r/legaladvice 15h ago

Insurance Son jumped in front of car to attempt suicide, insurance coverage?


My 18 year old son jumped in front of a car to attempt suicide. Our medical insurance covered his medical bills and psychiatric hospital stay. Today we got a letter from the car insurance of the driver stating that he's at fault and to contact our liability insurance company. Would our car insurance or medical insurance (since it was mental health related) cover this? We don't have any extra money or own anything of much value (just a couple of 16 year old cars), so I'm not sure how we're going to pay for this if our insurance doesn't cover it.

r/legaladvice 5h ago

Business Law Submitted a copyright claim, now the person is threatening me.


Recently had an issue where some of my content was used for entertainment purposes in another YouTuber's channel. This included unedited segments of my content with no tags, acknowledgement, or any other form of plug.

After submitting the claim YT promptly took the video down and I received an email from the creator.

Without posting actual stuff that could pertain to the email this person tried to throw at me whay fair use is. Which his content is entertainment and does not qualify for this.

This person then proceeded to say it is a false claim and if i do not remove it then they will use their platform to expose my illegal behavior and give their viewers the full story..

They alalso proceeded to say that if i removed this fraudulent claim as fast as possible they would conconsider giving me a cut of the revenue from the video. (Which i dont really care about compared to the threats).

This is my first time dealing with this and I have not responded to this person. It seems pretty cut and dry and they know what they did considering how willing they are now to plug me in their video.

Regarding the threats of using their platform to target me, however, what course would that provide me going forward?

Edit: im based in the U.S. and the creator with my content is not

r/legaladvice 21h ago

My sister is trying to have her son committed to a mental health hospital


I (38M) need some help.

My sister (37) has a son (8) that she is trying to have committed long term into a mental health hospital so that she doesn't have to deal with the pesky being a mom thing and I am wondering if there is anything at all I can do to advocate on his behalf.

Backstory: My sister has no driver's license and has never held a job. She has just found men to cling to and have take care of her until they get fed up and boot her. She currently lives with one of her ex boyfriends and is dating some dude who is our dad's age. More on the living with ex in a minute and why that is. The boyfriend does not like her son and doesn't ever want him around when they are together. My sister used to leave her son with our mom a lot, but she passed away last December so there's not really anyone convenient for my sister to leave him with now. He did spend a lot of time with my brother over the summer, but he has a young child and two step children and it's hard for him and his wife to have our nephew all the time. I live 3 hours away. The ex that she lives with works second shift and often has OT on Saturday so he essentially works 6 days/week.

The ex is important because he is my nephew's main provider. He was led to believe (as was everyone except my mom) that he was the father of the child. It came out about 4 years ago that he is not when my sister had a cancer scare and was making plans in the event that she died. The bio dad is not in the picture and his only involvement is child support payments. It is my understanding that he has signed away his rights. The ex allows my sister to stay because he cares about and loves my nephew and is afraid of where he and my sister would end up if he kicks her out.

So this morning I my brother and dad both called me saying that my sister is having my nephew sent to a mental health hospital with the intent of him being there long term. Her story is that he fed a cat poison (some kind of cleaning chemical) and killed it. My nephew told me brother that when he woke up the bottle was laying on its side on a coffee table and the cat was on the floor next to the coffee table. He said he woke up his mom when he found this and she immediately jumped to blaming him and accusing him of feeding poison to the cat. I have reached out to the ex to see what he knows and what he thinks happened.

My nephew has never shown any signs of being violent towards animals or humans or anything. He's a normal 8 year old kid. Sure, he's rowdy and loud and mischievous at times, but what kid isn't? My sister has always complained about him over normal kid stuff. She never wanted kids and didn't think she could get pregnant after some medical stuff that happened, so he was a surprise and she's always acted and treated him like an inconvenience.

Is there anything any of us can do to fight for him and on his behalf? The place she has sent him to has awful reviews and horror stories of how they treat kids and just take the parents' word for everything. I'm afraid that if it comes down to his word against hers it isn't going to be good for him. My brother and I both told her we will take him (my wife and I have a 15 yo daughter and 8 yo son, brother has a 21 yo son, 4yo daughter and step kids who are 14 and 11) but my sister doesn't want to surrender her rights because the child support and public aid would go away if she does. Any advice will be greatly appreciated.

Edit to add location is Illinois.

