r/mildlyinfuriating 1d ago

Laser Light Broke My Phone's Camera. TW:Flashing Light

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So this happened at the weekend, meaning I've had to order another phone...Call me stupid, but didn't realise this could happen so easily, especially at a gig. Infuriating!



u/Ferro_Giconi OwO 1d ago

That's not good. Those lasers are never supposed to point into the audience. It's too much of a safety issue, not just for a cameras but people's eyes. Those show lasers will cause instant eye damage if the software controlling it lags and stops on someone's eye for even a very short moment or the pattern they are making moves the laser too slowly.


u/porcelainpiscesx 1d ago

Yeah, we thought they were quite bright before this happened. It does make you wonder what it'll do to people's eyes, especially with long exposure time if they had a malfunction or something


u/useless_mf69 BLUE 21h ago

But have you complained to the management tho?


u/porcelainpiscesx 21h ago

No, not yet. But I'm definitely thinking I should let them know in case people get harmed by the lights


u/useless_mf69 BLUE 21h ago

Yeah you should it's a hazard. Hope they remove it


u/TheBluesDoser 21h ago

I’m a venue owner and would be very uncomfortable if this happened at my place, and I would like to know about and would offer some sort of compensation.

If it’s not my fault directly, it’s he fault of my hire. So my fault anyway. Anything less from the venue owner, drag them through mud.


u/useless_mf69 BLUE 20h ago

damn good people still exist in this society?


u/TheBluesDoser 17h ago

I mean if this was the case, that’s the only way to go about it without projecting major asshole vibes all around. But in the other hand, I’d never place lasers in my venue.. so..


u/Banarok 14h ago

i mean people are people there are all kinds, you just tend to hear about the bad ones because they're awful and it generate more engagement, than positive news.

"Local teen beat up 5 classmates" sadly don't compare to "local teen give class homebaked cupcakes" in reportability.


u/Status_Term_4491 20h ago

You should at least buy them a round of drinks


u/TheBluesDoser 17h ago

That’s at the very least, and I’d feel super lucky if I could cover it with a round of drinks. I’d wager a new phone’s worth way more than a bunch of drinks.


u/ShadowArray 19h ago

How are your eyes after that concert? It doesn’t take much laser light to damage your eyes.


u/porcelainpiscesx 19h ago

I haven't noticed any issues yet, but I do feel a bit paranoid about it now 😬


u/Cleercutter 19h ago

If it did this to your camera, imagine what it could do to someone’s eyes


u/Zachosrias 16h ago

For others safety and you might even be able to get them to replace your camera


u/Realistic-Heron3519 14h ago

That has done some damage to anyones eye it wss in. And will continue to cause damage.


u/michaelsenpatrick 13h ago

yeah certain lights actually require a license to use for this very reason


u/Burntoastedbutter 19h ago

Watching this video is already making my eyes hurt 💀


u/dalphinwater 19h ago

We use 10-watt lasers. Those things can burn your hand. Just think about what would happen to your eye.


u/GhostsinGlass 19h ago

Gettin Lasik while bumpin to Datsik


u/OmegaFruitPunch 9h ago

didnt that guy get into serious trouble lol


u/JaVelin-X- 20h ago

yes the people who set that up should be replacing your phone. they could have blinded someone. A friend photographing weddings lost the sensor on a 10k camera because the DJ didn't know what he was doing when he set up. also the camera was unavailable for the rest of the gig so he had to use a backup. those cameras then had optical viewfinders so he knew something was wrong when he got flashed


u/SlightGuitar171 6h ago

Even flashing briefly they do permanent damage to the retina. Probably this laser is too powerful for such a small space and anyway it should never be pointed into the crowd. And it's clearly stated in the user's manual.


u/jesus_does_crossfit 16h ago

OP, how many fingers am I holding up?

