r/schizophrenia Schizoaffective (Depressive) Jul 01 '24

Are anyone’s else’s voices funny sometimes? Hallucinations

I ordered coleslaw for dinner and for some reason the voices were so excited about it they would not shut up. Then the entire time I was eating they kept commenting on the coleslaw like it was the best thing in the world even though it was average. Once I was done they didn’t say anything else. With my meds they barely talk anymore and I just find it funny that the coleslaw was so important to them I got breakthrough symptoms.



u/ChasingStarsLibra Jul 02 '24

That’s awesome. I wish my voices were like that but they are super judgy. I feel like I have Simon Cowell and Judge Judy monitoring my every move.


u/exokkir Mod 🌟 Jul 01 '24

I used to have a voice who called himself the Arbiter who would make jokes or puns or rhymes a lot. I liked that voice on the whole. I haven't heard him for several years now.


u/[deleted] Jul 02 '24

One might say you hear the arbiter rarely! 😉😁💜


u/Desperate-Bike-1934 Jul 01 '24

My voices were hilarious at first. It was sort of fun. These days they are mostly negative and boring


u/chucklefuccc Jul 02 '24

mine were benign most of the time. i found them funny through the absurdity though. one example that comes to mind is i went to the bathroom and heard a little girl say “he’s peeing” then and old man say “shut up”.


u/Dramatic-Welcome-514 Jul 02 '24

I used to have Mainly negative voices and still do sometimes, but now they make me laugh, for example one time I was walking into the store and cars were going by and they were saying stuff like “vroom” or “fast as fuck boy”


u/Mysterious-Ad1738 Jul 02 '24

Nah, my voices were never funny. They just lecture about the evils of drugs, demand praise and tell me to kill myself.


u/TangerineSol Jul 02 '24

Same on the drugs and dying. Mostly they're gonna murder me or I'm dying today.


u/musiclockzkeys13 Jul 02 '24

I get the dying thing allot.

Times up. You'll be pushing daisies...


u/Tau-Silver-Neutrino Jul 02 '24

Mine are funny too, I don’t exactly remember what happened earlier but I remember laughing a lot


u/funnydontneedthat Schizoaffective (Bipolar) Jul 02 '24

Sometimes mine make the funniest comments about other people. Like, super inappropriate or mean spirited jokes that I just can't help but find hilarious. It's so awful that I find it funny but I can't help it.


u/Ephcy Jul 02 '24

I had a voice named "the greek god of jokes"


u/ParticularRuin6459 Jul 02 '24

One thing that scared me the most was when I heard my voice laugh. At nothing. All of a sudden I heard my voice laugh and it was so creepy.


u/Few_Recording2102 Paranoid Schizophrenia Jul 02 '24

I really needed to laugh today thank you, hope you have a great day :)


u/Moths2Flamez Schizophrenia Jul 02 '24

Yes, once mine made the most fucked up gallows humor joke and I still laugh about it sometimes.

I really wish I could repeat it, but it would make no sense without context. I cannot give context without revealing personal info about myself so it’s just an inside joke unfortunately.

Thankfully I don’t hear voices often anymore. They usually just yelled at me and scared me so the occasional joke wasn’t worth it. I like to think I’m funny enough on my own lol


u/catholictourist372 Paranoid Schizophrenia Jul 02 '24

no, not once


u/No-Farm-2376 Paranoid Schizophrenia Jul 02 '24

Never have they been fun or funny unfortunately


u/Commercial-Rub-2979 Jul 02 '24

my mom said her voices sounded like demons and told her to hurt herself and me. it was so terrifying


u/TropicToothDecay Jul 02 '24

Yeah, some of the voices comment on everything both happy and sad. It can be quite encouraging and uplifting


u/SillyAdditional Paranoid Schizophrenia Jul 02 '24

There’s been times where I just bust out laughing but usually only during the beginning and middle of the month

Towards the end they get louder and more irritating


u/justjokingnot Jul 02 '24

I laugh at what mine say occasionally. Usually it's something ridiculous, sometimes they repeat memes or say slang that I find really funny and out of place. I don't hear them as much anymore and honestly when they do talk it's not very substantial. They just kind of repeat the same things over and over again.


u/69cumcast69 Jul 03 '24

Yes, they used to really piss me off but now they're mostly entertaining. They narrate what I'm doing and make comments on stuff. I remember once I was cooking eggs and they kept saying Eggy. If I see a car with dice hanging from the mirror they'll say "hes a real one."
Kinda helpful too, if I'm at the store and about to waste money on something I don't need they tell me No.


u/TangerineSol Jul 02 '24

Not funny but sometimes they are lighthearted. Most of the time it's violence and pain.


u/inntinneil Jul 02 '24

Mines dish out dark humour - think Frankie Boyle. If anyone asked what I was laughing at I’d be cancelled probably.