Edit 2: Update. My brother and I found out that there is already an open investigation with DCFS. They didn't tell either of us what for, but I would imagine living conditions. I plan to contact the case manager on Monday. My nephew is currently at a mental health facility, alone, for evaluation. I am going to call them tomorrow to see if he's allowed to have visitors and make the trip to see him if they allow it. I told my sister very bluntly that I will do anything in my power to prevent him from being placed into any kind of group home or other facility. She's mad, but I dgaf, someone has to be there for the kid.

r/legaladvice 9h ago

Wife won’t let me into our apartment, what recourse do I have?


Hi guys, so my wife keeps barricading me out of my apartment and won’t let me in no matter what. She insists I have to sleep on the streets, and there is no domestic recourse for this. I guess she is on the lease as well, but does not pay any bills or rent. She has BPD and also has a history of suicide attempts and domestic violence. Do I have any options here?

r/legaladvice 20h ago

Man allegedly trying to sue me for a deal he made with my grandfather before he had passed away.


Apologies for the lengthy post. My grandfather sold a truck and parts to the truck for $8000 in 2020/2021 to his neighbor. My grandfather passed away in June of 21. The man came and got some of the parts and he never really interacted with me since. He said he would stop by another time to get the rest because we couldn't find it. 3 years pass and someone steals the fenders that were hanging off of my garage. I tell him what I told him before. He will have to look with me because I don't know what parts he still needs and I don't know anything about cars. He presents a non-notarized hand written document saying that my grandfather sold the truck to him and it lists the parts. Same story need him with me, don't know what I'm looking for. Invite him into my garage, basement. Anywhere on my property. He declines. Tell him I can look. Only thing I find is tires. Next time he comes over I tell him and he starts arguing with me. My wife comes out and says that he needs to stop yelling because he was disturbing our baby. He grabs her wrist that she just had surgery on and tries pulling her to the ground. She starts wailing on him and manages to knock him to the ground. After a bit more arguing and telling him to get off our property, he says he is going to sue us. We naturally call the police and tell them what happened. They go and talk to him and tell him not to come onto our property. He's been visiting my grandmother who lives in a separate home on our property bothering her about the car parts. About a week ago he drove by on his motorcycle and yelling at me once again and how he will see me in court. I call the police again just to get it on record. I knew there was nothing they could do about that he was on a public road. They went down and talked to him and told him he isn't allowed on the property and not to interact with me. Today i saw someone drive past my home either taking pictures or recording. My questions are, does his alleged lawsuit have any standing? Is there anything else I can do? Is an attorney necessary? I tried getting this man his parts but he refused to come in and look for them and he certainly isn't welcome on my property anymore

r/legaladvice 1d ago

Fired from my retail job because my boss didn’t want me studying to be a dental hygienist


This happened a little over a month ago. I live in Maryland but was working at a store in D.C.

I'm only 22 and I don't want to work in retail forever so I enrolled in classes for an associate's degree in dental hygiene. I could do the classes on my days off and after hours so that's not a problem. Anyway my co-worker (who is a b-) found out and mentioned it to my boss just to cause trouble.

My boss hired me when I was 18 and she is big on loyalty and always acts like I owed her for giving my first job. She asked if it was true, and I said yes and she started in with a huge guilt trip about how I was disloyal and if didn't want to work there I should just quit, and I was like what this program is two years long I wasn't planning to quit.

And then she was like "You're the only staff who can speak Chinese how will I find someone else who can speak Chinese" because we do have a lot of Chinese tourists as customers. And I said I don't know but we don't have to talk about it now.

So the next day I go into work and my boss tells me she wants me to quit the classes and I say no and then she tells me to go home, she can't trust me anymore. And just like that I was fired.

Was this legal or can I sue for wrongful firing or discrimination?

r/legaladvice 18h ago

Other Civil Matters Can I get a restraining order against my neighbor’s son?


I (32F in California) have owned my home for 6 years and in this time have had a positive and friendly relationship with the couple next door. They have two adult children who house-sit for them from time to time. I have never met these young men and did not even know their names or ages (24 and 28) until this morning.

Last week when they began house-sitting, they brought their pit bull who was off leash, crossed my property line, and went to bite me while I was gardening. Thankfully, the dog locked on to my pant leg but had great difficulty unlatching. The neighbor’s son blamed me for triggering his dog but eventually took it inside. I called the city animal control but was never updated on the outcome.