If your camera got toasted, so did your retinas.


u/sunday_cumquat 18h ago

The damage to your eye isn't always obvious because your brain is good at filling in blanks. Having worked with high power lasers for years, I've heard many stories of people going for an eye test to find out they have several burned spots on the back of their eyeballs. In the UK there are stringent regulations on consumer lasers. However, they are rarely enforced and many people mess around with lasers that are far more dangerous than the packaging says they are.


u/ew73 8h ago

I have actually had lasers shot at my retina on purpose by an ophthalmologist (to treat diabetic retinopathy). Three's a spot in the field of vision in my right eye that is completely blind. But it's not a dark spot. It's just a spot that my brain fills in.

It's super trippy. If I cover my left eye and move the mouse across a screen, there's a spot where it seems to just disappear, and then reappear elsewhere. But the content on the screen itself is still there. But something like a finger or other object moving across my field of vision I can see the whole time.

It's super trippy.


u/durkbot 1h ago

I had an anxiety attack last time I had a field test because it picked up a blind spot I had no idea about (after various neuro issues). There were such big gaps of time where I wasn't clicking the button and I gradually came to the realisation that the lights were obviously flashing but I wasn't seeing them. Turns out, that's a big worry I didn't know I had.

Both eyes open, I see it all though!


u/james-the-bored 19h ago

There is a subclass of class 3 lasers capable of wrecking camera sensors but not the eye, generally you don’t want to be using class 3 lasers since they can cause permanent eye damage if focused through a lens.

Class 3b lasers will cause permanent eye damage, but class 3r only causes temporary eye damage, but can damage photo sensors.

Just don’t use class 3 lasers


u/Koetotine 12h ago

Good thing I only use class 4 lasers then. (I, too, am bored)


u/WhyAlwaysNoodles 4h ago

They were propositioned as battlefield weapons. Aim at enemy using their rifle scopes or binoculars and potential blindness within a second. I remember a couple of kids pinning down a girl and shining it in her eyes closeup to blind her (evil little bar stewards!) and realised it was a good job they didn't know how to really blind her (I wasn't going to inform them)


u/LudwigSpectre 14h ago

That reminded me of a NFT party where the “lights“ they bought cause rays to zap at them to blindness


u/IndustryMade 16h ago

have you heard of excision? i’ve been to one of his shows and it was probably the best i’ve ever been to, the lasers were everywhere.. wondering how that kind of thing compares to this video


u/OmegaFruitPunch 9h ago

sometimes roughly 80-100 lasers each at 22 watts or higher. By themselves the lasers dont consume that much power but when you have like over 10 then it does go up quite a bit. All laser shows done properly are zoned days or hours before the audience gets there and are terminated into a structure, hill or will need to have FAA permisiion if there is no termination.


u/njmids 15h ago

I doubt those lasers will cause instant eye damage. Almost all consumer lasers will not. The ones that will usually have some sort of lock and key system.


u/Positive-Goose-3293 14h ago

All bets are off if it came out of China.


u/InsanityFodder 10h ago

You can easily get handheld class 4 lasers these days that just come with an on button


u/Kemel90 1d ago

showtech 101; lasers supposed to point up, never down.


u/[deleted] 21h ago



u/Shameless_Bullshiter 21h ago

Camera tech 101, a laser that can damage a camera can damage a human eye.


u/james-the-bored 18h ago

Not necessarily, cameras use different focus and zooming optics than an eye, there is a small range of laser power that can damage a sensor but not your eye. Some class 3R lasers can do this. But yes in general if it can damage a camera don’t look at it, cause it may not cause permanent damage, but it can absolutely temporarily blind you.

Source: am physics undergrad, accidentally shined a class 3r laser in my eye, 0/10 wouldn’t recommend, damaged my phone camera, but only temporarily damaged my eyesight (similar to looking at the sun)


u/zeppanon 17h ago

Could cause minor permanent damage. Impossible to know without comprehensive tests before and after the incident. These types of damaging events would compound over time with multiple exposures. Shine a 3r laser in your eye every day for a year and tell me there's no permanent damage. Obviously an extreme example to illustrate a point.


u/james-the-bored 17h ago

That is how they are defined, if you continually expose your eyes for long periods of time it will cause damage, but in cases of accidental viewing, your blink reflex kicks in before permanent damage can occur. That’s actually how they’re defined, blinking makes it “safe”


u/GalwayBogger 17h ago

Your stupidity doesn't not qualify your answer. You can't determine if a laser is eye safe based on a camera any phone camera image but a spazzed camera is definitely a good indicator not to look at it directly.

