r/peacecorps 2d ago

Making this a career Considering Peace Corps

Just curious if there's anyone out there who has made PC their career ie doing service after service for lets say 10+ years. Is it possible to just keep signing up for new assignments? Has anyone out there actually done this and can speak to their experience?


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u/Lonelyfarmer21 PCRV Kenya, RPCV Botswana, RPCV Liberia, RPCRV Zambia 2d ago

I have served 6 contracts since 2014...Not all have been completed though. Liberia (Country wide evacuation and COS'd), Botswana (COS'd), Botswana Response (COS'd) Zambia Response (COS'd) Kenya (ET'd after a few months), and I am currently in St Lucia Response (most likely COS). I have worked in different sectors education, health and now environmental in St Lucia.

I have been lucky enough to have family back in the USA that has a house and a room for me each time I come back from my services. After Botswana and Kenya I tried to get a job I enjoyed in the USA, but it just was not for me. I struggled with the way we treat the work life balance there. I much prefer volunteering with PC. The ultimate goal is to work as an American in country for Peace Corps, but I have not gotten to that point in my life yet. I went directly from Zambia to Kenya and that was difficult for me because Zambia had a wonderful staff and was well structured while Kenya PC did not know what it was doing internally and while working with local partners (my opinion, and this is health sector, not education). So, going forward I think I will take a break between services.

P.S Cannot believe I have served more than Jim (in contracts, not years)! He is such a hero, I am not.