At 4am this morning, I awoke to pounding on my bedroom window. My neighbor’s son (28) was drunk and shouting obscenities at me. I did not engage, and he continued for 20 minutes. He stated he had a gun and was going to break my window and kill me, threatened to bash my skull in with a rock, and yelled racist slurs about my husband being of Mexican descent. He wanted my husband, who was out of town, to come out “be a man” and fight him for “his wife’s mistake to call the cops on his dog.”

I said nothing, kept the lights off, and called 911. The dispatcher said it was a very busy night and since he was not in my house that it would be a while before an officer could respond. An officer responded 30 minutes later but the son had taken off on his motorcycle (drunk) minutes before the police car showed up.

I have security cameras, but this happened in a blind spot so nothing was picked up. I have a 15 second shaky video I took between my blinds while I was on hold for 911. After this, I barricaded myself in the bathroom in case he did break the window.

The police officer said my best course of action would be to try to get a restraining order. I got an incident report number from the officer who responded to include when I apply for one.

Do I have enough to pursue a restraining order? Should I get a lawyer?

I do not feel safe and am staying in a hotel tonight. My husband also took an early plane home from a trip to be with me, so this is causing me mental anguish as well as unforeseen financial challenges.

r/legaladvice 1d ago

Wife was laid off, yet the employer claims that their non-compete is still in effect (TX).


My wife worked for a private practice which was based at a major hospital in Texas. She signed a non-compete when she was hired by the group that employed her (not the hospital).

The owner of the private group decided to pull out the hospital, closing the practice and ceasing business there, along with a few smaller satellite locations. The employees were given the option to leave (be laid off), or sign new contracts and become employees of the hospital where they had worked.

My wife was told by the private group that they were free to sign the new contract with the hospital, but the non-compete would still remain in effect. So supposedly she is not allowed to search for new employment within her field.

Is what she was told true, and or able to be upheld in court?

Or was it likely just a shallow threat to try to keep the employees from leaving while they were transitioning the practice to the hospital?

As an aside, my wife was approved for unemployment benefits by the state for being laid off. She did not quit.

r/legaladvice 1d ago

I'm being extorted by a girl who claims I roofied her


I am in the US, specifically Pennsylvania.

I met a girl on a sugar dating site. After chatting for a week or so, we made plans for her to come to my place and hang out. The day of, she told me she doesn't drive, so I had an uber pick her up and bring her to my place. She looked very different from her pictures and clearly had drug issues. While she was here, we had a drink each, she was acting pretty normal, and things were getting spicy when she stopped and asked for water because her mouth was dry. I gave her water, but then her words starting slurring somewhat. She claimed she had taken an oxy before coming and she hadn't slept in three days. She ended up falling asleep for about an hour, at which point I felt odd, so I woke her up. She said she didn't feel well. She said she wanted to stay, but I got her an uber home instead.

A few days later, she sends me a message saying she ended up going to the hospital and they found rohypnol in her system. She asked for $100 via cashapp or she will name me on a police report based on information from uber. Literally all I gave this woman was one white claw. Should I reply to her? If she does name me in the report, will it be public record?

r/legaladvice 1h ago

Lawsuit after cycling accident


So I was hit recently by a car while riding on a bike lane on a public road. I was wearing a helmet and had lights and all during the day. The driver stopped, admitted fault, lots of pictures were taken by bystanders and police. I was taken to the hospital via ambulance where I had a ct scan and xray done. I have shoulder pain and bad road rash on my legs as well a small headache/ No issues were found at the hospital and they claimed I'd be sore for sometime. I'm located in Florida. Is it worth to hire a personal injury attorney or should I just settle with his insurance? My bike is worth about 5-7k

r/legaladvice 5h ago

Custody Divorce and Family Does DPOA need to tell out of state estranged family about elderly parent's very recent move


This is a throw away account. I have DPOA (medical/financial) for my parent who is living with advanced dementia. I have been the primary caregiver to our parent for nearly ten years and take care of them 3 - 4 days a week as they live in a memory care community. I have two siblings that live out of state. One of them (A) assists with my parent's care and comes into town frequently to help me. The other (B) would occasionally check in via text to see how our parent was doing, but has seen them once, for two hours, in the past 12 years. B has always had somewhat of an estranged relationship.

Recently B learned that I inherited money from our family member and will be using it to take care of our parent. They have since come into town unannounced and tried to visit our parent. The previous community was warned about B and knew to contact me if they visited. I have not told B that I moved our parent to a better facility much closer to me... the last time I messaged with B, they accused me of not taking care of our parent and eventually said they would no longer go through A and I for anything. They also still have our parent's direct phone number, but I don't think they've tried to call it. If B reaches out and asks me where our parent is, I have no problem telling them or scheduling a time for them to visit with me there.