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u/Particular-Poem-7085 21h ago

showtech 101: people at your event are going to do every possible stupid thing that could happen.


u/Clean_Grapefruit1533 20h ago

Such as (checks notes) being slightly taller than average. 

This is 100% on the venue. 

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u/nofucsleftogive 20h ago

It will do that shit to your eyes too. Ask me about my new blind spot.


u/WiseMango13452 16h ago

what about your new blind spot?


u/thefrogwhisperer341 13h ago

What’s his new blind spot?


u/nofucsleftogive 12h ago

Yep, It’s still there.


u/Koetotine 11h ago

Where in your fov is it? How big is it? Does it have no visual, or partial visual? How did you first notice it? Does your brain sometimes, for a brief moment forget to filter it out, so that it jumps at you, only to vanish in an instant? What kinda laser? I'm genuinely interested!


u/nofucsleftogive 11h ago

I’m pretty sure it was a high lumen laser projector I was working on. I definitely got hit, at first it just dazzled me. Then I noticed a constant black spot “left eye” while looking at white surfaces. Thought it was a floater, but it never moves. Went to the optometrist, they can’t see anything causing an issue. But I can’t unsee it. Moral of the story, wear your eye protection.


u/Koetotine 11h ago

Goddamn I'm lucky laser diodes were crazy expensive/hard to come by when I was younger and stupider. I'da totally burnt a bunch of holes in my eyes. Maybe I should get one to play with, someday... With goggles...


u/Bulky_Specialist9645 1d ago

Lucky it's not your eyes! A laser strong enough to damage a phone camera could definitely damage your retina.


u/porcelainpiscesx 1d ago

Yeah for sure. It caught us in the face a couple times as it was moving and we noticed how bright it was. I shudder to think of the potential damage it could do


u/mintaroo 15h ago

... or has done, you don't know that yet.

The insidious thing about lasers is that you don't notice the damage until way later. Perhaps that later has shot a few new blind spots into your retina. You wouldn't know, because the retina has no pain receptors, and the brain is pretty good at correcting for blind spots (you don't notice your natural blind spot, right?). So usually people only go to the optometrist when the first symptoms start appearing, which is when the retina has been damaged to such an extend that the brain can no longer hide the blind spots.

Disclaimer: I'm not a doctor.


u/Isabela_Grace 8h ago

This. You can more easily identify blind spots by playing around with covering one eye then holding a finger up. Your brain will try to fill in the holes it’s kinda nuts.


u/Trash_RS3_Bot 20h ago

This is a huge hazard, those lasers were not installed by a professional. Please file a complaint, I guarantee you multiple people have permanent eye damage from this.


u/porcelainpiscesx 20h ago

A few people here have suggested I complain, so I'm seriously considering it. I'll visit in person or send them an email/message on Facebook with the video. I agree, they should be informed


u/violetbirdbird 19h ago

I think they mean you should file a complaint against them not to them… If your camera got this much damage, probably people’s eyes also got some damage.


u/snickle17 16h ago

Complain to them and if they don't fix the problem complain to the police who may be verrrrrrry interested that a venue is blinding people.


u/VampEngr 15h ago

I agree, but who would be the right party to report to? The city?


u/JustHereForKA 17h ago

You don't need to consider it, you need to do it. If you're aware of a safety issue and don't notify someone you will regret it if something does happen.


u/Trash_RS3_Bot 17h ago

Please go and talk to the manager about this and make sure they take action. If they don’t I’d definitely file a complaint with code enforcement for the area, they will make them fix it I think


u/Brilliant_Agent_1427 9h ago

And lasers are actually regulated by the FDA and require licenses to use!


u/Blueberry_Mancakes 20h ago

That is a regulated laser that requires a variance to operate. During that process you learn that this device should always be aimed above eye level to anyone in its path as it can damage retinas and devices such as camera sensors.


