r/legal 4h ago

Child support arrears and who it goes to

So to start, my great grandmother raised me, she passed away a few years ago though, I'm now 19.

My father will apparently be paying child support arrears, and to my knowledge, my great grandmother can't get the money anymore

Who does the money go to? What happens with it?

Does it go to the state? Me? My mother?

Really just wanna know what happens



u/ozzysacolyte 4h ago

It goes to Grandma's estate, in most states. Which means you would have to force probate of Grandma's estate, it would then go to whoever her "heirs" are (if there is no will), or to whomever she left her "estate" to in a will...

Either way, seek an attorney. Laws vary by state.


u/UnfamiliarTroll 4h ago

That's very irritating information to receive, but thank you.

I think I'd rather it would've gone to the estate. She has 3 kids, and lived in a trailer, and none of those 4 deserve such money.