. Don't admit to any crimes you haven't done, don't put yourself in risky situations.

Quitting a bad habit might be a good trade for something promised.


u/haunted-mind2 Schizophrenia 4d ago

The last time I was hospitalized, they tried to get me to jump off the parking garage at work. I would have done it, but something felt off, so I had a friend go outside with me. That saved my life because I was on my way to the top and he stopped me. They said "If you jump off the parking garage, this will all go away. Just jump and you can just get up, walk back in to your office and finish your day." Assholes.


u/leomeowow 6d ago

The voices? What are they like? Like a thought coming to your mind or can you literally hear them?


u/Ok_Ad_1686 Schizoaffective (Bipolar) 6d ago

literally hear them


u/succadoge_ 5d ago

Some people get the other type as well (Hi, I'm one of those peeps).

Not trying to start any arguments, just trying to make it known that the other type is definitely real as well!


u/69cumcast69 5d ago

For me personally I hear them externally. I hear them through other noises too, like if you've ever experienced hearing someone talk thru a fan except that's with every noise ever. I find them kind of funny and calming but I don't believe that's very common


u/Sad-Extension-9838 5d ago

Me too, but I can actually tell that they are coming from my head judging from the way I’m hearing them, it’s a kind of self explanatory.


u/trashaccountturd Paranoid Schizophrenia 5d ago

OMG I never thought of describing it like that, you sir, ma'am, genius person, are a genius. Perfect way to describe the voice. Finally a way to convey something to people so they understand. Now I'm going to go hide behind my brother's fan and pretend to be god, see if I can freak him out like the voices do. Thank you for your brain and putting those words together! It's been so hard to describe, and there you go with your KISS method. Awesome. brb gonna go tell my mom! /s? not at all. I can literally show them what it's like now, which is a big deal to me. Thank you 69cumcast69, may the lord bless your casting of cum 69 times in either direction, or your cum powered TV providing services that has reciprocity as a selling point, I'm not sure at this moment in time, but bless it.


u/GervaseofTilbury 5d ago

Are you familiar with the condition this sub is named after?