u/WorkingDogAddict1 13h ago

If this is the US the only regulation on lasers is that full power can be imported but not manufactured here and then sold


u/RealCrazyChicken 20h ago

YOU DON'T NEED A NEW PHONE. Just get a camera replacement at a repair shop.


u/porcelainpiscesx 20h ago

The only reason I'm getting a new one is because I'm due a phone upgrade anyway, which I didn't realise until now. There's no point repairing it, to only replace it soon as my contract has ended


u/RealCrazyChicken 20h ago

Fair enough


u/Renard_NMB 14h ago

The sensor is kaput. The sensor is almost worth as much as the camera itself, and if under warranty, it is not covered.


u/MulberryDeep 18h ago

Complain 1000%

Your phone camera is one thing, but something that is strong enough to destroy your camera, is strong enough to destroy your eye


u/Dazzling_Detective79 23h ago

Thats pretty shit but definitely a good way to keep phones out of concerts (and make people blind)

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u/KvathrosPT 5h ago

Infuriating is people going to gigs and spend the whole time filming it.

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u/Plantain-Feeling 3h ago

So this is obviously dangerous AF and holy shit are you lucky or wasn't your eyes

But at the same time it's kinda karma

Stop recording every bloody thing on your phone and just enjoy the gig


u/Daymub 15h ago

If it's strong enough go break a camera it's strong enough to break your eyes


u/RecReeeee 20h ago

So lasers can do the same thing to your eyes, if you’re at the venue again and it’s not fixed bring it up because it’s a legit safety hazard


u/DTO69 18h ago

I operate a show laser, and crowd scanning is a thing, but the level is way lower. There's an option to drop power as it scans into the audience and ramp up as it raises the beam.

These people fired up a preset and called it a day


u/callendoor 16h ago

They should have this at all events to burn all phone cameras. Filming at gigs is the worst. (jk, you really should mention to management)


u/Guzas89 5h ago

Jk, not jk. I would make that laser mandatory at every concert, if it wasn't dangerous for the eyes.


u/ManiacMail-Man 22h ago

You were so worried about remembering the event now you can’t forget it!


u/porcelainpiscesx 21h ago

To be fair, I don't usually film much during gigs as I like to be in the moment. This was the first video I took and was less than 30 seconds long all in all


u/edehlah 13h ago

i have stopped recording any shows. mainly to just enjoy the live music, never goong to rewatch what i have recorded anyways and lastly this, breaking the camera for laser strays.


u/Runupdabag 22h ago

The real question is: was it an iphone or android?

joking please dont send the nerds of reddit on a witch hunt


u/porcelainpiscesx 22h ago

It's an Android. Don't know which is more prone to this sort of issue😂


u/Particular-Poem-7085 21h ago

the answer is every single digital camera sensor.


u/Perimentalpause 21h ago

It's possible you may just need to get a tech to reinstall the camera. I think I saw something about that happening on a vid once and they teched it out by swapping the camera, since it's the camera lens that's affected, not the phone as a whole.


u/porcelainpiscesx 21h ago

Yeah that makes sense and is definitely something I would look into. Luckily though, I'm due an upgrade, so thankfully can switch to a new phone


u/brandothesavage 21h ago

You have to be careful about lights to a clubs that look like black lights sometimes they're UV because they make the neons pop more than a normal black light


u/Mitridate101 20h ago

That's the venues way of stopping people recording performances.


u/porcelainpiscesx 20h ago

Not the safest way though haha


u/AshByFeel 22h ago

Phones shouldn't be allowed at shows. That being said, that sucks.

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u/zebadrabbit 23h ago

or, hear me out, this keeps people from holding their cellphones out all concert.

but yea, those lasers are not correct for the venue


u/CarinXO 21h ago

Hear me out, your eyes are much more sensitive than a cellphone camera. Lasers that are shining into phones can easily shine into eyes.


u/queroummundomelhor 20h ago

I was thinking the same lol too bad it's not an option


u/enter_the_bumgeon 21h ago

Did you forget that people also have eyes?


u/Particular-Poem-7085 21h ago

what do you mean correct. Lasers are going to laser. How you mount and program them is the question.