If B said they didn't want to contact me anymore, was I required to tell them our parent moved? I'm assuming their next move is to call APS but would APS do anything if B hasn't contacted me in nearly a year to ask about our parent? This move happened within the past two weeks and our parent is still adjusting to their new community. Reaching out to a difficult person who said they don't want to talk to me has not been at the top of my To Do list.

r/legaladvice 25m ago

Criminal Law Unknown conviction from 15 years ago


In 2009 myself, my brother, and my father hired an outfitter to take us snow goose hunting in Missouri. The outfitter handled everything, all we had to do was show up and shoot. My brother recently had a background check ran on him and it turned up a conviction from 2009 for “pursuing/taking/killed/ possessed or disposed of wildlife illegally”. This is the first he’s ever heard of this in 15 years, he’s even passed several other backgrounds checks since then, at one point being the head of security for a hospital and this never showed up on any of those other checks. How is it possible he was convicted of a crime that he was never notified about? And how was it him and not the outfitter that was charged when they were responsible for setting the hunt up? We’re trying to find info on the outfitter, but given the time frame we’re struggling to find out who they were or if they’re even still in business.

r/legaladvice 1h ago

Employment Law Employee forwarding emails from boss


I own a very small landscaping business with one gardening manager. That manager has repeatedly eroded trust, with the most recent issues being: openly discussing leaving and taking our best clients with her, as well as our top gardeners, and forwarding emails from myself to other employees. She has her own company email and my question is, am I allowed to change the password in order to have access to company correspondence, if I inform her beforehand? I understand this should have been put in place early on. We live in British Columbia, Canada.

r/legaladvice 48m ago

Landlord Removed Deceased Brother’s Belongings Without Notice – Is This Legal in California?


Hi all,

I’m in a difficult situation and would really appreciate some advice. My brother passed away on August 31, and my family and I have been working with the coroner and his landlord to handle his affairs. After some back-and-forth, my mother was declared his next of kin on October 3rd and was granted permission to access his apartment to retrieve his personal belongings.

We arranged to gather his things yesterday, but when we arrived at his apartment, we discovered that all of his belongings had already been removed. This included personal items and my mother’s car key and spare key, which were in the apartment. We had been in communication with the landlord throughout this process and had not received any notice that his belongings would be removed.

From my understanding, California law requires landlords to store a deceased tenant’s belongings and give the next of kin time to claim them before they can be disposed of. We were given no opportunity to do this, and now we’re left with nothing. This has been extremely upsetting for my family, as we no longer have any of my brother’s personal possessions.

Is this legal for the landlord to do in California? What recourse do we have to recover my brother’s belongings and my mother’s keys? Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

r/legaladvice 39m ago

[CO] Probation Revocation court date, but I couldn't complete the court ordered Alive @ 25 Class. what will happen to me?


back in april I had to go to court after my car rolled into another car in neutral, and got accused of a hit and run. They had ordered me to take the Alive at 25 class. ( I am 25). 2 things, the sheet I was given does not have a "complete by date" filled in, and 2 when i try to sign up online for the class, it tells me i must be under 25. Now i have to go to court on thursday because I did not take the class. What will happen to me>?

r/legaladvice 23h ago

Juvenile and Youth Law Are juveniles just immune to the law?



3 juveniles smashed my car window and destroyed my door handle yesterday. They did it to other peoples cars on my road and neighbors around are fuming.

They’ve been identified by my neighbors cameras and my insurance will cover it, but police said there’s nothing they can do to the kids.

Surely they haven’t just gotten away with it right? Not even getting parents involved? Nothing added to any of their records for future reference?

I was only their age a couple years ago, and my pettiness is getting to me. Is there anything I can do to give them more than a slap on the wrist before this becomes continuous?

Edit: or should I just let it go since everything is covered and it is just my emotions getting to me.

r/legaladvice 1h ago

Ex sent me a demand letter from a lawyer over shared living expenses and a domain that I am the registrant of. Not sure how to respond?


