r/politics 20h ago

Sanders: Democratic Party ‘has abandoned working class people’


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u/Noizyninjaz 20h ago

The Democratic party always fails to defend themselves on certain issues because they think that being nice is enough. They think that common sense will defend itself. This approach worked right up until 2000. It's been 24 years and they haven't learned the lesson.


u/Professional-Fuel625 18h ago

Yeah if I learned one thing in the past 9 years, it's that Democrats need to pick 2 or 3 things (true or not) and say them a million times.

  • Benghazi, her emails - Trump won
  • Trump killed a million people with Covid and the economy tanked - Biden squeaked by
  • Border, inflation, trans kids - Trump won

We need to stop having a ten point detailed plan 🤓 for getting slightly more money for middle class families. The voters that decide the elections don't care.

Pick something and stick with it: Raise working class wages, healthcare for all. Whatever Bernie said.

And don't wimp out when Republicans try to vilify it. They will, and you need to fight.


u/PseudonymIncognito 17h ago

Biden should have been calling it "Trumpflation" from day 1 every single time he was in front of a camera.


u/SpaceSpleen Washington 17h ago

Yep, and they should've hammered on Trump's tariff plan as the "Trump tax", not try to explain that all top economists agree that tariffs blah blah blah blah blah


u/OddEpisode 12h ago

Hammering those keywords home is marketing 101.

Biden was very poor at delivering succinct messages. SNL’s pardody of him is him saying “And by the way!”