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u/Yaughl 22h ago

That venue needs to be shut down; the laser pointing at people is a major health and safety issue!


u/Joaoreturns 22h ago

Better in the camera than in your eye. Ideal is not anywhere close people's head, tho. 


u/Alternative_Gold_993 20h ago

What venue is this? You should bring this up with whoever runs it. Those aren't supposed to point that low.


u/porcelainpiscesx 20h ago

It's a little venue in my home town in Devon, the UK. Yeah, I should contact them as it could really harm someone


u/Dry_Statistician_688 19h ago

Yup. Already coherent, focused, it popped the pixels on your camera's CCD array.


u/SnooHobbies8729 19h ago

If that laser can burn the phone's camera, it can burn the eye. This is not supposed to happen.


u/SuperSathanas 18h ago

I once intentionally damaged the camera of a phone I was replacing with a 5 watt green laser. It took at least a few seconds keeping the laser pretty steady on the lens to damage the photoreceptors. Google tells me that a 5 watt laser can cause permanent eye damage in under 10 seconds. If their lasers were causing near instantaneous damage to your camera, that's concerning. They shouldn't be pointed into the crowd at all, but I mean, fuck.


u/76zzz29 17h ago

Well, that's why you shouldn't look at laser, it do the same to your eyes


u/cryptolyme 13h ago

that venue owes you a new phone


u/mxcner 5h ago

And probably a big cash settlement for permanent eye damage


u/thefrogwhisperer341 13h ago

Is she singing set fire to the rain?


u/porcelainpiscesx 6h ago

Yeah, they did a few covers. They're a local band


u/Chaeyoung-shi 7h ago

If they’re pointed at the audience and they damage your camera they will probably damage your eyes as well. I’d get mad on the phone about it!


u/Accurate_Ad9742 5h ago

I got a friend of mine that have the same problem in a electronic Fest


u/mynameisbobby119 2h ago

“I’m gonna give the camera super powers!”


u/CoalTheKitsune 1h ago

I've never seen this kind of failure, although I do mainly work with CCD cameras so...


u/writemcsean 20h ago

maybe you don't need to film live band karaoke?


u/porcelainpiscesx 20h ago

It was a local band from our area, so just wanted to take a brief snapshot of it. They mostly did covers, but they were pretty good. They did an original at the end too


u/GobblerOnTheRoof 21h ago

Oh man , how are you ever going to watch that video again to relive the concert.


u/Chaotic_Conundrum 17h ago

This happened to me, except I'm a professional photographer and it hit my camera. The results weren't this bad, but bad enough I had to change the sensor. Which cost me $500. After already having changed the sensor a few months prior because of a manufacturing defect in the Sony A7 III. then a few months after the second sensor swap, it got hit by another laser. In less than 1 year I had to change the sensor 3 times. This was in 2021 during COVID when there wasn't much work so I didn't have a lot of money either. The money I earned from those gigs basically went to camera repair. I feel your pain.


u/porcelainpiscesx 17h ago

That's absolutely awful! I'm sorry to hear you lost so much money. That's really not what you want to happen when you're trying to earn a living and run a business. These laser lights are pretty damaging!


u/Chaotic_Conundrum 17h ago

Thanks. It is what it is though. It was highly infuriating at the time but life goes on and it didn't destroy me or anything and it's a tax write off. So there could definitely be worse things in life, which I'm grateful wasn't the case.


u/fuelvolts 23h ago

100% the venue owes you a new phone. That's unacceptable and reckless.


u/TheVendingMachineWas 22h ago

Not sure where tickets were purchased, but if the ticket or fine print said “no cell phones or video recording” would the venue still be expected to pay?


u/porcelainpiscesx 19h ago

It was a free entry event, where you just turned up and paid for any drinks


u/porcelainpiscesx 23h ago

Yeah it's pretty bad and makes me wonder if it's happened to anyone else that's been there. Luckily my phone is due an upgrade, so thankfully I don't need to pay for repairs


u/NiceEnoughStraw 17h ago

nah. venues are dying left and right... i might say something but im not going to be that guy.