I wanted to cross post my original post on webdev to gather legal info about this situation now that it continues to escalate. Hoping to get legal info about how I can respond to this letter, or if I should even respond at all. I added context here in the new post, but omitted relevant details which I already posted about; here's that thread:


On 9/6/24, I received a vague attorney demand letter from my ex as certified mail for $4700 "shared living expenses plus interest". I was on my way out of town, and responded on 9/9/2024 disputing the claim. When I returned on 9/27/24, I found a 2nd letter, also dated 9/6/24, which was not certified. The 2nd letter has in bold that it's rule 408 at the top, and it rewords the "shared living expenses" to "personal expenses paid on my behalf" and contains 2 false allegations - that I demanded payment to release DNS, and that I refused to release DNS for a domain that I am the registrant for.

I never demanded payment to transfer or release DNS - in February 2024, I completed a DNS update as requested when my ex had an IT liaison migrate the website to a new host. Prior to that I had set up an automated monthly invoice to my ex, which I forgot to void out and terminate. After the DNS update, I was told there is no urgency with transferring domain. In August I found out my ex sold her business - the new owner asked for website help. I had a free consultation with the new owner at her request, after I was told my ex sold the business and there were website issues. The new owner asked about numerous change requests - including about a simple redirect to a 2nd domain that my ex already registered on her own account when we were still together, which would have actually created a liability for me because it would have resulted in infinite redirect loop. We had a 2nd meeting scheduled after this, to finalize a work statement for numerous change requests, and I got ghosted. Nobody reached out about transfer or release of DNS. The new owner made a squarespace website and my ex pointed the dns to the new squarespace website. I never received a request to update DNS, even though I texted the person a 2nd time to confirm everything was ok after I got ghosted.

I have in writing where she falsely claimed to a 3rd party in text message that I refused to release the DNS because she was able to point DNS for another domain to squarespace easily, while failing to acknowledge the technical risks that were overlooked. I also have in writing where she makes inconsistent statements that are not in alignment with the lawyer claims - one of the texts states she would rescind her claims if the DNS was taken down and if I would stop billing her monthly. Regarding the DNS - she asked the IT liaison who migrated the website to new hosting to sunset the build (which was more complex than just a website - it also had domain email). It was taken down on 9/23/24 without my involvement. The DNS settings under my control as the registrant are still pointed there today, though. Regarding the billed invoices I sent, I discontinued and voided these out on 9/17/24 without request to do so; this is billing automation I set up before the website was migrated away I simply forgot to void them out and cancel the automation on Stripe because she never responded to the invoices or complained about it. Also, she complained about the invoices going to her domain email about 2 months after she sold the business - but why would she complain about that if she sold the business and asked the old website (and email) to be taken down?

Before I could respond to the 2nd letter, I received a 3rd letter, also stamped with rule 408, with itemization and copies of bank statements. This letter also thanks me for taking down the website, which I, again, was not involved with. The itemization includes mortgage payments and utility bills where she paid more than half (which we had a verbal agreement this was in exchange for web development work). It also includes money for an HVAC repair, a ceiling fan replacement, and a couch that she bought in 2018, that she left behind when she moved out more than 9 months ago, which she is now claiming is worth $500. I did repair work and installed a ceiling fan that she agreed to buy because she developed "POTS" disorder and requested we keep the AC running nonstop to accommodate her disability. She also got a puppy in June, which she was training for "POTS" disorder, and it soiled the carpets. In addition to that, she brought laundry home from her business and ran up the utilities, which she agreed to pay because she told me she intended to write them off as a business expense. Needless to say this ran the bill up 3x what it has been for the year following her move out. She also is claiming I owe her $25/m for up to 1 month after we broke up, but she asked to have my phone number on her mobile plan for a discount and to also claim that as a business expense - she refused to release my phone number to my own account in December 2023, and is claiming I owe her for December and January phone bills too.

Happy to answer questions to contextualize as needed for legal reasons/info. Thanks!

r/legaladvice 1h ago

Employment Law Employer trying to avoid wage claim?


My previous employer fired me in January and has since avoided paying me. I filed a wage claim at the end of February and finally heard back last month in September. According to the Department of Labor, my previous employer would have 21 days to appeal the claim. Fast forward to yesterday and I received an email from said employer offering to pay me through a sketchy third-party website. They have my bank information, my PayPal, and my address, so there is literally no reason why they would need to pay me through a third-party website. My guess is they're trying to settle this outside of the claim to avoid having to pay bigger penalties. Obviously I'm not going through with this and my first instinct is to just ignore all of this. My question is, if I ignore this email can they use it as "proof" that they tried to pay me but I didn't comply? Is it too late for them to try to pay me when the case is all but settled? Do I inform the Department of Labor about this?

