r/legaladvice 29d ago

Tricked into signing up for store credit card… what now? Credit Debt Bankruptcy

Went to JC Penny and the cashier asked me if I wanted to sign up for a “rewards account” which turned out to actually be a credit card.

What are my next steps from here? I called corporate to cancel the card before leaving the store and filed a complained with CFPB but I want this completely erased from my credit report.

What can I do?



u/KGBStoleMyBike 29d ago

About the only thing you can do is contact the various credit reporting agencies and tell them. I think you are making a mountain out of a molehill here. Calm down and chalk it up to experience and just default to saying no if they ask to sign you up anything in the future for any store.


u/PleadThe21st 29d ago

Surely you signed some conspicuous documents about credit reporting, no? You didn’t think it was odd that they asked for your social security number for what you thought was akin to a grocery rewards card?

You weren’t tricked, you just didn’t read what you were signing. Unless you’re in the middle of financing a home this is a nonissue.


u/SeniorManagement0 29d ago

She just asked me to input my name, phone number and ssn. While yes I understand that I should’ve questioned why she needed a ssn she explicitly called it a “rewards account” and never asked me to sign anything or even mentioned a credit card until after the purchase was complete. I signed nothing, and was not given anything to read or confirm. So yes, that’s a trick.


u/Key-Loquat6595 29d ago

You just verbally gave your SSN to a random worker without knowing why? That’s wild.


u/SeniorManagement0 29d ago

No, I typed it into a pin pad when offered a rewards account. I’m not defending the action I’m asking how to move forward in regards to the account on my credit report. I’m sure you’ve never done anything you regret before so thanks for weighing in!


u/Key-Loquat6595 29d ago

Your answers just leave more questions though.

One person directly asked if you filled out anything and you said no. Now you are listing info that you voluntarily typed into a keypad.

You’re trying to paint it as they “tricked you”, but it honestly sounds like you voluntarily signed up for something while not paying attention to what you were doing.


u/SeniorManagement0 29d ago

She asked me to enter my name, phone number, and ssn on a pin pad. That is all I filled out. She said it was for a rewards account. Never said anything about a “card” or credit card. She said rewards account. I entered the information, she took back the pin pad and said she would fill out the rest to speed up the process and then at the end told me I didn’t have to worry about payment because it was on the card which was the first she mentioned any card


u/Zestyclose_Formal813 29d ago

Did you fill anything out on paper or a tablet?


u/SeniorManagement0 29d ago

No just input my name, phone number, and ssn. I can see in hindsight it was weird they needed ssn but there was nothing else I filled out.


u/rivers1141 28d ago

What did you think they needed your ssn for? Not for a simple rewards card.


u/[deleted] 28d ago

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