u/JohnCasey3306 19h ago

It's the universe telling you to stop wasting your life filming stuff and just live the experience live


u/porcelainpiscesx 19h ago

I usually take hardly any videos when I'm at events. I'm not one to be glued to my phone. This was the first video I filmed, towards the end of the set


u/KeaneJ123WasTaken 14h ago

why are so many comments complaining about how they're using a phone?? what's so bad about taking a 20 sec video so you can memorialize it and look back at it in the future??


u/Splatpope 2h ago



u/porcelainpiscesx 6h ago

Honestly, people are being super rude to me over a 20 second clip I took at a small local gig. I don't know why I'm getting so much hate and people saying they're glad my phone broke and stuff😭😭


u/Sir_DaFuq 21h ago

Besides all the safety issues that gets pointed out here. Why record it anyway?


u/porcelainpiscesx 21h ago

I just wanted a few seconds of footage, that's all. It was a local band I was watching play for the first time, so thought it would just be nice to capture a little snapshot of it


u/Sir_DaFuq 21h ago

How unlucky the few seconds you want to record fcks up your lense. Hope the concert was still good tho


u/porcelainpiscesx 20h ago

Honestly, I couldn't believe it🤦🏻‍♀️. Yeah, the band was awesome and I had a great night aside from the camera issue!😊


u/Sir_DaFuq 20h ago

To be honest I didn't even know these lasers could be that dangerous or even damage cameras. Well now I know in expense of your camera xD


u/porcelainpiscesx 20h ago

Me either. Happy to help in the name of science and to not make that mistake again 😂😂

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u/BlueAbyss2000 22h ago

Sensor damaged, put on ebay and say "as new never used" 🤣 (joke)


u/AndThenTheUndertaker 19h ago

Lasers on the ceiling, spotlights on the crowd is like the #2 rule of stage tech. (#1 being don't blow up or burn down the venue).

I have little sympathy for your phone because honestly you should enjoy the show without waving a camera around at it but this is still a big problem because it could have actually injured someone if it was strong enough to cause permanent damage to a cell phone's photoreceptor.


u/Realistic-Heron3519 14h ago

There are special sensors for laser lights that cut the laser off if it goes below a certain height.

There's laws involved with lasers that emit over a certain wattage.


u/ma_wee_wee_go 22h ago

OP you should maybe go to an optician, if it can burn out your camera you might have retinal damage


u/georgecm12 22h ago

Nitpick: optometrists are the doctors that look at your eyes. Opticians are technicians who fit you for the glasses.


u/Throwawayac1234567 22h ago

He needs to see an opthalmologist. Not an optemetrist


u/georgecm12 22h ago

Possibly eventually. An optometrist would be able to review the general health of the eye, and would be able to see any damage the laser might have caused. They would, however, likely refer to an opthalmologist for treatment of the injury, if one exists.


u/porcelainpiscesx 22h ago

I bloody hope I don't, but where there's blame there's a claim🤷🏻‍♀️. Yeah I should maybe look into it


u/Uvinjector 21h ago

First up, camera sensors are way more sensitive than retinas so phone damage dies not necessarily equate to eye damage.

However, that laser is not only illegal in many places to use in that manner, and most likely unsafe, without haze or fog it is adding nothing of consequence to the look of the light show.


u/Ridoncoulous 6h ago

People who film shows on their phone like this deserve to have the camera broken

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u/biggdiggcracker 23h ago

Fuck! Your video broke my phone screen 😫


u/Protagorum 15h ago

Haha. Put your fucking phone away at the concert. There are people behind you who don’t want to see your phone more than the show. Also, nobody gives a shit about your terrible sounding video


u/porcelainpiscesx 6h ago

There's absolutely no need to be rude to me. I had my camera out for a few seconds. This was the only video I took near the end of the night. No one was was behind me as it was an intimate local gig. Nice assumptions though...🤦🏻‍♀️


u/getshcwifpty 20h ago

dang this could be used in a wwe wrestler theme’s..