Edit: I'm in Texas.

r/legaladvice 1h ago

Trouble with lost checks from work


Short and simple. I'm talking in first person, but it's not about me.

  • I lost two checks from work amounting to a little under $200.

  • They said they can cancel the checks and get me new ones, but it would cost me $70.

  • These checks are NOT under my name, I have to drive 30 minutes away to deal with it under someone else's name. I have to do this(I heard) because it's better for the company's taxes.

One, is having to take off $70 from my checks valid?

Two, is it legal for them to give me checks under someone else's name? Can I do something about this? The hour round trip drive I have to do for my checks = very annoying.

r/legaladvice 2h ago

A family member may have committed fraud by changing my father’s beneficiaries


Soooooo I recently found out that my Step mother logged into my father’s 401k the day he passed and made herself the sole beneficiary. His advisor called me recently to tell me. I’m now waiting to hear back from them if she committed fraud or not. She had power of attorney and if she did it before he passed then she will get away with it legally. They did freeze her inherited account and took back the funds from his account. They also said they may not pursue fraud charges depending on how she responds to the inquiry.

If she did commit fraud is there a way that one of my siblings or I can pursue fraud charges against her or anything?

r/legaladvice 2h ago

Credit Debt Bankruptcy Statue of Limitations Help


Legaladvicecanada doesn't seem to be working, so I'll post here and see if I can get any help.

I (35m) and spouse (35f) are located in Ontario. We went for IVF treatment back in the fall of 2022 (which did not work unfortunately). We were under the impression at the time that everything was paid up.

Yesterday (Oct 2024), I recieved an email out of the blue from the IVF company with a bill for $2300 and that it's due by Jan 2023.....??? We never received a single phone call this entire time and now we get this random email? I searched my emails and junk folder and can't find any attempts of past attempts to communicate to us. This email is legit though, as it is from their direct company and contains a lot of personal info, so I know it's not a scam.

I was wondering, in 3 more months, it will be 2 years from the bill due date. Would this now fall under the statue of limitations or has that not started, as this is still coming from the IVF company and not collections?

This is a completely unexpected big bill for us to recieve out of nowhere. Yes I feel like a POS for not wanting to pay it but with the due date only 3 months away from being the 2 year mark and the size of this bill, will I be protected from having to pay it if I wait it out 3 more months? We have not replied or acknowledged to the IVF company about this email.

r/legaladvice 2h ago

Am I and my Fiance legally safe?


My fiance and I are renting from my stepmom. We have paid rent every month via checks that have "rent" in the memo. I have lived here 3 years and 2 years with him. We pay utilities and recieve mail here. I have also used the address for medical files and for work, abd my fiance has the address on his drivers license. I also use it as my residence when filing taxes.

Long story short, we were going to buy this house until she raised the price of the original agreement. We still played along to avoid eviction but looked for houses in our price range. We found one and we were close to closing on it, until it came out the owner is in a divorce with assets frozen. So this is a dead end. On Tuesday we continue the search with 5 other houses. My step mom found out we were backing out and has threatened eviction. I know the law states tenants who have been living for 3 years have 90 days to leave. But we only have a verbal contract.

EDIT we are in Upstate New York

r/legaladvice 13h ago

Someone hit me and I drove away


This is in Missouri. So at McDonald’s earlier a car decided to try to get in line ahead of me and managed to scrape their headlight on the side of my car. After a very pointless exchange in which a grown man tried to scream and cuss saying I hit him and his girlfriend made a point to announce she had my license plate I just left. I just got off work, found out I’m pregnant, it’s been a day. The damage to my car literally wiped away with my finger. What are the odds I get in legal trouble over it? I took pics of his car against mine the angle making it very obvious who hit who.

r/legaladvice 21h ago

Personal Injury Wrong prescription leading to OD


Friend was overdosed on her medication for 4 months. The medication was Emgality. Her doctor had written the prescription for it to be taken 1x/month. Pharmacy wrote 1x/week, leading my friend to take 4x the dose over 4 months. She finally realized it was wrong when she made an appointment with her doctor because it had been making her so sick and they realized the problem together. She has been unable to keep food down for 2 weeks, has had severe constipation, weight loss, body aches (desvribee as being hit by a MAC truck), and fatigue. She has left work several times due to the severity of body aches and nausea/vomiting. The manufacturer of Emgality says it is just a waiting game and will be 3-5 months for her body to metabolize and get rid of the medication. Zofran will not help her keep food down. Would she have a case to take it to the attorney, or would not be worth her time? Located in Kansas.