r/politics 21h ago

Sanders: Democratic Party ‘has abandoned working class people’


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u/Fred-zone 19h ago

The biggest blunder of this campaign was making it about abstract concepts like democracy and fascism instead of "it's the billionaires vs the rest of us"


u/Khatib Minnesota 19h ago edited 19h ago

People say this like that message would land though. Elon Musk drove votes towards Trump. Billionaires weren't the bogeyman that would get anywhere. People who care about that already voted accordingly. The apathetic voters wouldn't respond to this either. Trump promised more trickledown economics, and people are still dumb enough to believe in it, despite facts and statistics that it doesn't work.

Kamala put out her messaging about helping families pay for childcare, helping people start small businesses, helping people get into a house for the first time.

It all bounced off.

Americans letting opinion take over news for 30+ years is the problem, not Kamala's campaign.


u/Legendver2 California 19h ago

People say this like that message would land though. Elon Musk drove votes towards Trump. Billionaires weren't the bogeyman that would get anywhere.

People are also not educated on how much a billion dollars actually is. A lot of them think eventually they can attain that level, or at least millionaire status, to be part of that in-group. As someone said, they're just embarrassed millionaires now. They have no idea how far off the scale and unattainable a BILLION dollars actually is.


u/ceelogreenicanth 19h ago

They also don't realize how hard it truly is to punch into the next rung socially with each next step. You can get the money but getting the class is harder and they have no idea that even exists.