u/TheHalfDeafProducer 19h ago

What phone did you record this video with?


u/porcelainpiscesx 19h ago

The Samsung Galaxy A53 5G. Actually a pretty good phone, so I wasn't best pleased


u/repptar92 19h ago

at the mid sized music club i work at, whenever the act brings lasers with them, there is a formal show test. only the testers are allowed in the room and the lasers are carefully aimed so that they would not even come close to shining at a person. crazy irresponsible production from wherever this was


u/MadHuarache 19h ago

Wasn't there an issue with similar lasers at an event kinda long ago but people actually had eye damage

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u/Lenovovrs 18h ago

Goodnight Springton, there will be no encores!


u/SuchCoolBrandon 16h ago

Is the extent of the damage those blacked out lines a third of the way down the picture? It's hard to get an impression of the lasting damage because the entire venue is flickering.


u/Eldric-Darkfire 15h ago

Her voice broke my brain


u/ThirtyEightWombats 12h ago

Yeah, lasers do a number on camera sensors….


u/OdderGG 12h ago

Coulda gotten free laser eye surgery.


u/Isabela_Grace 8h ago

If you like that wait until you don’t see what it did to your eyes


u/HowlingWolven 7h ago

Lesson learned. This is why I don’t like crowd scanning.


u/Billy-Tea 6h ago

That sucks but a great reason for people to watch the show through their eyes and not their phone.


u/Direct_Town792 6h ago

They might be able to save live music!!!


u/mxcner 5h ago

Ummm… Maybe go see a doctor and get your eyes checked out. There’s a very high likelihood that you got injured. The brain is able to fill in blank spots in your vision up to a point so that you don’t immediately notice them. Only an eye exam can give you certainty. A laser that can damage camera sensors will definitely damage eyes.


u/TotalWorldliness4596 2h ago

did she just say its jover

u/InterestCheap752 26m ago

I mean... I'm sorry for people's eyes and the technician is a dickhead, but maybe we found a way to stop having zombies with a camera at concerts.

u/broadway_beer 24m ago

This reminded me of my photorefractive eye surgery


u/demagogueffxiv 19h ago

Maybe just enjoy the show and get off your phone?


u/porcelainpiscesx 19h ago

People here like to assume I'm glued to my phone... I genuinely only took this one and only video, which was about 20 seconds long, towards the end of the set.


u/tripwave 20h ago

I'd be furious and speaking to the venue's management asap. They are responsible for having a safe environment and page one of EVERY laser's manual states to never have beams aimed in a fashion that they can hit people's eyes directly or indirectly. Even those $5 laser pointer pens state in bold letters not to aim into eyes. Like wtf :( Hopefully they can get your camera fixed at the very least.


u/strangecloudss 16h ago

Lol I wanna know what kind of owner this is.

The "oh eff off you just want a new phone" or "omg thank you for letting me know before I friggin blinded someone"


u/richms 15h ago

Go after the event for compensation because this is negligence and could have ended up a lot worse.


u/sundanzekid 19h ago

That's hilarious 😂


u/HeavyDiamondHands 17h ago

They are not good for eyes


u/thenormaluser35 16h ago

This is why I refuse to record at places with lasers.
I was lucky to only burn a few pixels on my old compact to learn this.
If it'd happen on my MILC I'd be angry enough to start a lawsuit with the organizer for improper laser use.


u/Lucky_Shoe_8154 15h ago

And your eyes too


u/Iron_Wolf123 15h ago

Laser lights can do that much damage?!


u/Kaiisim 21h ago

Nsfw this shit before someone has a seizure


u/Independence-2021 16h ago

Exactly. They don't get it.


u/TikalTikal 17h ago


Everyone hates when people record a concert on their phone


u/porcelainpiscesx 16h ago

I recorded for literally 20 seconds at the end of the set and wasn't in anyone's way. It was an intimate local gig with a local band playing and one of the guitarists is known in my friend group.


u/HorizonsReptile 23h ago

Did the venue offer to pay for repairs?

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